Currently I am using this command to extract the images:
ffmpeg.exe -i 10fps.h264 -r 10 -f image2 10fps.h264_%03d.jpeg
ffmpeg。exe - 10 fps。h264 - r10 -f image2 10fps.h264_%03d.jpeg。
But how can I improve the JPEG image quality?
1 个解决方案
Use -qscale:v
Use -qscale:v
(or the alias -q:v
) as an output option. Effective range for JPEG is 2-31 with 31 being the worst quality. I recommend trying values of 2-5.
You can add -huffman optimal
for a small, but measurable decrease in output file size.
To output a series of images:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -qscale:v 2 output_%03d.jpg
To output a single image at ~60 seconds duration:
ffmpeg -ss 60 -i input.mp4 -qscale:v 4 -frames:v 1 -huffman optimal output.jpg
This will work with any video input. See below if your input is MJPEG.
If you input is MJPEG (Motion JPEG) then the images can be extracted without any quality loss.
The ffmpeg
or ffprobe
console output can tell you if your input is MJPEG:
$ ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name -of default=nw=1 input.avi
Then you can extract the frames using the mjpeg2jpeg
bitstream filter:
然后您可以使用mjpeg2jpeg bitstream过滤器来提取帧:
$ ffmpeg -i input.avi -codec:v copy -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg output_%03d.jpg
Also see
- FFmpeg FAQ: How do I encode movie to single pictures?
- FFmpeg FAQ:如何将电影编码到单个图片中?
- FFmpeg Wiki: Create a thumbnail image every X seconds of the video
- FFmpeg Wiki:在视频的每一个X秒内创建一个缩略图。
Use -qscale:v
Use -qscale:v
(or the alias -q:v
) as an output option. Effective range for JPEG is 2-31 with 31 being the worst quality. I recommend trying values of 2-5.
You can add -huffman optimal
for a small, but measurable decrease in output file size.
To output a series of images:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -qscale:v 2 output_%03d.jpg
To output a single image at ~60 seconds duration:
ffmpeg -ss 60 -i input.mp4 -qscale:v 4 -frames:v 1 -huffman optimal output.jpg
This will work with any video input. See below if your input is MJPEG.
If you input is MJPEG (Motion JPEG) then the images can be extracted without any quality loss.
The ffmpeg
or ffprobe
console output can tell you if your input is MJPEG:
$ ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name -of default=nw=1 input.avi
Then you can extract the frames using the mjpeg2jpeg
bitstream filter:
然后您可以使用mjpeg2jpeg bitstream过滤器来提取帧:
$ ffmpeg -i input.avi -codec:v copy -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg output_%03d.jpg
Also see
- FFmpeg FAQ: How do I encode movie to single pictures?
- FFmpeg FAQ:如何将电影编码到单个图片中?
- FFmpeg Wiki: Create a thumbnail image every X seconds of the video
- FFmpeg Wiki:在视频的每一个X秒内创建一个缩略图。