
时间:2021-10-05 19:21:42

Me and a database architect were having argument over if a table with a compound primary key with subtypes made sense relationally and if it was a good practice.


Say we have two tables Employee and Project. We create a composite table Employee_Project with a composite primary key back to Employee and Project.


Is there a valid way for Employee_Project to have subtypes? Or can you think of any scenario where a composite key table can have subtypes?


To me a composite key relationship is a 'Is A' relationship (Employee_Project is a Employee and a Project). Subtypes are also a 'Is A' relationship. So if you have a composite key with a subtype its two 'Is A' relationships in one sentence which makes me believe this is a bad practice.

对我来说,复合键关系是'Is A'关系(Employee_Project是一个Employee和一个Project)。子类型也是'是A'的关系。因此,如果你有一个带有子类型的复合键,它在一个句子中有两个'是A'关系,这让我相信这是一个不好的做法。

3 个解决方案



Employee projects have subtypes if the candidate subtypes are


  • not utterly different, but
  • 没有完全不同,但是

  • not exactly alike
  • 不完全相同

That means that


  • Every employee project has some attributes (columns) in common. So they're not utterly different.
  • 每个员工项目都有一些共同的属性(列)。所以他们并没有完全不同。

  • Some employee projects have different attributes than others. So they're not exactly alike.
  • 某些员工项目的属性与其他项目不同。所以他们并不完全相同。

The determination has to do with common and distinct attributes. It doesn't have anything to do with the number of columns in a candidate key. Do you have employee projects that are not utterly different, but not exactly alike?


The most common business supertype/subtype example concerns organizations and individuals. They're not utterly different.


  • Both have addresses.
  • 两者都有地址。

  • Both have phone numbers.
  • 两者都有电话号码。

  • Both can be plaintiffs and defendants in court.
  • 两者都可以是法庭上的原告和被告。

But they're not exactly alike.


  • Individuals can go to college.
  • 个人可以上大学。

  • Organizations can have a CEO.
  • 组织可以拥有一名CEO。

  • Individuals can get married.
  • 个人可以结婚。

  • Individuals can have children.
  • 个人可以生孩子。

  • Organizations (in the USA) can be liquidated.
  • 组织(在美国)可以清算。

So you can express individuals and organizations as subtypes of a supertype called, say, "Parties". The attributes all the subtypes have in common relate to the supertype.


  • Parties have addresses.
  • 缔约方有地址。

  • Parties have phone numbers.
  • 派对有电话号码。

  • Parties can be plaintiffs and defendants in court.
  • 当事人可以在法庭上成为原告和被告。

Again, this has to do with attributes that are held in common, and attributes that are distinct. It has nothing to do with the number of columns in a candidate key.


To me a composite key relationship is a 'Is A' relationship (Employee_Project is a Employee and a Project).

对我来说,复合键关系是'Is A'关系(Employee_Project是一个Employee和一个Project)。

Database designers don't think that way. We think in terms of a table's predicate.




Employee-project is a bit hard, but one can imagine something like this -- although I'm not much of a chemist.

员工项目有点困难,但人们可以想象这样的事情 - 虽然我不是化学家。


Or something like this, which would require different legal forms (fields) for single person ownership vs joint (time-share).



Or like this, providing that different forms are needed for full time and temp. 具有子类型的复合主键表




If an employee can have many projects and a project can have many employees it is a many-to-many join that RDBM's can only represent easily in one way (the way you have outlined above.) You can see in the ER diagram below (employee / departments is one of the classic many-to-many examples) that it does not have a separate ER component. The separate table is a leaky abstraction of RDBMS's (which is probably why you are having a hard time modeling it).



Bridge Entities

When an instance of an entity may be related to multiple instances of another entity and vice versa, that is called a “many-to-many relationship.” In the example below, a supplier may provide many different products, and each type of product may be offered by many suppliers:


While this relationship model is perfectly valid, it cannot be translated directly into a relational database design. In a relational database, relationships are expressed by keys in a table column that point to the correct instance in the related table. A many-to-many relationship does not allow this relationship expression, because each record in each table might have to point to multiple records in the other table.



Here they do not event bother with a separate box although they add in later (at this step it is a 'pure' ER diagram). It can also be explicitly represented with a box and a diamond superimposed on each other.




Employee projects have subtypes if the candidate subtypes are


  • not utterly different, but
  • 没有完全不同,但是

  • not exactly alike
  • 不完全相同

That means that


  • Every employee project has some attributes (columns) in common. So they're not utterly different.
  • 每个员工项目都有一些共同的属性(列)。所以他们并没有完全不同。

  • Some employee projects have different attributes than others. So they're not exactly alike.
  • 某些员工项目的属性与其他项目不同。所以他们并不完全相同。

The determination has to do with common and distinct attributes. It doesn't have anything to do with the number of columns in a candidate key. Do you have employee projects that are not utterly different, but not exactly alike?


The most common business supertype/subtype example concerns organizations and individuals. They're not utterly different.


  • Both have addresses.
  • 两者都有地址。

  • Both have phone numbers.
  • 两者都有电话号码。

  • Both can be plaintiffs and defendants in court.
  • 两者都可以是法庭上的原告和被告。

But they're not exactly alike.


  • Individuals can go to college.
  • 个人可以上大学。

  • Organizations can have a CEO.
  • 组织可以拥有一名CEO。

  • Individuals can get married.
  • 个人可以结婚。

  • Individuals can have children.
  • 个人可以生孩子。

  • Organizations (in the USA) can be liquidated.
  • 组织(在美国)可以清算。

So you can express individuals and organizations as subtypes of a supertype called, say, "Parties". The attributes all the subtypes have in common relate to the supertype.


  • Parties have addresses.
  • 缔约方有地址。

  • Parties have phone numbers.
  • 派对有电话号码。

  • Parties can be plaintiffs and defendants in court.
  • 当事人可以在法庭上成为原告和被告。

Again, this has to do with attributes that are held in common, and attributes that are distinct. It has nothing to do with the number of columns in a candidate key.


To me a composite key relationship is a 'Is A' relationship (Employee_Project is a Employee and a Project).

对我来说,复合键关系是'Is A'关系(Employee_Project是一个Employee和一个Project)。

Database designers don't think that way. We think in terms of a table's predicate.




Employee-project is a bit hard, but one can imagine something like this -- although I'm not much of a chemist.

员工项目有点困难,但人们可以想象这样的事情 - 虽然我不是化学家。


Or something like this, which would require different legal forms (fields) for single person ownership vs joint (time-share).



Or like this, providing that different forms are needed for full time and temp. 具有子类型的复合主键表




If an employee can have many projects and a project can have many employees it is a many-to-many join that RDBM's can only represent easily in one way (the way you have outlined above.) You can see in the ER diagram below (employee / departments is one of the classic many-to-many examples) that it does not have a separate ER component. The separate table is a leaky abstraction of RDBMS's (which is probably why you are having a hard time modeling it).



Bridge Entities

When an instance of an entity may be related to multiple instances of another entity and vice versa, that is called a “many-to-many relationship.” In the example below, a supplier may provide many different products, and each type of product may be offered by many suppliers:


While this relationship model is perfectly valid, it cannot be translated directly into a relational database design. In a relational database, relationships are expressed by keys in a table column that point to the correct instance in the related table. A many-to-many relationship does not allow this relationship expression, because each record in each table might have to point to multiple records in the other table.



Here they do not event bother with a separate box although they add in later (at this step it is a 'pure' ER diagram). It can also be explicitly represented with a box and a diamond superimposed on each other.
