【HTML】Advanced1:Text: Time, Mark, and "Presentational"

时间:2021-12-02 22:33:49

1.Exploring the depths of HTML5


<p>Written by Doctor Who on <time datetime="2052-11-21 09:30">Thursday 21st November 2052 9:30</time>.</p>

the value of  should be a machine-readable date and/or time


highlighted,a form of emphasis,it won’t always be considered emphasis in the original meaning

4.Redefinding the "Presentional "tags


  • hr, no longer “horizontal rule”, is a thematic break, between paragraphs, for example, like those found in many a chapter of many a book.
  • small, used for small print. Arguably a fair point, “small print” has taken on a meaning beyond “print that is small”.
  • s, no longer “strikethrough”, is for text that is no longer correct (eg, this is <s>presentational, not</s> meaningful). Hmm. OK. Maybe. del still seems fine to most normals, though.
  • u, no longer “underline”, is for text that is unarticulated. It’s also “useless” but bonus point for the abbreviation remaining intact.
  • i, no longer “italic”, is for text in an alternate voice or representing a different quality of text. So, like, differently emphasized, then (see note below).
  • b, no longer “bold”, stands for “text to which attention is being drawn without conveying importance or suggesting an alternative voice” (and even that’s paraphrasing). b also stands for “bollocks.”
  • sub and sup are still subscript and superscript and yet, at the same time, they’re somehow not presentational anymore.