
时间:2021-01-09 18:26:02

I am new to Python. Here's what I am trying to do:


  1. Slice a long binary string into 3 digit-long chunks.
  2. 将长二进制字符串切成3个数字长的块。

  3. Store each "chunk" into a list called row.
  4. 将每个“块”存储到名为row的列表中。

  5. Convert each binary chunk into a number (0-7).
  6. 将每个二进制块转换为数字(0-7)。

  7. Store the converted list of numbers into a new list called numbers.
  8. 将转换后的数字列表存储到名为numbers的新列表中。

Here is what I have so far:


def traverse(R):
        x = 0
        while x < (len(R) - 3):
            row = R[x] + R[x+1] + R[x+2]

Thanks for your help! It is greatly appreciated.


5 个解决方案



Something like this should do it:


s = "110101001"
numbers = [int(s[i:i+3], 2) for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]
print numbers

The output is:


[6, 5, 1]

Breaking this down step by step, first:


>>> range(0, len(s), 3)
[0, 3, 6]

The range() function produces a list of integers from 0, less than the max len(s), by step 3.


>>> [s[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]
["110", "101", "001"]

This is a list comprehension that evaluates s[i:i+3] for each i in the above range. The s[i:i+3] is a slice that selects a substring. Finally:

这是一个列表推导,它评估上述范围内每个i的s [i:i + 3]。 s [i:i + 3]是一个选择子字符串的切片。最后:

>>> [int(s[i:i+3], 2) for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]
[6, 5, 1]

The int(..., 2) function converts from binary (base 2, second argument) to integers.


Note that the above code may not properly handle error conditions like an input string that is not a multiple of 3 characters in length.




I'll assume that by "binary string" you actually mean a normal string (i.e. text) whose items are all '0' or '1'.


So for points 1 and 2,


row = [thestring[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(thestring), 3)]

of course the last item will be only 1 or 2 characters long if len(thestring) is not an exact multiple of 3, that's inevitable;-).


For points 3 and 4, I'd suggest building an auxiliary temp dictionary and storing it:


aux = {}
for x in range(8):
  s = format(x, 'b')
  aux[s] = x
  aux[('00'+s)[-3:]] = x

so that points 3 and 4 just become:


numbers = [aux[x] for x in row]

this dict lookup should be much faster than converting each entry on the fly.


Edit: it's been suggested I explain why am I making two entries into aux for each value of x. The point is that s may be of any length from 1 to 3 characters, and for the short lengths I do want two entries -- one with s as it it (because as I mentioned the last item in row may well be shorter than 3...), and one with it left-padded to a length of 3 with 0s.

编辑:有人建议我解释为什么我为x的每个值两个条目进入aux。关键是s可以是1到3个字符的任意长度,对于短的长度,我确实需要两个条目 - 一个用s作为它(因为我提到行中的最后一项可能短于3 ...),其中一个用左边填充到3的长度为0。

The sub-expression ('00'+s)[-3:] computes "s left-padded with '0's to a length of 3" by taking the last 3 characters (that's the [-3:] slicing part) of the string obtained by placing zeros to the left of s (that's the '00'+s part). If s is already 3 characters long, the whole subexpression will equal s so the assignment to that entry of aux is useless but harmless, so I find it simpler to not even bother checking (prepending an if len(s)<3: would be fine too, matter of taste;-).

子表达式('00'+ s)[ - 3:]通过取最后3个字符(即[-3:]切片部分)计算“左边填充'0'到3的长度”通过在s的左边放置零获得的字符串(即'00'+ s部分)。如果s已经是3个字符长,那么整个子表达式将等于s,因此对aux的那个条目的赋值是无用的但是无害的,所以我发现更简单甚至不打扰检查(在if之前加上一个len(s)<3:将是味道也很好;-)。

There are other approaches (e.g. formatting x again if needed) but this is hardly the crux of the code (it executes just 8 times to build up the auxiliary "lookup table", after all;-), so I didn't pay it enough attention.


...nor did I unit-test it, so it has a bug in one obscure corner case. Can you see it...?


Suppose row has '01' as the last entry: THAT key, after my code's above has built aux, will not be present in aux (both 1 and 001 WILL be, but that's scanty consolation;-). In the code above I use the original s, '1', and the length-three padded version, '001', but the intermediate length-two padded version, oops, got overlooked;-).

