log4j,slf4j及Commons Logging介绍与原理使用

时间:2021-08-21 23:25:32

一、     概念

Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件、GUI组件、甚至是套接口服务 器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX Syslog守护进程等;用户也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式;通过定义每一条日志信息的级别,用户能够更加细致地控制日志的生成过程。这些可以通过一个 配置文件来灵活地进行配置,而不需要修改程序代码。是 经典的一种日志解决方案。内部把日志系统抽象封装成Logger 、appender 、pattern 等实现。我们可以通过配置文件轻松的实现日志系统的管理和多样化配置。

Logback是由log4j创始人设计的又一个开源日记组件。logback当前分成三个模块:logback-core,logback- classic和logback-access。logback-core是其它两个模块的基础模块。logback-classic是log4j的一个 改良版本。此外logback-classic完整实现SLF4J API使你可以很方便地更换成其它日记系统如log4j或JDK14 Logging。logback-access访问模块与Servlet容器集成提供通过Http来访问日记的功能。LOGBack 作为一个通用可靠、快速灵活的日志框架,将作为Log4j 的替代和SLF4J 组成新的日志系统的完整实现。官网上称具有极佳的性能,在关键路径上执行速度是log4j 的10 倍,且内存消耗更少。具体优势见:http://logback.qos.ch/reasonsToSwitch.html

Log4J vs. LOGBack 
LOGBack作为一个通用可靠、快速灵活的日志框架,将作为Log4j的替代和SLF4J组成新的日志系统的完整实现。LOGBack声称具有极佳的性能,“ 某些关键操作,比如判定是否记录一条日志语句的操作,其性能得到了显著的提高。这个操作在LogBack中需要3纳秒,而在Log4J中则需要30纳秒。 LogBack创建记录器(logger)的速度也更快:13微秒,而在Log4J中需要23微秒。更重要的是,它获取已存在的记录器只需94纳秒,而 Log4J需要2234纳秒,时间减少到了1/23。跟JUL相比的性能提高也是显著的”。 


简单日记门面(Facade)SLF4J是为各种loging APIs提供一个简单统一的接口,从而使得最终用户能够在部署的时候配置自己希望的loging APIs实现。 Logging API实现既可以选择直接实现SLF4J接的loging APIs如: NLOG4J、SimpleLogger。也可以通过SLF4J提供的API实现来开发相应的适配器如Log4jLoggerAdapter、JDK14LoggerAdapter。 

Apache Common-Logging 
目前广泛使用的Java日志门面库。通过动态查找的机制,在程序运行时自动找出真正使用的日志库。但由于它使用了ClassLoader寻找和载入底层的日志库, 导致了象OSGI这样的框架无法正常工作,由于其不同的插件使用自己的ClassLoader。 OSGI的这种机制保证了插件互相独立,然而确使Apache Common-Logging无法工作。 apache最早提供的日志的门面接口。避免和具体的日志方案直接耦合。类似于JDBC 的api 接口,具体的的JDBC driver 实现由各数据库提供商实现。通过统一接口解耦,不过其内部也实现了一些简单日志方案。

SLF4J vs. Apache Common-Logging 
SLF4J库类似于Apache Common-Logging。但是,他在编译时静态绑定真正的Log库。使用SLF4J时,如果你需要使用某一种日志实现,那么你必须选择正确的SLF4J的jar包的集合。 如此便可以在OSGI中使用了。 
另外,SLF4J 支持参数化的log字符串,避免了之前为了减少字符串拼接的性能损耗而不得不写的if(logger.isDebugEnable()),现在你可以直接写:logger.debug(“current user is: {}”, user)。拼装消息被推迟到了它能够确定是不是要显示这条消息的时候,但是获取参数的代价并没有幸免。同时,日志中的参数若超过三个,则需要将参数以数组的形式传入,如: 
Object[] params = {value1, value2, value3}; 
logger.debug(“first value: {}, second value: {} and third value: {}.”, params); 


        Slf4j全称为Simple Logging Facade for JAVA:java简单日志门面。 是对不同日志框架提供的一个门面封装。可以在部署的时候不修改任何配置即可接入一种日志实现方案。和commons-loging 应该有一样的初衷。个人感觉设从计上更好一些,没有commons 那么多潜规则。同时有两个额外特点:

1. 能支持多个参数,并通过{} 占位符进行替换,避免老写logger.isXXXEnabled 这种无奈的判断,带来性能提升见:http://www.slf4j.org/faq.html#logging_performance 。

2.OSGI 机制更好兼容支持,官网上的一个图:

log4j,slf4j及Commons Logging介绍与原理使用


二、     常见日志方案和注意事项

1.Commons-logging+log4j : 经典的一个日志实现方案。出现在各种框架里。如spring 、webx 、ibatis 等等。直接使用log4j 即可满足我们的日志方案。但是一般为了避免直接依赖具体的日志实现,一般都是结合commons-logging 来实现。常见代码如下:

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CommonsLoggingTest.class);

代码上,没有依赖任何的log4j 内部的类。那么log4j 是如何被装载的?

