
时间:2021-02-12 19:41:31

Using django-ldapdb, I'm trying to manage user ssh keys stored in our ldap directory. The main problem I have is that when a ListField is displayed on a ModelForm, it renders an input with a repr'd list as a unicode string when the actual datatype returned by ListField.to_python() is a list.


What is the best way to write a custom widget that would turn that list into a set of input boxes or any custom html? The end goal is something which looks very similar to this so that a user could easily add new ssh keys or remove existing ones. The existing stuff like in that screenshot of mango will only display the ssh key fingerprint and "comment" or email instead of the raw key.


Bonus points to anyone who can figure out a way to hook up some jQuery and make it similar to the django admin inline pretty (google django jquery admin and click the djangoadvent article. I don't have enough SO points to link it).

额外的好处是,任何人都可以找到一种方法来连接一些jQuery并使其类似于django管理内联美观(谷歌django jQuery admin并单击djangoadvent文章)。我没有足够的点数来链接它。

How would you implement something like this?


1 个解决方案



Here's a similar question with a recipe for ListField widget that could get you started:
Django-nonrel form field for ListField




Here's a similar question with a recipe for ListField widget that could get you started:
Django-nonrel form field for ListField