假设行有'01'作为最后一个条目:在我的代码上面已经构建了aux之后,那个密钥将不会出现在aux中(1和001都会出现,但这是很少的安慰;-)。在上面的代码中,我使用原始的s,'1'和长度为3的填充版本'001',但是中间长度 - 两个填充版本,oops,被忽略了;-)。

So, here's a RIGHT way to do it...:


aux = {}
for x in range(8):
  s = format(x, 'b')
  aux[s] = x
  while len(s) < 3:
    s = '0' + s
    aux[s] = x

...no doubt simpler and more obvious, but, even more importantly, CORRECT;-).




If you're dealing with processing raw data of any kind, I'd like to recommend the excellent bitstring module:


>>> import bitstring
>>> bits = bitstring.Bits('0b110101001')
>>> [b.uint for b in bits.cut(3)]
[6, 5, 1]

Description from the home page:


A Python module that makes the creation, manipulation and analysis of binary data as simple and natural as possible.


Bitstrings can be constructed from integers, floats, hex, octal, binary, bytes or files. They can also be created and interpreted using flexible format strings.


Bitstrings can be sliced, joined, reversed, inserted into, overwritten, etc. with simple methods or using slice notation. They can also be read from, searched and replaced, and navigated in, similar to a file or stream.


Internally the bit data is efficiently stored in byte arrays, the module has been optimized for speed, and excellent code coverage is given by over 400 unit tests.




Great answers from Greg and Alex! List comprehensions and slicing are so pythonic! For short input strings I wouldn't bother with the dictionary lookup trick, but if the input string were longer, I would, as well as using gen-exps rather than list-comps, i.e.:


row = list(thestring[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(thestring), 3))

row = list(thestring [i:i + 3] for x in xrange(0,len(thestring),3))


numbers = list(aux[x] for x in row)

numbers = list(行中x的aux [x])

since gen-exp perform better.




Wouldn't this be easier:


(I wanted an array of the upper 3 bits of a variable that contained the integer 29)


format your variables and arrays first


a = ''

a =''

b = []

b = []

I stole this from a really good example in this forum, it formats the integer 29 into 5 bits, bits zero through four and puts the string of bits into the string variable "a". [edited] Needed to change the format from 0:5b to 0:05b, in order to pad zeros when the integer is < 7.

我从这个论坛中的一个非常好的例子中偷了这个,它将整数29格式化为5位,位0到4,并将位串放入字符串变量“a”。 [编辑]需要将格式从0:5b更改为0:05b,以便在整数<7时填充零。

a = '{0:05b}'.format(29)

a ='{0:05b}'。格式(29)

look at your string variable




split your string into an array


b[0:3] = a[0:3]

b [0:3] = a [0:3]

this is exactly what I wanted.



['1', '1', '1']




Something like this should do it:


s = "110101001"
numbers = [int(s[i:i+3], 2) for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]
print numbers

The output is:


[6, 5, 1]

Breaking this down step by step, first:


>>> range(0, len(s), 3)
[0, 3, 6]

The range() function produces a list of integers from 0, less than the max len(s), by step 3.


>>> [s[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]
["110", "101", "001"]

This is a list comprehension that evaluates s[i:i+3] for each i in the above range. The s[i:i+3] is a slice that selects a substring. Finally:

这是一个列表推导,它评估上述范围内每个i的s [i:i + 3]。 s [i:i + 3]是一个选择子字符串的切片。最后:

>>> [int(s[i:i+3], 2) for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]
[6, 5, 1]

The int(..., 2) function converts from binary (base 2, second argument) to integers.


Note that the above code may not properly handle error conditions like an input string that is not a multiple of 3 characters in length.




I'll assume that by "binary string" you actually mean a normal string (i.e. text) whose items are all '0' or '1'.


So for points 1 and 2,


row = [thestring[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(thestring), 3)]

of course the last item will be only 1 or 2 characters long if len(thestring) is not an exact multiple of 3, that's inevitable;-).


For points 3 and 4, I'd suggest building an auxiliary temp dictionary and storing it:


aux = {}
for x in range(8):
  s = format(x, 'b')
  aux[s] = x
  aux[('00'+s)[-3:]] = x

so that points 3 and 4 just become:


numbers = [aux[x] for x in row]

this dict lookup should be much faster than converting each entry on the fly.


Edit: it's been suggested I explain why am I making two entries into aux for each value of x. The point is that s may be of any length from 1 to 3 characters, and for the short lengths I do want two entries -- one with s as it it (because as I mentioned the last item in row may well be shorter than 3...), and one with it left-padded to a length of 3 with 0s.