Log 是一个接口声明。LogFactory 的内部会去装载具体的日志系统,并获得实现该Log 接口的实现类。而内部有一个Log4JLogger 实现类对Log 接口同时内部提供了对log4j logger 的代理。LogFactory 内部装载日志系统流程:

1.   首先,寻找org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory 属性配置

2.   否则,利用JDK1.3 开始提供的service 发现机制,会扫描classpah 下的META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory 文件,若找到则装载里面的配置,使用里面的配置。

3.   否则,从Classpath 里寻找commons-logging.properties ,找到则根据里面的配置加载。

4.   否则,使用默认的配置:如果能找到Log4j 则默认使用log4j 实现,如果没有则使用JDK14Logger 实现,再没有则使用commons-logging 内部提供的SimpleLog 实现。

从上述加载流程来看,如果没有做任何配置,只要引入了log4j 并在classpath 配置了log4j.xml ,则commons-logging 就会使log4j 使用正常,而代码里不需要依赖任何log4j 的代码。


如果在原有commons-logging 系统里,如果要迁移到slf4j, 使用slf4j 替换commons-logging ,也是可以做到的。原理使用到了上述commons-logging 加载的第二点。需要引入Org.slf4j.jcl-over-slf4j-1.5.6.jar 。这个jar 包提供了一个桥接,让底层实现是基于slf4j 。原理是在该jar 包里存放了配置META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory =org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory,而commons-logging 在初始化的时候会找到这个serviceId ,并把它作为LogFactory 。

完成桥接后,那么那么简单日志门面SLF4J 内部又是如何来装载合适的log 呢?

原理是SLF4J 会在编译时会绑定import org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder; 该类里面实现对具体日志方案的绑定接入。任何一种基于slf4j 的实现都要有一个这个类。如:

org.slf4j.slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6: 提供对 log4j 的一种适配实现。

Org.slf4j.slf4j-simple-1.5.6: 是一种 simple 实现,会将 log 直接打到控制台。


那么这个地方就要注意了:如果有任意两个实现slf4j 的包同时出现,那就有可能酿就悲剧,你可能会发现日志不见了、或都打到控制台了。原因是这两个jar 包里都有各自的org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder ,编译时候绑定的是哪个是不确定的。这个地方要特别注意!!出现过几次因为这个导致日志错乱的问题。



3.使用SLf4j +log4j很简单:

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TestSlf4j {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSlf4j.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {


三、springMVC中commons logging的源码


/** Logger available to subclasses */
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

* Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application
* having to care about factories.
* @param clazz Class from which a log name will be derived
* @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable <code>Log</code>
* instance cannot be returned
public static Log getLog(Class clazz) throws LogConfigurationException {
return getFactory().getInstance(clazz);

commons logging中的LogFactory.getFactory()

* Construct (if necessary) and return a <code>LogFactory</code>
* instance, using the following ordered lookup procedure to determine
* the name of the implementation class to be loaded.
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory</code> system
* property.</li>
* <li>The JDK 1.3 Service Discovery mechanism</li>
* <li>Use the properties file <code>commons-logging.properties</code>
* file, if found in the class path of this class. The configuration
* file is in standard <code>java.util.Properties</code> format and
* contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class
* with the key being the system property defined above.</li>
* <li>Fall back to a default implementation class
* (<code>org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl</code>).</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* <em>NOTE</em> - If the properties file method of identifying the
* <code>LogFactory</code> implementation class is utilized, all of the
* properties defined in this file will be set as configuration attributes
* on the corresponding <code>LogFactory</code> instance.
* <p>
* <em>NOTE</em> - In a multi-threaded environment it is possible
* that two different instances will be returned for the same
* classloader environment.
* @throws LogConfigurationException if the implementation class is not
* available or cannot be instantiated.
public static LogFactory getFactory() throws LogConfigurationException {
// Identify the class loader we will be using
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = getContextClassLoaderInternal();

if (contextClassLoader == null) {
// This is an odd enough situation to report about. This
// output will be a nuisance on JDK1.1, as the system
// classloader is null in that environment.
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("Context classloader is null.");

// Return any previously registered factory for this class loader
LogFactory factory = getCachedFactory(contextClassLoader);
if (factory != null) {
return factory;

if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
"[LOOKUP] LogFactory implementation requested for the first time for context classloader " +
logHierarchy("[LOOKUP] ", contextClassLoader);

// Load properties file.
// If the properties file exists, then its contents are used as
// "attributes" on the LogFactory implementation class. One particular
// property may also control which LogFactory concrete subclass is
// used, but only if other discovery mechanisms fail..
// As the properties file (if it exists) will be used one way or
// another in the end we may as well look for it first.

