Typeahead Losing专注于输入输入

时间:2023-01-25 18:25:48

When I type a character and as soon as typeahead popup opens with matched elements, the focus gets lost from the input element. I have to manually set the focus back again into the input element. Why is this happening? FYI, I found a similar closed issue in here without any proper answer:



I am not finding any solution to this. I am using ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.12.1.js version. I created a plunker using the same libraries but in plunker everything is working properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1 个解决方案


Using of old version of angular-block-ui v0.0.12 was creating the focus losing problem. Found an issue https://github.com/McNull/angular-block-ui/issues/37. Updating angular-block-ui version to v0.1.0-beta.3 or upper will fix the problem.

使用旧版本的angular-block-ui v0.0.12正在创建焦点丢失问题。发现问题https://github.com/McNull/angular-block-ui/issues/37。将angular-block-ui版本更新到v0.1.0-beta.3或更高版本将解决问题。


Using of old version of angular-block-ui v0.0.12 was creating the focus losing problem. Found an issue https://github.com/McNull/angular-block-ui/issues/37. Updating angular-block-ui version to v0.1.0-beta.3 or upper will fix the problem.

使用旧版本的angular-block-ui v0.0.12正在创建焦点丢失问题。发现问题https://github.com/McNull/angular-block-ui/issues/37。将angular-block-ui版本更新到v0.1.0-beta.3或更高版本将解决问题。