编辑:有人建议我解释为什么我为x的每个值两个条目进入aux。关键是s可以是1到3个字符的任意长度,对于短的长度,我确实需要两个条目 - 一个用s作为它(因为我提到行中的最后一项可能短于3 ...),其中一个用左边填充到3的长度为0。

The sub-expression ('00'+s)[-3:] computes "s left-padded with '0's to a length of 3" by taking the last 3 characters (that's the [-3:] slicing part) of the string obtained by placing zeros to the left of s (that's the '00'+s part). If s is already 3 characters long, the whole subexpression will equal s so the assignment to that entry of aux is useless but harmless, so I find it simpler to not even bother checking (prepending an if len(s)<3: would be fine too, matter of taste;-).

子表达式('00'+ s)[ - 3:]通过取最后3个字符(即[-3:]切片部分)计算“左边填充'0'到3的长度”通过在s的左边放置零获得的字符串(即'00'+ s部分)。如果s已经是3个字符长,那么整个子表达式将等于s,因此对aux的那个条目的赋值是无用的但是无害的,所以我发现更简单甚至不打扰检查(在if之前加上一个len(s)<3:将是味道也很好;-)。

There are other approaches (e.g. formatting x again if needed) but this is hardly the crux of the code (it executes just 8 times to build up the auxiliary "lookup table", after all;-), so I didn't pay it enough attention.


...nor did I unit-test it, so it has a bug in one obscure corner case. Can you see it...?


Suppose row has '01' as the last entry: THAT key, after my code's above has built aux, will not be present in aux (both 1 and 001 WILL be, but that's scanty consolation;-). In the code above I use the original s, '1', and the length-three padded version, '001', but the intermediate length-two padded version, oops, got overlooked;-).

假设行有'01'作为最后一个条目:在我的代码上面已经构建了aux之后,那个密钥将不会出现在aux中(1和001都会出现,但这是很少的安慰;-)。在上面的代码中,我使用原始的s,'1'和长度为3的填充版本'001',但是中间长度 - 两个填充版本,oops,被忽略了;-)。

So, here's a RIGHT way to do it...:


aux = {}
for x in range(8):
  s = format(x, 'b')
  aux[s] = x
  while len(s) < 3:
    s = '0' + s
    aux[s] = x

...no doubt simpler and more obvious, but, even more importantly, CORRECT;-).




If you're dealing with processing raw data of any kind, I'd like to recommend the excellent bitstring module:


>>> import bitstring
>>> bits = bitstring.Bits('0b110101001')
>>> [b.uint for b in bits.cut(3)]
[6, 5, 1]

Description from the home page:


A Python module that makes the creation, manipulation and analysis of binary data as simple and natural as possible.


Bitstrings can be constructed from integers, floats, hex, octal, binary, bytes or files. They can also be created and interpreted using flexible format strings.


Bitstrings can be sliced, joined, reversed, inserted into, overwritten, etc. with simple methods or using slice notation. They can also be read from, searched and replaced, and navigated in, similar to a file or stream.


Internally the bit data is efficiently stored in byte arrays, the module has been optimized for speed, and excellent code coverage is given by over 400 unit tests.




Great answers from Greg and Alex! List comprehensions and slicing are so pythonic! For short input strings I wouldn't bother with the dictionary lookup trick, but if the input string were longer, I would, as well as using gen-exps rather than list-comps, i.e.:


row = list(thestring[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0, len(thestring), 3))

row = list(thestring [i:i + 3] for x in xrange(0,len(thestring),3))


numbers = list(aux[x] for x in row)

numbers = list(行中x的aux [x])

since gen-exp perform better.




Wouldn't this be easier:


(I wanted an array of the upper 3 bits of a variable that contained the integer 29)


format your variables and arrays first


a = ''

a =''

b = []

b = []

I stole this from a really good example in this forum, it formats the integer 29 into 5 bits, bits zero through four and puts the string of bits into the string variable "a". [edited] Needed to change the format from 0:5b to 0:05b, in order to pad zeros when the integer is < 7.

我从这个论坛中的一个非常好的例子中偷了这个,它将整数29格式化为5位,位0到4,并将位串放入字符串变量“a”。 [编辑]需要将格式从0:5b更改为0:05b,以便在整数<7时填充零。

a = '{0:05b}'.format(29)

a ='{0:05b}'。格式(29)

look at your string variable




split your string into an array


b[0:3] = a[0:3]

b [0:3] = a [0:3]

this is exactly what I wanted.



['1', '1', '1']
