
时间:2022-08-14 18:52:52

Why doesn't the following code compile (in C++11 mode)?

为什么以下代码没有编译(在C ++ 11模式下)?

#include <vector>

template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }

struct T { };

void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
    qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });

The error message is:


prog.cc:9:5: error: no matching function for call to 'qux'
    qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });
prog.cc:4:6: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'To (const From &)' against '(lambda at prog.cc:9:13)'
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }

But it doesn't explain why it couldn't match the parameter.


If I make qux a non-template function, replacing From with T and To with int, it compiles.


6 个解决方案



A lambda function isn't a normal function. Each lambda has its own type that is not To (&)(const From&) in any case.
A non capturing lambda can decay to To (*)(const From&) in your case using:

lambda函数不是正常函数。每个lambda都有自己的类型,在任何情况下都不是To(&)(const From&)。非捕获lambda可以使用以下方法衰减到To(*)(const From&):

qux(ts, +[](const T&) { return 42; });

As noted in the comments, the best you can do to get it out from a lambda is this:


#include <vector>

template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }

struct T { };

void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
    qux(ts, *+[](const T&) { return 42; });

int main() {}

Note: I assumed that deducing return type and types of the arguments is mandatory for the real problem. Otherwise you can easily deduce the whole lambda as a generic callable object and use it directly, no need to decay anything.




If you don't need to use the deduced To type, you can just deduce the type of the whole parameter:


template<typename From, typename F>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, const F&) { }



Correct me if I am wrong, but template parameters deduction deduces only exact types without considering possible conversions.


As a result the compiler cannot deduce To and From for To (&)(const From&) because qux expects a reference to function, but you provide a lambda which has its own type.

因此,编译器无法推断To和From for To(&)(const From&)因为qux需要对函数的引用,但是您提供了一个具有自己类型的lambda。



You have left absolutely no chance to compiler to guess what is To. Thus, you need to specify it explicitly.


Also, lambda here needs to be passed by pointer.


Finally, this version compiles ok:


template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (*)(const From&)) { }

struct T { };

void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
    qux<T,int>(ts,[](const T&) { return 42; });



You're expecting both implicit type conversions (from unnamed function object type to function reference type) and template type deduction to happen. However, you can't have both, as you need to know the target type to find the suitable conversion sequence.




But it doesn't explain why it couldn't match the parameter.


Template deduction tries to match the types exactly. If the types cannot be deduced, deduction fails. Conversions are never considered.


In this expression:


qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });

The type of the lambda expression is some unique, unnamed type. Whatever that type is, it is definitely not To(const From&) - so deduction fails.

lambda表达式的类型是一些唯一的,未命名的类型。无论那种类型是什么,它绝对不是To(const From&) - 所以演绎失败了。

If I make qux a non-template function, replacing From with T and To with int, it compiles.


That is not true. However, if the argument was a pointer to function rather than a reference to function, then it would be. This is because a lambda with no capture is implicitly convertible to the equivalent function pointer type. This conversion is allowed outside of the context of deduction.


template <class From, class To>
void func_tmpl(From(*)(To) ) { }

void func_normal(int(*)(int ) ) { }

func_tmpl([](int i){return i; });   // error
func_tmpl(+[](int i){return i; });  // ok, we force the conversion ourselves,
                                    // the type of this expression can be deduced
func_normal([](int i){return i; }); // ok, implicit conversion

This is the same reason why this fails:


template <class T> void foo(std::function<T()> );
foo([]{ return 42; }); // error, this lambda is NOT a function<T()>

But this succeeds:


void bar(std::function<int()> );
bar([]{ return 42; }); // ok, this lambda is convertible to function<int()>

The preferred approach would be to deduce the type of the callable and pick out the result using std::result_of:

首选方法是推导出可调用类型,并使用std :: result_of选择结果:

template <class From,
    class F&&,
    class To = std::result_of_t<F&&(From const&)>>
void qux(std::vector<From> const&, F&& );

Now you can pass your lambda, or function, or function object just fine.




A lambda function isn't a normal function. Each lambda has its own type that is not To (&)(const From&) in any case.
A non capturing lambda can decay to To (*)(const From&) in your case using:

lambda函数不是正常函数。每个lambda都有自己的类型,在任何情况下都不是To(&)(const From&)。非捕获lambda可以使用以下方法衰减到To(*)(const From&):

qux(ts, +[](const T&) { return 42; });

As noted in the comments, the best you can do to get it out from a lambda is this:


#include <vector>

template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }

struct T { };

void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
    qux(ts, *+[](const T&) { return 42; });

int main() {}

Note: I assumed that deducing return type and types of the arguments is mandatory for the real problem. Otherwise you can easily deduce the whole lambda as a generic callable object and use it directly, no need to decay anything.




If you don't need to use the deduced To type, you can just deduce the type of the whole parameter:


template<typename From, typename F>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, const F&) { }



Correct me if I am wrong, but template parameters deduction deduces only exact types without considering possible conversions.


As a result the compiler cannot deduce To and From for To (&)(const From&) because qux expects a reference to function, but you provide a lambda which has its own type.

因此,编译器无法推断To和From for To(&)(const From&)因为qux需要对函数的引用,但是您提供了一个具有自己类型的lambda。



You have left absolutely no chance to compiler to guess what is To. Thus, you need to specify it explicitly.


Also, lambda here needs to be passed by pointer.


Finally, this version compiles ok:


template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (*)(const From&)) { }

struct T { };

void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
    qux<T,int>(ts,[](const T&) { return 42; });



You're expecting both implicit type conversions (from unnamed function object type to function reference type) and template type deduction to happen. However, you can't have both, as you need to know the target type to find the suitable conversion sequence.




But it doesn't explain why it couldn't match the parameter.


Template deduction tries to match the types exactly. If the types cannot be deduced, deduction fails. Conversions are never considered.


In this expression:


qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });

The type of the lambda expression is some unique, unnamed type. Whatever that type is, it is definitely not To(const From&) - so deduction fails.

lambda表达式的类型是一些唯一的,未命名的类型。无论那种类型是什么,它绝对不是To(const From&) - 所以演绎失败了。

If I make qux a non-template function, replacing From with T and To with int, it compiles.


That is not true. However, if the argument was a pointer to function rather than a reference to function, then it would be. This is because a lambda with no capture is implicitly convertible to the equivalent function pointer type. This conversion is allowed outside of the context of deduction.


template <class From, class To>
void func_tmpl(From(*)(To) ) { }

void func_normal(int(*)(int ) ) { }

func_tmpl([](int i){return i; });   // error
func_tmpl(+[](int i){return i; });  // ok, we force the conversion ourselves,
                                    // the type of this expression can be deduced
func_normal([](int i){return i; }); // ok, implicit conversion

This is the same reason why this fails:


template <class T> void foo(std::function<T()> );
foo([]{ return 42; }); // error, this lambda is NOT a function<T()>

But this succeeds:


void bar(std::function<int()> );
bar([]{ return 42; }); // ok, this lambda is convertible to function<int()>

The preferred approach would be to deduce the type of the callable and pick out the result using std::result_of:

首选方法是推导出可调用类型,并使用std :: result_of选择结果:

template <class From,
    class F&&,
    class To = std::result_of_t<F&&(From const&)>>
void qux(std::vector<From> const&, F&& );

Now you can pass your lambda, or function, or function object just fine.
