
时间:2021-01-14 18:28:47
-- 获取主机id -- 10084
select hostid from hosts where host="Zabbix server"; -- 查询剩余磁盘itemid --28537
select itemid,key_ from items where hostid=10084 and key_="vfs.fs.size[/,free]"; -- 最后N次探查的结果
select from_unixtime(clock) as DateTime,value,ns from history_uint where itemid=28537 order by clock desc limit 10; select round(sum(1.0/i.delay),2) as qps from items i,hosts h where i.status='' and i.hostid=h.hostid and h.status='' and i.delay<>0; -- 主机流入量
select itemid,name,key_ from items where hostid=10084 and key_="net.if.in[eth0]";
select from_unixtime(clock) as DateTime,round(value/1024/1024,2) as Traffic_in from history_uint where itemid="28533" and from_unixtime(clock)>='2014-09-20' and from_unixtime(clock)<'2019-09-21' limit 20; -- 主机流出量
select itemid,name,key_ from items where hostid=10084 and key_="net.if.out[eth0]";
select from_unixtime(clock) as DateTime,round(value/1024/1024,2) as Traffic_out from history_uint where itemid="28534" and from_unixtime(clock)>='2014-09-20' and from_unixtime(clock)<'2014-09-21' limit 20; -- 下面SQL语句是汇总上面主机网卡的进出流量的
select from_unixtime(clock,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i") as DateTime,sum(round(value/1024/1024,2)) as Traffic_total from history_uint where itemid in (28533,28534) and from_unixtime(clock)>='2014-09-20'and from_unixtime(clock)<'2019-09-21' group by from_unixtime(clock,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i") limit 20; -- 查询一天中主机流量的最大值,最小值和平均值。
select date as DateTime,round(min(traffic)/2014/1024,2) as TotalMinIN,round(avg(traffic)/1024/1024,2) as TotalAvgIN,round(max(traffic)/1024/1024,2) as TotalMaxIN from (select from_unixtime(clock,"%Y-%m-%d") as date,sum(value) as traffic from history_uint where itemid in (28533,28534) and from_unixtime(clock)>='2014-09-20' and from_unixtime(clock)<'2019-09-21' group by from_unixtime(clock,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i") ) tmp;