1 import urllib.request,re 2 import wmi 3 4 def getMyIp(): 5 try: 6 rawTxt = urllib.request.urlopen('http://2019.ip138.com/ic.asp', timeout = 60).read() 7 except urllib.request.HTTPError as e: 8 print("Error Code", e.code, e.read()) 9 return str(e.code), str(e.read()) 10 except urllib.request.URLError as e: 11 print("Failed to reach the server ", e.reason) 12 return "URLError", str(e.reason) 13 except Exception as e: 14 print("Exception", e) 15 return "Exception", str(e) 16 rawTxt = rawTxt.decode('gb2312') 17 addr = re.search(u'来自:.*</center>', rawTxt).group(0) 18 addr = addr[3:len(addr)-9] 19 print(addr) 20 ip = re.search('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', rawTxt).group(0) 21 print(ip) 22 return ip, addr 23 24 getMyIp()