当是用TortoiseGit 从多个源 Pull过数据后, 不能再使用默认的 Remote origin选项进行Pull操作.
每个工程 Commit\Push前需要Pull操作时, 采用独立的URL 即 下面的选项 Arbitrary URL , 填写独立的URL.

在Pull时, 每个不同的项目地址,进行单独地址Pull操作和Commit操作. 即选择 Arbitrary URL选项,填入远程项目地址, 使用过的URL会有记录,选择即可.

git.exe pull -v --progress "origin"
/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: line 83: /bin/sed: Bad file number
From gitlab.bigdata.leshiren.com:datawarehouse/daily_computing
= [up to date] develop -> origin/develop
= [up to date] master -> origin/master
= [up to date] mobileDaliyData -> origin/mobileDaliyData
= [up to date] new_songtao_job -> origin/new_songtao_job
D:\Program Files (x86)\Git/libexec/git-core\git-pull: line 268: /bin/tr: Bad file number
Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'develop'
from the remote, but no such ref was fetched.
git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1) (3463 ms @ 2014/11/18 16:56:38)