//对象的浅拷贝 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point() { X=Y=0; cout<<"Default Constructor called.\n";} Point(int xx,int yy) { X=xx; Y=yy; cout<< "Constructor called.\n"; } ~Point() { cout<<"Destructor called.\n"; } int GetX() {return X;} int GetY() {return Y;} void Move(int x,int y){ X=x; Y=y; } private: int X,Y; }; class ArrayOfPoints //这个类叫“控制类” { public: ArrayOfPoints(int n) // 按照指示创建指定个数的对象 { numberOfPoints = n; points = new Point[n]; } ~ArrayOfPoints() { cout<<"Deleting..."<<endl; numberOfPoints=0; delete[] points; } Point& Element(int n) { return points[n]; } private: Point *points; //类内只保存对象数组的首址 int numberOfPoints; //对象的个数 }; void main() { int number; cout << "Please enter the number of points:"; cin>>number; ArrayOfPoints pointsArray1(number); pointsArray1.Element(0).Move(5,10); pointsArray1.Element(1).Move(15,20); //对象的浅拷贝 ArrayOfPoints pointsArray2(pointsArray1); //输出对象的值 cout<<"Copy of pointsArray1:"<<endl; cout<<"Point_0 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetY()<<endl; cout<<"Point_1 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetY()<<endl; //对象1的值改变同时也会改变对象2的值 pointsArray1.Element(0).Move(25,30); pointsArray1.Element(1).Move(35,40); //输出对象的值 cout<<"After the moving of pointsArray1:"<<endl; cout<<"Point_0 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetY()<<endl; cout<<"Point_1 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetY()<<endl; }运行结果:
Please enter the number of points:2
Default Constructor called.
Default Constructor called.
Copy of pointsArray1:
Point_0 of array2: 5, 10
Point_1 of array2: 15, 20
After the moving of pointsArray1:
Point_0 of array2: 25, 30
Point_1 of array2: 35, 40
Destructor called.
Destructor called.
//对象的深拷贝 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point() { X=Y=0; cout<<"Default Constructor called.\n";} Point(int xx,int yy) { X=xx; Y=yy; cout<< "Constructor called.\n"; } ~Point() { cout<<"Destructor called.\n"; } int GetX() {return X;} int GetY() {return Y;} void Move(int x,int y){ X=x; Y=y; } private: int X,Y; }; class ArrayOfPoints //这个类叫“控制类” { public: ArrayOfPoints(int n) // 按照指示创建指定个数的对象 { numberOfPoints = n; points = new Point[n]; } //不能用默认的拷贝构造函数,必须重写了 ArrayOfPoints(ArrayOfPoints& pointsArray); ~ArrayOfPoints() { cout<<"Deleting..."<<endl; numberOfPoints=0; delete[] points; } Point& Element(int n) { return points[n]; } private: Point *points; //类内只保存对象数组的首址 int numberOfPoints; //对象的个数 }; //拷贝构造函数 ArrayOfPoints::ArrayOfPoints(ArrayOfPoints& pointsArray) { numberOfPoints = pointsArray.numberOfPoints; //申请新的空间 points=new Point[numberOfPoints]; for (int i=0; i<numberOfPoints; i++) //把值拷贝过来 points[i].Move(pointsArray.Element(i).GetX(), pointsArray.Element(i).GetY()); } void main() { int number; cout << "Please enter the number of points:"; cin>>number; ArrayOfPoints pointsArray1(number); pointsArray1.Element(0).Move(5,10); pointsArray1.Element(1).Move(15,20); cout << "test\n"; //对象的深拷贝 ArrayOfPoints pointsArray2(pointsArray1); cout<<"Copy of pointsArray1:"<<endl; cout<<"Point_0 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetY()<<endl; cout<<"Point_1 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetY()<<endl; //深拷贝对象2的值不会因对象1的值改变而改变 pointsArray1.Element(0).Move(25,30); pointsArray1.Element(1).Move(35,40); cout<<"After the moving of pointsArray1:"<<endl; cout<<"Point_0 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(0).GetY()<<endl; cout<<"Point_1 of array2: " <<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetX() <<", "<<pointsArray2.Element(1).GetY()<<endl; }运行结果:
Please enter the number of points:2
Default Constructor called.
Default Constructor called.
Default Constructor called.
Default Constructor called.
Copy of pointsArray1:
Point_0 of array2: 5, 10
Point_1 of array2: 15, 20
After the moving of pointsArray1:
Point_0 of array2: 5, 10
Point_1 of array2: 15, 20
Destructor called.
Destructor called.
Destructor called.
Destructor called.
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