
时间:2021-05-05 19:18:45

Im coding a web application that should be pinnable to start menu and should updating a text information by the setup. Just like there: MSDN IE11 Reference

我编写的Web应用程序应该是可以启动菜单的,并且应该通过设置更新文本信息。就像那里:MSDN IE11参考

In Windows 8.1 desktop and phone it is working well, but on Windows 10 desktop and phone it just do not try (according to server log file) to load XML file mentoined in msapplication-notifications meta tag.

在Windows 8.1桌面和手机中,它运行良好,但在Windows 10桌面和手机上,它只是不尝试(根据服务器日志文件)加载在msapplication-notifications元标记中连接的XML文件。

Problem is there is no such documentation for Edge browser, or Im unable to find out...


Is there anybody with such experience?


BR, Jan

1 个解决方案



It seems this was either:


  • fixed in Windows 10 version 1607 (but broken in 1511), having tested this on another device
  • 已在Windows 10版本1607中修复(但在1511中已修复),已在另一台设备上进行了测试

  • only a problem on some broken windows installations in the first place
  • 首先只是在一些破碎的Windows安装上出现问题

Either way, it seems this now works correctly.


Windows 10 brings in some new tile definitions (adaptive tiles) for these notification files, but remains able to render the old definitions

Windows 10为这些通知文件引入了一些新的磁贴定义(自适应磁贴),但仍然能够呈现旧的定义



It seems this was either:


  • fixed in Windows 10 version 1607 (but broken in 1511), having tested this on another device
  • 已在Windows 10版本1607中修复(但在1511中已修复),已在另一台设备上进行了测试

  • only a problem on some broken windows installations in the first place
  • 首先只是在一些破碎的Windows安装上出现问题

Either way, it seems this now works correctly.


Windows 10 brings in some new tile definitions (adaptive tiles) for these notification files, but remains able to render the old definitions

Windows 10为这些通知文件引入了一些新的磁贴定义(自适应磁贴),但仍然能够呈现旧的定义