
时间:2021-06-24 18:48:55

This question already has an answer here:


This is the code:


class cat
        int height;
        cat (int inputHeight);

cat::cat (int inputHeight)
    height = inputHeight;

class twoCats
        cat firstCat;
        cat secondCat;
        twoCats (cat theFirstCat);
        void addSecondCat (cat theSecondCat);

twoCats::twoCats (cat theFirstCat)
    firstCat = theFirstCat;

void twoCats::addSecondCat (cat theSecondCat)
    secondCat = theSecondCat;

int main() {return 0;}

And these are the errors:


main.cpp: In constructor ‘twoCats::twoCats(cat)’:
main.cpp:24:34: error: no matching function for call to ‘cat::cat()’
main.cpp:24:34: note: candidates are:
main.cpp:9:1: note: cat::cat(int)
main.cpp:9:1: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
main.cpp:1:7: note: cat::cat(const cat&)
main.cpp:1:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
main.cpp:24:34: error: no matching function for call to ‘cat::cat()’
main.cpp:24:34: note: candidates are:
main.cpp:9:1: note: cat::cat(int)
main.cpp:9:1: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
main.cpp:1:7: note: cat::cat(const cat&)
main.cpp:1:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided

I don't understand the following:


  1. Why does the constructor for twoCats try to call the default constructor for cat? Surely it does not need to construct an instance of cat as when twoCats is initialised it will be passed an already initialised instance of cat which will have been passed the int height argument?
  2. 为什么twoCats的构造函数试图调用cat的默认构造函数?当然,当twoCats初始化时,它不需要构建一个cat实例,它将通过一个已经初始化的cat实例,该实例将通过int height参数传递?
  3. Why is the same block of error messages shown twice? I called g++ main.cpp on Ubuntu 12.04.
  4. 为什么同一块错误消息显示两次?我叫g++主要。cpp在Ubuntu 12.04。

4 个解决方案



You need a default constructor or initialize cat objects in twoCats constructor initilization list explicitly to avoid default construction.


Why does the constructor for twoCats try to call the default constructor for cat? Surely it does not need to construct an instance of cat as when twoCats is initialised it will be passed an already initialised instance of cat which will have been passed the int height argument?

为什么twoCats的构造函数试图调用cat的默认构造函数?当然,当twoCats初始化时,它不需要构建一个cat实例,它将通过一个已经初始化的cat实例,该实例将通过int height参数传递?

It needs to construct default values for cat objects


    cat firstCat;
    cat secondCat;

in class twoCats because you didn't initialize them. In your constructor


cat::cat (int inputHeight)
    height = inputHeight;
}   // this is assignment

this is assignment to already created objects.


The rule is as follows: if you don't initialize instances explicitly in ctor initialization list then


  1. Default ctor is called
  2. 默认的男星被称为
  3. You eventually assign to already default constructed objects in ctor body.
  4. 您最终将分配给ctor主体中已经默认构造的对象。

Thus you face penalty of having additional calls if you don't initialize in initialization list.


C++ Standard n3337 § 12.6.2/10 Initializing bases and members


In a non-delegating constructor, initialization proceeds in the following order:


— First, and only for the constructor of the most derived class (1.8), virtual base classes are initialized in the order they appear on a depth-first left-to-right traversal of the directed acyclic graph of base classes, where “left-to-right” is the order of appearance of the base classes in the derived class base-specifier-list.


— Then, direct base classes are initialized in declaration order as they appear in the base-specifier-list (regardless of the order of the mem-initializers).


Then, non-static data members are initialized in the order they were declared in the class definition (again regardless of the order of the mem-initializers).


Finally, the compound-statement of the constructor body is executed.


[ Note: The declaration order is mandated to ensure that base and member subobjects are destroyed in the reverse order of initialization. — end note ]


Here is a code demo.




I would initialize the class twoCats like this:


class twoCats
    cat firstCat;
    cat secondCat;
    twoCats (const cat& theFirstCat, const cat& theSecondCat)
        : firstCat (theFirstCat), secondCat (theSecondCat)



The important part here is the colon after the constructor :. It starts the member initialization list, which is the place where, if possible, all your class data members should be initialized.


