
时间:2023-01-07 19:25:51

I think my title is not correct for this issue but since english is not my mother tongue i couldn't figure out a better way to title my problem.


So what i have is different Players with a few properties:


Player_one.name = "A";
Player_two.name = "B";
Player_three.name = "C";
Player_four.name = "D";

Players also have property:


Player_one.canPlay = ["B","D"];
Player_two.canPlay = ["A","D"];
Player_three.canPlay = ["A","C"];
Player_four.canPlay = ["B","D"]
//note that this is example and may not be accurate right now

Property canPlay shows with who player can play with.


Now players also have property called "placeInTable" which shows their current spot, for example position one, two or three etc.


What i would like to achieve is to check whether it is possible to make combinations from every canPlay array so that every player is able to play with another in the current round. In case there are several possible options, for example, if player one can play with player two and three and games still could be played with everyone then the player with higher "placeInTable" will be selected for an opponent.


To sum my idea up is that i'm trying to create a swiss system table which manages the next games properly. Algorithm should check every canPlay for each player and create combinations which would result in a way that every player is able to play with another and if several options for games are available it will choose the best opponent first according to "placeInTable".


What i've done so far is that i have an algorithm which will start checking the table from the beginning, if player can't play with another the lower one will be selected. Although my current algorithm is faulty since if the length-1 and length-2 players have played with each other the algorithm does not know what to do. So for that i'll add two upper players from which the algorithm crashes, currently length-1 and length-2 so the players length-3 and length-4 will be added and canPlay check will be ran.


I hope my description for this problem was not too misleading and could be understood and really big kudos to someone who is able to help.


If any questions i'd be happy to describe more about this issue.


Edit no. 1:


I forgot to add that in Swiss System two players can't play with each other once they've already played with each other. That's why i have canPlay and in first round the canPlay array length may be longer and in fifth or sixth it may be really small.


About answer which suggested that if A can play with B and B can play with C then A can play with C then no, it's not correct idea. Better understanding could be made with an example.


Let's say there are possible combinations like:


A vs B
C vs D
A vs D
B vs C

Now in such manner every player can play with every other player but there's two options. Now if the table goes that player A has spot 1, player B spot 2, player C spot 3 and player D spot 4 then it should choose the first option because players in higher place in table should be placed together.


There could be of course a third option, player A vs player C && player B vs player D but i left it out right now. IF there would be third option then still the first one would be selected since it places the higher spots together.

当然可以有第三个选项,玩家A对玩家C &&玩家B对玩家D但是我现在就把它留下了。如果有第三个选项,那么仍然会选择第一个选项,因为它将较高的位置放在一起。

Edit no. 2:


function reastaArray(){
var newArr = jQuery.extend(true,[],playerLst); //copy of original players
var original = jQuery.extend(true,[],playerLst);
var inPlay = []; //siia hakkame lisama
var firstRound = true;
var visitedCount = 1;
var i = 0;
var count = 0;
while (newArr.length != 0){
    //this goes on until there are players left in playerList
    count = i;
    hereiam = false;
    if (inPlay.length % 2 == 0){ //if the players in play are even amount then the first one gets pushed without a check
    else{ //now we need to search for opponent
        var lastEl = inPlay[inPlay.length-1];
        var element = newArr[i];
        var played = hasPlayed(element,lastEl); //true/false, can we play with last element in inPlay, if it's true then while cycle begins
        while (played == true){
            count += 1;
            if (count == newArr.length){ //if we've reached at the end of the newArr and still haven't found an opponent
                //take in last played games into new array
                for (var y = 0; y<visitedCount;y++){
                //populize canPlay-s.

                //IDEA FROM STACK

                var combinations = findCombinations(newArr);
                console.log("possible combinations");
                combinations.forEach(function(comb) {
                visitedCount += 1;

                element = newArr[count];
                played = hasPlayed(element,lastEl);
        if (hereiam == false){

return inPlay;

function canWePlayNow(newArr){
for (var i = 0; i<newArr.length;i++){
    var player = newArr[i];
    player.canPlay = [];
    var hasPlayed = player.playedNames;
    for (var j = i+1; j<newArr.length;j++){
        playerFromPlayed = newArr[j];
        var inArr = isInArray(hasPlayed,playerFromPlayed.name);
        if (inArr == false){

The combination array could work better, right now as i tested it does:



As seen from image, first round is calculated great, now second round values are entered and third round calculation messes up: It could put together 5vs6 ; 1vs4 and 2vs3, but this algorithm you provided is pretty close already, could you give a further look to check out what's wrong?

从图像看,第一轮计算得很好,现在输入第二轮值,第三轮计算混乱:它可以组合5vs6; 1vs4和2vs3,但你提供的这个算法已经非常接近了,你能进一步研究一下是什么问题吗?

