
时间:2021-07-15 19:22:16


Using Django 1.5, I am using forms.ModelForms to let the user edit database contents. However I can't get the form to update the database upon form.save().

使用Django 1.5,我使用表单。ModelForms允许用户编辑数据库内容。但是,我不能让表单在form.save()上更新数据库。

Each of my models correspond to a setting form (the application is a the direct porting of a desktop software in which the user can store several settings). I needed to implement a Reset to default feature, so I thought of having a default object (imported with Django fixtures) which I would use only to reset a second one. The user would only interact with the second model.

我的每个模型都对应于一个设置表单(应用程序是一个桌面软件的直接移植,用户可以在其中存储多个设置)。我需要实现对默认特性的重置,所以我想要一个默认对象(用Django fixture导入),我只使用它来重置第二个对象。用户只与第二个模型交互。

  • pk=1 refers to the base object
  • pk=1表示基对象
  • pk=2 refers to the custom object
  • pk=2表示自定义对象

I have several forms on the same page (only foobar here), so basically this what I planned to do:


  • No POST data
    1. Building form from either pk=1 or pk=2, depending pk=2 has been found or not
    2. 从pk=1或pk=2构建形式,取决于pk=2是否被发现。
    3. Rendering the forms to the template
    4. 将表单呈现给模板
  • 从pk=1或pk=2中,没有任何POST数据构建形式,这取决于pk=2是否被发现或没有将表单呈现给模板。
  • AJAX request, with POST datas
    1. Getting form content
    2. 获得表单内容
    3. Checking whether or not the user has permission to edit the model (checksum)
    4. 检查用户是否具有编辑模型的权限(校验和)
    5. Update the model form POST datas
    6. 更新模型表单后的数据
    7. Returning AJAX response
    8. 返回AJAX响应
  • AJAX请求,POST数据获取表单内容,检查用户是否有权限编辑模型(checksum),更新模型表单POST数据,返回AJAX响应


I have put two debug prints to illustrate the issue I am facing. The form I fetch doesn't seem to be bound to my model.


# Response codes to use in the template
    200: {'code':'0xB16B00B5', 'message':'Success'},
    400: {'code':'0x8BADF00D', 'message':'Form is not valid'},
    403: {'code':'0xBAADF00D', 'message':'No permission to edit the database'},
    501: {'code':'0xDEADC0DE', 'message':'POST datas not found'},

# Those are the setting labels
    'foobar': {'model':FooBar, 'form':FooBarForm },
def index(request):
    # Handling form datas
    if request.method == 'POST':
        response = HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'code':RESPONSES[501]['code']}), 'application/json')
        for label in TYPES:

            # Filtering the right form to handle
            if label in request.POST:
                model = _fetch_setting(label, mode='model')
                form = _fetch_setting(label, mode='form', post=request.POST)
                checksum = model.checksum  # Somehow, 'form.is_valid()' is altering 'model', need to backup the checksum
                if form.is_valid():

                    # The user has permission to edit the model
                    if form.cleaned_data['checksum'] == checksum:
                        if form.has_changed():
                            print form.cleaned_data['foo']  # Outputs the form data, as expected
                            print model.foo  # Outputs the old data
                            model.checksum = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '')
                        response = HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'code':RESPONSES[200]['code']}), 'application/json')

                    # This one does not
                        response = HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'code':RESPONSES[403]['code']}), 'application/json')

                    break  # We are still inside the label loop

                # The form is not valid
                    response = HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'code':RESPONSES[400]['code']}), 'application/json')

    # Form not submitted yet, building the HTML forms
        forms = {}
        label = 'foobar'
        for label in TYPES:
            forms[label] = _fetch_setting(label, mode='form')
        context = {'errors':RESPONSES, 'forms':forms}
        response = render(request, 'home/index.html', context)

    return response
# Return a setting object (model or form) corresponding to the given label
def _fetch_setting(label, mode='model', post=None):
        result = None
        default = TYPES[label]['model'].objects.get(pk=1)
            model = TYPES[label]['model'].objects.get(pk=2)
        except TYPES[label]['model'].DoesNotExist:
            model = TYPES[label]['model'].objects.create(
                checksum = default.checksum,
                foo      = default.foo,
                bar      = default.bar,
        if mode == 'model':
            result = model
        if mode == 'form':
            print model
            result = TYPES[label]['form'](data=post, instance=model)  # The 'instance' attribute doesn't seem to be applied
    except KeyError:
        result = None
        return result



It does work when I pass the instance to bound with to _fetch_setting. So I guess this issue is coming from the form validation.


def _fetch_setting(label, mode='model', post=None, instance=None):
    # ...
        if mode == 'form':
            if instance:
                model = instance
            result = TYPES[label]['form'](data=post, instance=model)
    # ...

As I commented in my code, form.is_valid() seems to alter the object.


Will flag as answered if no one come with a clean solution.


2 个解决方案



The issue is, you are creating a new model object with each form.save()


You need to update the same model object with commit=False


if form.cleaned_data['checksum'] == checksum:
    if form.has_changed():
        print form.cleaned_data['foo']  # Outputs the form data, as expected
        model = form.save(commit=False)
        model.checksum = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '')



From the fabulous manual:


The first time you call is_valid() or access the errors attribute of a ModelForm triggers form validation as well as model validation. This has the side-effect of cleaning the model you pass to the ModelForm constructor. For instance, calling is_valid() on your form will convert any date fields on your model to actual date objects. If form validation fails, only some of the updates may be applied. For this reason, you’ll probably want to avoid reusing the model instance passed to the form, especially if validation fails.




The issue is, you are creating a new model object with each form.save()


You need to update the same model object with commit=False


if form.cleaned_data['checksum'] == checksum:
    if form.has_changed():
        print form.cleaned_data['foo']  # Outputs the form data, as expected
        model = form.save(commit=False)
        model.checksum = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '')



From the fabulous manual:


The first time you call is_valid() or access the errors attribute of a ModelForm triggers form validation as well as model validation. This has the side-effect of cleaning the model you pass to the ModelForm constructor. For instance, calling is_valid() on your form will convert any date fields on your model to actual date objects. If form validation fails, only some of the updates may be applied. For this reason, you’ll probably want to avoid reusing the model instance passed to the form, especially if validation fails.
