
时间:2020-12-02 19:21:10

I have an ObservableCollection of items that I want to present in two controls simultaneously: One for editing properties for the current selection and adding and deleting items, and one for displaying the entire collection with the current selection highlighted.


To this end I create a CollectionViewSource that binds to my items, and bind to that in my controls:


    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="MyCollectionViewSource" Source="{Binding MyItems}">
            <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="MyProperty" />

    <my:PropertiesControl TheItems="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyCollectionViewSource}}" >
    <my:DisplayControl TheItems="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyCollectionViewSource}}" >

The problem is that in DisplayControl I want to arrange the items in a special way that can not be specified through XAML: The placement of an item depends not only on its own properties but also on that of the other items in the collection. Thus I need to execute some repositioning code whenever items are added to or deleted from the collection, or when the properties of one of the items in the collection changes.


I was wondering, what is the recommended way of going about this? Inspired by ItemsControl.ItemsSource I was thinking about making the TheItems properties be of type IEnumerable, but I have trouble figuring out how to proceed.


Any input will be appreciated!


2 个解决方案



in the codebehind for your display control, wich i assume is a custom control of your own creation, you can get "TheItems" and reorder them to your hearts content... since you are using an ObservableCollection, you can "attach" to the CollectionChanged event and check for the condition (see the event args being passed in) that new items are added/removed and reorder at that time.




Dont you already have sorting implemented using MyProperty? Why cant you use Myproperty that can hold some calculated order that uniquely sorts the items when they are added / deleted / edited.


I mean from the Model perspective you always know when an item is added and deleted (using ObservableCollection.CollectionChanged handler) or edited (using INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged handler of each item in your list). So when u handle these events, you will have to update your MyProperty that will hold value for each item so that the reordering would take place as per your expected logic.




in the codebehind for your display control, wich i assume is a custom control of your own creation, you can get "TheItems" and reorder them to your hearts content... since you are using an ObservableCollection, you can "attach" to the CollectionChanged event and check for the condition (see the event args being passed in) that new items are added/removed and reorder at that time.




Dont you already have sorting implemented using MyProperty? Why cant you use Myproperty that can hold some calculated order that uniquely sorts the items when they are added / deleted / edited.


I mean from the Model perspective you always know when an item is added and deleted (using ObservableCollection.CollectionChanged handler) or edited (using INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged handler of each item in your list). So when u handle these events, you will have to update your MyProperty that will hold value for each item so that the reordering would take place as per your expected logic.
