matlab 函数头注释规范

时间:2020-11-27 19:08:26


  1. 函数功能简要说明
  2. 函数参数简要介绍
  3. 举例
  4. 注意事项或建议
  5. 版权信息
  6. 日志信息


  1. 在不同的注释部分之间最好能够空一行,但为了能够保证注释的连续性,仍然保持这一行为注释行。每一部分的注释,如果有二级信息,可以空两格进行缩进。
  2. 版权信息中最好能够留着邮箱,这样方便使用你的代码的人在遇到问题时跟你联系,但为了防止垃圾邮件,一般用#替换@。



%SIZE   Size of array.  
% D = SIZE(X), for M-by-N matrix X, returns the two-element row vector
% D = [M,N] containing the number of rows and columns in the matrix.
% For N-D arrays, SIZE(X) returns a 1-by-N vector of dimension lengths.
% Trailing singleton dimensions are ignored.
% [M,N] = SIZE(X) for matrix X, returns the number of rows and columns in
% X as separate output variables.
% [M1,M2,M3,...,MN] = SIZE(X) for N>1 returns the sizes of the first N
% dimensions of the array X. If the number of output arguments N does
% not equal NDIMS(X), then for:
% N > NDIMS(X), SIZE returns ones in the "extra" variables, i.e., outputs
% NDIMS(X)+1 through N.
% N < NDIMS(X), MN contains the product of the sizes of dimensions N
% through NDIMS(X).
% M = SIZE(X,DIM) returns the length of the dimension specified
% by the scalar DIM. For example, SIZE(X,1) returns the number
% of rows. If DIM > NDIMS(X), M will be 1.
% When SIZE is applied to a Java array, the number of rows
% returned is the length of the Java array and the number of columns
% is always 1. When SIZE is applied to a Java array of arrays, the
% result describes only the top level array in the array of arrays.
% Example:
% If
% X = rand(2,3,4);
% then
% d = size(X) returns d = [2 3 4]
% [m1,m2,m3,m4] = size(X) returns m1 = 2, m2 = 3, m3 = 4, m4 = 1
% [m,n] = size(X) returns m = 2, n = 12
% m2 = size(X,2) returns m2 = 3

% Copyright 1984-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/06/21 19:28:41 $
% Built-in function.