Initialization of data members is quite a complex issue in C++, I suggest you google it.


In particular, since you have two members of class type, the compiler, no matter what, tries to initialize them in your constructor. It does so for every cat, which probably is the reason you get the error message block twice. In its default, the compiler tries to initialize your cat data members using a default constructor, i.e. one without arguments. Unfortunately, cat does not have a default constructor, since you declared one with one argument. In other words, each cat has to be initialized with one argument (or copied, or moved in C++11).

特别是,由于您有两个类类型的成员,无论如何,编译器都试图在构造函数中初始化它们。它对每只猫都这样做,这可能是您获得两次错误消息块的原因。在默认情况下,编译器尝试使用默认构造函数(即没有参数的构造函数)初始化cat数据成员。不幸的是,cat没有默认的构造函数,因为您声明了一个带有一个参数的构造函数。换句话说,每个cat都必须用一个参数进行初始化(或者复制,或者在c++ 11中移动)。

I do not recommend declaring an additional constructor to cat without arguments: It seems that there is no "default hight" of a cat, and the -1 suggested by another answer is very strange: It doesn't seem to construct a valid object, and you'd have to check for this default value before using any of cat's member functions.


EDIT: This is from a format point of view. As for the semantics of your program, it might be wrong to copy the cats. Maybe you do need a reference (or a pointer) to the objects you initialized your twoCats with, maybe not.




Both cat instances have to be initialized, at the point when they start existing.


To avoid this you can defer each instance creation to when you need it.


A simple and safe way to do that is to use a std::vector to hold the instances.


class cat
        int height;
        cat (int inputHeight);

cat::cat (int inputHeight)
    height = inputHeight;

#include <vector>
#include <utility>

class twoCats
        std::vector<cat> cats_;

        twoCats (cat theFirstCat)
        { cats_.push_back( std::move( theFirstCat ) ); }

        void addSecondCat (cat theSecondCat)
        { cats_.push_back( std::move( theSecondCat ) ); }

int main() {return 0;}

Alternatively, you might use boost::optional.


Or allocate the instances dynamically (use a smart pointer such as unique_ptr to manage lifetime then).


Or, let cats be default-constructible.


As noted by "thang" in a comment, the original design does not guarantee that a twoCats has two cats. It can have just one cat, or three or more cats. So it would be a good idea to change the design.


For example, have a constructor that takes two cat arguments, or cat heights.

例如,有一个构造函数接受两个cat参数,或者cat height。

Or for another example, changing the name of twoCats.




As name of your class (twoCats) states it represents two cats always. These kittens can be alive, dead or even not yet born. But it shall be two of them.


Your design is wrong in the sense that either:


  • cat should be able to represent non-born cat (so it should have public default constructor setting the object into non-born state initially) or
  • cat应该能够表示非出生的cat(因此它应该具有公共默认构造函数,最初将对象设置为非出生状态)或
  • your twoCats constructor shall accept exactly two cats at the very beginning.
  • 你的两个ats的构造者应该在一开始就接受两个cat。



You need a default constructor or initialize cat objects in twoCats constructor initilization list explicitly to avoid default construction.


Why does the constructor for twoCats try to call the default constructor for cat? Surely it does not need to construct an instance of cat as when twoCats is initialised it will be passed an already initialised instance of cat which will have been passed the int height argument?

为什么twoCats的构造函数试图调用cat的默认构造函数?当然,当twoCats初始化时,它不需要构建一个cat实例,它将通过一个已经初始化的cat实例,该实例将通过int height参数传递?

It needs to construct default values for cat objects


    cat firstCat;
    cat secondCat;

in class twoCats because you didn't initialize them. In your constructor


cat::cat (int inputHeight)
    height = inputHeight;
}   // this is assignment

this is assignment to already created objects.


The rule is as follows: if you don't initialize instances explicitly in ctor initialization list then


  1. Default ctor is called
  2. 默认的男星被称为
  3. You eventually assign to already default constructed objects in ctor body.
  4. 您最终将分配给ctor主体中已经默认构造的对象。

Thus you face penalty of having additional calls if you don't initialize in initialization list.


