I've made a simple Binary program in python from Java, At this moment I'm new in Python(Not just new but i've spent 20 days to learn it).
I'm getting this error:
Enter the number of Element:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\raj\Documents\EclipseProject\PythonProject1\myProgram.py", line 15, in <module>
print("Enter "+int(n)+" Elements")
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
Here is my program:
array = []
print("Enter the number of Element: ")
n = input()
n = int(n)
array = [n]
print("Enter "+int(n)+" Elements")
for i in (0, n):
array[i] += input()
print("Enter the element, you want to find:")
search = input()
search = int(search)
first = 0
first = int(first)
last = n-1
last = int(last)
middle = (first+last) / 2
middle = int(middle)
while(first <= last):
if array(middle) < search:
first = middle + 1
first = int(first)
elif array[middle] == search:
print(int(search)+" Value found at location "+int((middle+1)))
last = middle - 1
last = int(last)
middle = (first+last)/2
middle = int(middle)
if first>last:
print(int(search)+" is NOT present in the list!")
As i tried in my all program to convert into Integers, But still i'm getting the same error.
Help would be appreciated!!!
1 个解决方案
print("Enter "+int(n)+" Elements")
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
Do you see the error? Try this:
print("Enter "+str(n)+" Elements")
print("Enter "+int(n)+" Elements")
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
Do you see the error? Try this:
print("Enter "+str(n)+" Elements")