[[Django Celery]] Celery阻止了IO任务

时间:2021-01-22 19:19:05

I use celery to do some IO tasks, such as grab remote image, sending email to users. But celery sometimes blocked with no logs. At this time, it won't do any task i send. I have to restart it, it begin to work where it blocked.


It puzzles me for a very long time. What can i do ? And what is the best practice for distributing IO tasks with celery?

这困扰了我很长一段时间。我能做什么 ?用芹菜分配IO任务的最佳做法是什么?

2 个解决方案



By default, celery worker fork several processes waiting for tasks request from client. For the tasks of IO pending and your system need a larger number of concurrency that handle request concurrently. Here is the command:

默认情况下,celery worker会从客户端分叉几个进程等待任务请求。对于IO挂起的任务,您的系统需要大量并发处理请求并发。这是命令:

    celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P threads --concurrency=10

If simutanelous income requests is a lot, your concurrency level have to set higher than the size of incoming reqeust burst. The system's performance may be limited by the hardware memeory size or OS's select API. You can use celery's thread/ gevent model when concurrency is large:

如果同时收入请求很多,则您的并发级别必须设置为高于传入请求突发的大小。系统的性能可能受硬件内存大小或操作系统选择API的限制。当并发性很大时,你可以使用celery的thread / gevent模型:

    celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P threads --concurrency=1000


    celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P gevent --concurrency=1000



you can increase the celery concurrency


manage.py celeryd   --concurrency=3  

where concurrency == number of processors

其中concurrency ==处理器数量

run shell command


   grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo

to get number of processors on your machine




By default, celery worker fork several processes waiting for tasks request from client. For the tasks of IO pending and your system need a larger number of concurrency that handle request concurrently. Here is the command:

默认情况下,celery worker会从客户端分叉几个进程等待任务请求。对于IO挂起的任务,您的系统需要大量并发处理请求并发。这是命令:

    celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P threads --concurrency=10

If simutanelous income requests is a lot, your concurrency level have to set higher than the size of incoming reqeust burst. The system's performance may be limited by the hardware memeory size or OS's select API. You can use celery's thread/ gevent model when concurrency is large:

如果同时收入请求很多,则您的并发级别必须设置为高于传入请求突发的大小。系统的性能可能受硬件内存大小或操作系统选择API的限制。当并发性很大时,你可以使用celery的thread / gevent模型:

    celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P threads --concurrency=1000


    celery -A tasks worker --without-heartbeat -P gevent --concurrency=1000



you can increase the celery concurrency


manage.py celeryd   --concurrency=3  

where concurrency == number of processors

其中concurrency ==处理器数量

run shell command


   grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo

to get number of processors on your machine