Properties props = getConfigurationFile(contextClassLoader, FACTORY_PROPERTIES);

// Determine whether we will be using the thread context class loader to
// load logging classes or not by checking the loaded properties file (if any).
ClassLoader baseClassLoader = contextClassLoader;
if (props != null) {
String useTCCLStr = props.getProperty(TCCL_KEY);
if (useTCCLStr != null) {
// The Boolean.valueOf(useTCCLStr).booleanValue() formulation
// is required for Java 1.2 compatibility.
if (Boolean.valueOf(useTCCLStr).booleanValue() == false) {
// Don't use current context classloader when locating any
// LogFactory or Log classes, just use the class that loaded
// this abstract class. When this class is deployed in a shared
// classpath of a container, it means webapps cannot deploy their
// own logging implementations. It also means that it is up to the
// implementation whether to load library-specific config files
// from the TCCL or not.
baseClassLoader = thisClassLoader;

// Determine which concrete LogFactory subclass to use.
// First, try a global system property
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Looking for system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
"] to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");

try {
String factoryClass = getSystemProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY, null);
if (factoryClass != null) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Creating an instance of LogFactory class '" + factoryClass +
"' as specified by system property " + FACTORY_PROPERTY);
factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);
} else {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY + "] defined.");
} catch (SecurityException e) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an" +
" instance of the custom factory class" + ": [" + trim(e.getMessage()) +
"]. Trying alternative implementations...");
// ignore
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// This is not consistent with the behaviour when a bad LogFactory class is
// specified in a services file.
// One possible exception that can occur here is a ClassCastException when
// the specified class wasn't castable to this LogFactory type.
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] An exception occurred while trying to create an" +
" instance of the custom factory class" + ": [" +
trim(e.getMessage()) +
"] as specified by a system property.");
throw e;

// Second, try to find a service by using the JDK1.3 class
// discovery mechanism, which involves putting a file with the name
// of an interface class in the META-INF/services directory, where the
// contents of the file is a single line specifying a concrete class
// that implements the desired interface.

if (factory == null) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Looking for a resource file of name [" + SERVICE_ID +
"] to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
try {
final InputStream is = getResourceAsStream(contextClassLoader, SERVICE_ID);

if( is != null ) {
// This code is needed by EBCDIC and other strange systems.
// It's a fix for bugs reported in xerces
BufferedReader rd;
try {
rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

String factoryClassName = rd.readLine();

if (factoryClassName != null && ! "".equals(factoryClassName)) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Creating an instance of LogFactory class " +
factoryClassName +
" as specified by file '" + SERVICE_ID +
"' which was present in the path of the context classloader.");
factory = newFactory(factoryClassName, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader );
} else {
// is == null
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No resource file with name '" + SERVICE_ID + "' found.");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// note: if the specified LogFactory class wasn't compatible with LogFactory
// for some reason, a ClassCastException will be caught here, and attempts will
// continue to find a compatible class.
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
"[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an" +
" instance of the custom factory class" +
": [" + trim(ex.getMessage()) +
"]. Trying alternative implementations...");
// ignore

// Third try looking into the properties file read earlier (if found)

if (factory == null) {
if (props != null) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
"[LOOKUP] Looking in properties file for entry with key '" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
"' to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
String factoryClass = props.getProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY);
if (factoryClass != null) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
"[LOOKUP] Properties file specifies LogFactory subclass '" + factoryClass + "'");
factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);

// TODO: think about whether we need to handle exceptions from newFactory
} else {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file has no entry specifying LogFactory subclass.");
} else {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No properties file available to determine" + " LogFactory subclass from..");

// Fourth, try the fallback implementation class

if (factory == null) {
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
"[LOOKUP] Loading the default LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_DEFAULT +
"' via the same classloader that loaded this LogFactory" +
" class (ie not looking in the context classloader).");

// Note: unlike the above code which can try to load custom LogFactory
// implementations via the TCCL, we don't try to load the default LogFactory
// implementation via the context classloader because:
// * that can cause problems (see comments in newFactory method)
// * no-one should be customising the code of the default class
// Yes, we do give up the ability for the child to ship a newer
// version of the LogFactoryImpl class and have it used dynamically
// by an old LogFactory class in the parent, but that isn't
// necessarily a good idea anyway.
factory = newFactory(FACTORY_DEFAULT, thisClassLoader, contextClassLoader);

if (factory != null) {
* Always cache using context class loader.
cacheFactory(contextClassLoader, factory);

if (props != null) {
Enumeration names = props.propertyNames();
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) names.nextElement();
String value = props.getProperty(name);
factory.setAttribute(name, value);

return factory;