C++ Standard n3337 § 12.6.2/10 Initializing bases and members


In a non-delegating constructor, initialization proceeds in the following order:


— First, and only for the constructor of the most derived class (1.8), virtual base classes are initialized in the order they appear on a depth-first left-to-right traversal of the directed acyclic graph of base classes, where “left-to-right” is the order of appearance of the base classes in the derived class base-specifier-list.


— Then, direct base classes are initialized in declaration order as they appear in the base-specifier-list (regardless of the order of the mem-initializers).


Then, non-static data members are initialized in the order they were declared in the class definition (again regardless of the order of the mem-initializers).


Finally, the compound-statement of the constructor body is executed.


[ Note: The declaration order is mandated to ensure that base and member subobjects are destroyed in the reverse order of initialization. — end note ]


Here is a code demo.




I would initialize the class twoCats like this:


class twoCats
    cat firstCat;
    cat secondCat;
    twoCats (const cat& theFirstCat, const cat& theSecondCat)
        : firstCat (theFirstCat), secondCat (theSecondCat)



The important part here is the colon after the constructor :. It starts the member initialization list, which is the place where, if possible, all your class data members should be initialized.


Initialization of data members is quite a complex issue in C++, I suggest you google it.


In particular, since you have two members of class type, the compiler, no matter what, tries to initialize them in your constructor. It does so for every cat, which probably is the reason you get the error message block twice. In its default, the compiler tries to initialize your cat data members using a default constructor, i.e. one without arguments. Unfortunately, cat does not have a default constructor, since you declared one with one argument. In other words, each cat has to be initialized with one argument (or copied, or moved in C++11).

特别是,由于您有两个类类型的成员,无论如何,编译器都试图在构造函数中初始化它们。它对每只猫都这样做,这可能是您获得两次错误消息块的原因。在默认情况下,编译器尝试使用默认构造函数(即没有参数的构造函数)初始化cat数据成员。不幸的是,cat没有默认的构造函数,因为您声明了一个带有一个参数的构造函数。换句话说,每个cat都必须用一个参数进行初始化(或者复制,或者在c++ 11中移动)。

I do not recommend declaring an additional constructor to cat without arguments: It seems that there is no "default hight" of a cat, and the -1 suggested by another answer is very strange: It doesn't seem to construct a valid object, and you'd have to check for this default value before using any of cat's member functions.


EDIT: This is from a format point of view. As for the semantics of your program, it might be wrong to copy the cats. Maybe you do need a reference (or a pointer) to the objects you initialized your twoCats with, maybe not.




Both cat instances have to be initialized, at the point when they start existing.


To avoid this you can defer each instance creation to when you need it.


A simple and safe way to do that is to use a std::vector to hold the instances.


class cat
        int height;
        cat (int inputHeight);

cat::cat (int inputHeight)
    height = inputHeight;

#include <vector>
#include <utility>

class twoCats
        std::vector<cat> cats_;

        twoCats (cat theFirstCat)
        { cats_.push_back( std::move( theFirstCat ) ); }

        void addSecondCat (cat theSecondCat)
        { cats_.push_back( std::move( theSecondCat ) ); }

int main() {return 0;}

Alternatively, you might use boost::optional.


Or allocate the instances dynamically (use a smart pointer such as unique_ptr to manage lifetime then).


Or, let cats be default-constructible.


As noted by "thang" in a comment, the original design does not guarantee that a twoCats has two cats. It can have just one cat, or three or more cats. So it would be a good idea to change the design.


For example, have a constructor that takes two cat arguments, or cat heights.

例如,有一个构造函数接受两个cat参数,或者cat height。

Or for another example, changing the name of twoCats.




As name of your class (twoCats) states it represents two cats always. These kittens can be alive, dead or even not yet born. But it shall be two of them.


Your design is wrong in the sense that either:


  • cat should be able to represent non-born cat (so it should have public default constructor setting the object into non-born state initially) or
  • cat应该能够表示非出生的cat(因此它应该具有公共默认构造函数,最初将对象设置为非出生状态)或
  • your twoCats constructor shall accept exactly two cats at the very beginning.
  • 你的两个ats的构造者应该在一开始就接受两个cat。