CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY my_docs AS '/u01/app/oracle/'; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 @c:/ftp.pks @c:/ftp.pkb -- Retrieve an ASCII file from a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.ascii(p_conn => l_conn); ftp.get(p_conn => l_conn, p_from_file => '/u01/app/oracle/test.txt', p_to_dir => 'MY_DOCS', p_to_file => 'test_get.txt'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Send an ASCII file to a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.ascii(p_conn => l_conn); ftp.put(p_conn => l_conn, p_from_dir => 'MY_DOCS', p_from_file => 'test_get.txt', p_to_file => '/u01/app/oracle/test_put.txt'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Retrieve a binary file from a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.binary(p_conn => l_conn); ftp.get(p_conn => l_conn, p_from_file => '/u01/app/oracle/product/', p_to_dir => 'MY_DOCS', p_to_file => 'jobs_get.gif'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Send a binary file to a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.binary(p_conn => l_conn); ftp.put(p_conn => l_conn, p_from_dir => 'MY_DOCS', p_from_file => 'jobs_get.gif', p_to_file => '/u01/app/oracle/jobs_put.gif'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Get a directory listing from a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; l_list ftp.t_string_table; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.list(p_conn => l_conn, p_dir => '/u01/app/oracle', p_list => l_list); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; IF l_list.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN l_list.first .. l_list.last LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(i || ': ' || l_list(i)); END LOOP; END IF; END; / -- Rename a file on a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.rename(p_conn => l_conn, p_from => '/u01/app/oracle/dba/shutdown', p_to => '/u01/app/oracle/dba/shutdown.old'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Delete a file on a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.delete(p_conn => l_conn, p_file => '/u01/app/oracle/dba/temp.txt'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Create a directory on a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.mkdir(p_conn => l_conn, p_dir => '/u01/app/oracle/test'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / -- Remove a directory from a remote FTP server. DECLARE l_conn UTL_TCP.connection; BEGIN l_conn := ftp.login('', '21', 'ftpuser', 'ftppassword'); ftp.rmdir(p_conn => l_conn, p_dir => '/u01/app/oracle/test'); ftp.logout(l_conn); utl_tcp.close_all_connections; END; / |