Edit no 3:


With further inspection it seems like it's still doing something wrong. As seen from image below the correct result should be 1 & 2 and 5 vs 3 although next games shown are 1vs5 & 3vs2, which shouldn't be result.

经过进一步的检查,它似乎还在做错事。从下面的图像可以看出,正确的结果应该是1&2和5 vs 3,尽管下面显示的游戏是1vs5和3vs2,这不应该是结果。

The input for the array were Players who've had already one round of free or as in table "V". The algorithm you posted is unchanged.


As seen from console, the other option which i pointed out above is in combinations but it's not selected. Any ideas?



Edit no 4:


Added new image!


function findBest(combinations, players) {
  if(combinations.length === 0) throw new Error();
  var koht = {};
  function score(comb) {
    return comb.reduce(function(score, pair) {
      //console.log("New calc:");
      return score + koht[pair[0]] * koht[pair[1]];
    }, 0);
  players.forEach(function(p) {
    koht[p.name] = p.koht;
  var best = combinations[0];
  combinations.slice(1).forEach(function(comb) {
    console.log(score(comb) + " = combs & best = "+score(best));
    console.log("Checked combs: ");
    if(score(comb) > score(best)) {
        best = comb;
  console.log("Returned array: (best)");
  return best;


Added Log to KOHT



1 个解决方案


Here is some code that displays all possible combinations in which each player gets to play. It then tries to find the best one by preferring pairings of players in high spots.


function findCombinations(players) {
  var combinations = [];

  function removePlayer(a, name) {
    for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      if(a[i].name === name) return a.slice(0, i).concat(a.slice(i+1));
    return a;

  function find(players, comb) {
    if(players.length === 0) {
    var player = players[0];
    player.canPlay.forEach(function(other) {
      var newPlayers = removePlayer(players, other);
      if(newPlayers !== players && other !== player.name) {
        find(newPlayers.slice(1), comb.concat([[player.name, other]]));

  find(players, []);
  return combinations;

function findBest(combinations, players) {
  if(combinations.length === 0) throw new Error();
  var placeInTable = {};
  function score(comb) {
    return comb.reduce(function(score, pair) {
      return score + placeInTable[pair[0]] * placeInTable[pair[1]];
    }, 0);
  players.forEach(function(p) {
    placeInTable[p.name] = p.placeInTable;
  var best = combinations[0];
  combinations.slice(1).forEach(function(comb) {
    if(score(comb) > score(best)) best = comb;
  return best;

var p1 = {name: "A", canPlay: ["B", "D", "C"], placeInTable: 1},
    p2 = {name: "B", canPlay: ["A", "D"], placeInTable: 2},
    p3 = {name: "C", canPlay: ["A", "C", "D"], placeInTable: 3},
    p4 = {name: "D", canPlay: ["B", "D", "C"], placeInTable: 4};

var players = [p1, p2, p3, p4],
    combinations = findCombinations(players);

console.log("possible combinations");
combinations.forEach(function(comb) {

console.log(findBest(combinations, players));


Here is some code that displays all possible combinations in which each player gets to play. It then tries to find the best one by preferring pairings of players in high spots.


function findCombinations(players) {
  var combinations = [];

  function removePlayer(a, name) {
    for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      if(a[i].name === name) return a.slice(0, i).concat(a.slice(i+1));
    return a;

  function find(players, comb) {
    if(players.length === 0) {
    var player = players[0];
    player.canPlay.forEach(function(other) {
      var newPlayers = removePlayer(players, other);
      if(newPlayers !== players && other !== player.name) {
        find(newPlayers.slice(1), comb.concat([[player.name, other]]));

  find(players, []);
  return combinations;

function findBest(combinations, players) {
  if(combinations.length === 0) throw new Error();
  var placeInTable = {};
  function score(comb) {
    return comb.reduce(function(score, pair) {
      return score + placeInTable[pair[0]] * placeInTable[pair[1]];
    }, 0);
  players.forEach(function(p) {
    placeInTable[p.name] = p.placeInTable;
  var best = combinations[0];
  combinations.slice(1).forEach(function(comb) {
    if(score(comb) > score(best)) best = comb;
  return best;

var p1 = {name: "A", canPlay: ["B", "D", "C"], placeInTable: 1},
    p2 = {name: "B", canPlay: ["A", "D"], placeInTable: 2},
    p3 = {name: "C", canPlay: ["A", "C", "D"], placeInTable: 3},
    p4 = {name: "D", canPlay: ["B", "D", "C"], placeInTable: 4};

var players = [p1, p2, p3, p4],
    combinations = findCombinations(players);

console.log("possible combinations");
combinations.forEach(function(comb) {

console.log(findBest(combinations, players));