std :: forward 和std :: forward 之间有什么区别?

时间:2020-12-21 18:51:13

are these functions equivalent?


template <class T>
void foo(T && t)

template <class T>
void foo2(T && t)

template <class T>
void foo3(T && t)

if they are, can I always use this macro for perfect forwarding?


#define MY_FORWARD(var) std::forward<decltype(var)>(var)

or just use



I believe foo2 and foo3 are same, but I found people are always use forward like foo, is any reason to explicitly write the type?


I understand that T and T&& are two different types, but I think std::forward<T> and std::forward<T&&> always give the same result?

我知道T和T &&是两种不同的类型,但我认为std :: forward 和std :: forward 总是给出相同的结果?


the reason I want to use macro is I want to save some typing on following C++1y code, I have many similar code in different places

我想使用宏的原因是我想在下面的C ++ 1y代码上保存一些打字,我在不同的地方有很多类似的代码

#define XLC_FORWARD_CAPTURE(var) var(std::forward<decltype(var)>(var))
#define XLC_MOVE_CAPTURE(var) var(std::move(var))

template <class T, class U>
auto foo(T && func, U && para )
    auto val = // some calculation
    return [XLC_FORWARD_CAPTURE(func),
              // some code use val

1 个解决方案



Are these functions two equivalent?


Yes, they are equivalent. decltype(t) is the same as T&&, and when used with std::forward, there is no difference between T and T&&, regardless what T is.

是的,它们是等价的。 decltype(t)与T &&相同,当与std :: forward一起使用时,T和T &&之间没有区别,无论T是什么。

Can I always use this macro for perfect forwarding?


Yes, you can. If you want to make your code unreadable and unmaintainable, then do so. But I strongly advise against it. On the one hand, you gain basically nothing from using this macro. And on the other hand, other developers have to take a look at the definition to understand it, and it can result in subtle errors. For example adding additional parentheses won't work:



In contrast, the form with decltype is perfectly valid. In particular, it is the preferred way of forwarding parameters from generic lambda expressions, because there are no explicit type parameters:


[](auto&& t) { foobar(std::forward<decltype(t)>(t)); }

I ignored the 3rd variant with std::forward(t), because it isn't valid.

我用std :: forward(t)忽略了第3个变种,因为它无效。

Update: Regarding your example: You can use call-by-value instead of call-by-reference for the function template foo. Then you can use std::move instead of std::forward. This adds two additional moves to the code, but no additional copy operations. On the other hand, the code becomes much cleaner:

更新:关于您的示例:您可以使用call-by-value而不是函数模板foo的call-by-reference。然后你可以使用std :: move而不是std :: forward。这为代码添加了两个额外的移动,但没有额外的复制操作。另一方面,代码变得更清晰:

template <class T, class U>
auto foo(T func, U para)
    auto val = // some calculation
    return [func=std::move(func),para=std::move(para),val=std::move(val)] {
        // some code use val



Are these functions two equivalent?


Yes, they are equivalent. decltype(t) is the same as T&&, and when used with std::forward, there is no difference between T and T&&, regardless what T is.

是的,它们是等价的。 decltype(t)与T &&相同,当与std :: forward一起使用时,T和T &&之间没有区别,无论T是什么。

Can I always use this macro for perfect forwarding?


Yes, you can. If you want to make your code unreadable and unmaintainable, then do so. But I strongly advise against it. On the one hand, you gain basically nothing from using this macro. And on the other hand, other developers have to take a look at the definition to understand it, and it can result in subtle errors. For example adding additional parentheses won't work:



In contrast, the form with decltype is perfectly valid. In particular, it is the preferred way of forwarding parameters from generic lambda expressions, because there are no explicit type parameters:


[](auto&& t) { foobar(std::forward<decltype(t)>(t)); }

I ignored the 3rd variant with std::forward(t), because it isn't valid.

我用std :: forward(t)忽略了第3个变种,因为它无效。

Update: Regarding your example: You can use call-by-value instead of call-by-reference for the function template foo. Then you can use std::move instead of std::forward. This adds two additional moves to the code, but no additional copy operations. On the other hand, the code becomes much cleaner:

更新:关于您的示例:您可以使用call-by-value而不是函数模板foo的call-by-reference。然后你可以使用std :: move而不是std :: forward。这为代码添加了两个额外的移动,但没有额外的复制操作。另一方面,代码变得更清晰:

template <class T, class U>
auto foo(T func, U para)
    auto val = // some calculation
    return [func=std::move(func),para=std::move(para),val=std::move(val)] {
        // some code use val