
时间:2021-09-19 18:24:51

I've got the following JSON string in a txt file and I'm trying to extract a data frame from the 'visualLogs' variable. I can read the JSON string in and I can access the visualLogs list, but I have failed all day long to convert this into a 9 column data frame of floating point numbers


  "visualScore" : 0,
  "selfReportingResults" : 5,
  "voiceScore" : "No Data",
  "selfReportScore" : 0,
  "subject" : "Baseline for patient: 108",
  "email" : "steven.vannoy@gmail.com",
  "visualLogs" : [
  "askedQuestions" : [
    "What is your name?",
    "How old are you?",
    "What tim is it?"
  "voiceCompleteResults" : {
    "status" : "fail"

with open(f4lJasonFileName) as data_file:
    feelDat = json.load(data_file)

x = feelDat['visualLogs'][0] # Ultimately there will be more than one of these

All of my attempts to convert x to a data frame have failed. I've achieved getting a 1 column data frame of text values, but that's not what I need.


I've replaced those '\r' characters with commas, which ends up getting the one column text data frame, but I want 9 columns with the labels and then rows of floating points.


1 个解决方案



Once you have loaded the json, you need to split on \r then on the commas:


import  pandas as pd

spl = d["visualLogs"][0].split("\r")

df = pd.DataFrame([v for v in map(lambda x: x.split(","), spl[1:]) if v[0]], columns=spl[0].split(","))

Probably easier to understand broken into parts:


import pandas as pd

# split into lines creating an iterator so we don't have to slice.
spl = iter(d["visualLogs"][0].rstrip().split("\r"))

# split first line to get the  column names.
columns = next(spl).split(",")

# split remaining lines into individual rows, removing empty row.
rows = [v for v in (sub_str.split(",") for sub_str in spl) if len(v) > 1]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=columns)

We could also just spl = iter(d["visualLogs"][0].split()) as there is no other whitespace.

我们也可以只使用spl = iter(d["visualLogs"][0].split()),因为没有其他空格。

Or use read_csv using a StringIO object:


import pandas as pd
spl = d["visualLogs"][0]

from io import StringIO
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(spl))

Which gives you:


      time    anger  contempt  disgust  engagement      joy  sadness  \
0  22.61086  0.00633   0.19347  0.56258     0.18005  0.00223  0.01650   
1  22.81096  0.00478   0.19439  0.45847     0.09747  0.00188  0.02188   

   surprise  valence  
0   0.31969        0  
1   0.22043        0  



Once you have loaded the json, you need to split on \r then on the commas:


import  pandas as pd

spl = d["visualLogs"][0].split("\r")

df = pd.DataFrame([v for v in map(lambda x: x.split(","), spl[1:]) if v[0]], columns=spl[0].split(","))

Probably easier to understand broken into parts:


import pandas as pd

# split into lines creating an iterator so we don't have to slice.
spl = iter(d["visualLogs"][0].rstrip().split("\r"))

# split first line to get the  column names.
columns = next(spl).split(",")

# split remaining lines into individual rows, removing empty row.
rows = [v for v in (sub_str.split(",") for sub_str in spl) if len(v) > 1]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=columns)

We could also just spl = iter(d["visualLogs"][0].split()) as there is no other whitespace.

我们也可以只使用spl = iter(d["visualLogs"][0].split()),因为没有其他空格。

Or use read_csv using a StringIO object:


import pandas as pd
spl = d["visualLogs"][0]

from io import StringIO
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(spl))

Which gives you:


      time    anger  contempt  disgust  engagement      joy  sadness  \
0  22.61086  0.00633   0.19347  0.56258     0.18005  0.00223  0.01650   
1  22.81096  0.00478   0.19439  0.45847     0.09747  0.00188  0.02188   

   surprise  valence  
0   0.31969        0  
1   0.22043        0