熊猫 - 如何将r数据帧转换回熊猫?

时间:2022-01-20 18:18:07

I converted a pandas df to r using the the below:

我使用下面的方法将pandas df转换为r:

import pandas as pd
import pandas.rpy.common as com
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
rdf = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(df)

How do I convert rdf back to a pandas df?

如何将rdf转换回pandas df?

df = f(rdf) ?

3 个解决方案



Converting data frames back and forth between rpy2 and pandas will be in the rpy2 release 2.4.0, and should be largely automated (no need to convert explicitly, it will be done on the fly)


from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri

If wishing to convert explicitly for any reason, the functions are pandas2ri.py2ri() and pandas2ri.ri2py() (they were pandas2ri.pandas2ri() and pandas2ri.ri2pandas()).




As suggested by lgautier, it can be done with pandas2ri.


Here is sample code for convert rpy dataframe (rdf) to pandas dataframe (pd_df):

以下是将rpy数据帧(rdf)转换为pandas dataframe(pd_df)的示例代码:

from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri

pd_df = pandas2ri.ri2py_dataframe(rdf)



Given your import, it appears it is:



For example,


In [480]: dfrm
           A          B  C
0   0.454459  49.916767  1
1   0.943284  50.878174  1
2   0.974856  50.335679  2
3   0.776600  50.782104  1
4   0.553895  50.084505  1
5   0.514018  50.719019  2
6   0.915413  50.513962  0
7   0.771571  49.859855  2
8   0.068619  49.409657  0
9   0.728141  50.945174  2
10  0.388115  47.879653  1
11  0.960172  49.680258  0
12  0.015216  50.067968  0
13  0.495024  50.286287  1
14  0.565954  49.909771  1
15  0.992279  49.009696  1
16  0.179934  49.554256  0
17  0.521243  47.854791  0
18  0.551241  51.076262  1
19  0.713271  49.418503  0
20  0.801716  50.660304  1

In [481]: rdfrm = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(dfrm)

In [482]: rdfrm
<DataFrame - Python:0x14905cf8 / R:0x1600ee98>
[FloatVector, FloatVector, IntVector]
  A: <class 'rpy2.robjects.vectors.FloatVector'>
  <FloatVector - Python:0xf9d0b00 / R:0x140e2620>
[0.454459, 0.943284, 0.974856, ..., 0.551241, 0.713271, 0.801716]
  B: <class 'rpy2.robjects.vectors.FloatVector'>
  <FloatVector - Python:0xf9d0878 / R:0x125aa240>
[49.916767, 50.878174, 50.335679, ..., 51.076262, 49.418503, 50.660304]
  C: <class 'rpy2.robjects.vectors.IntVector'>
  <IntVector - Python:0x11fceef0 / R:0x13f0d918>
[       1,        1,        2, ...,        1,        0,        1]

In [483]: com.convert_robj(rdfrm)
           A          B  C
0   0.454459  49.916767  1
1   0.943284  50.878174  1
2   0.974856  50.335679  2
3   0.776600  50.782104  1
4   0.553895  50.084505  1
5   0.514018  50.719019  2
6   0.915413  50.513962  0
7   0.771571  49.859855  2
8   0.068619  49.409657  0
9   0.728141  50.945174  2
10  0.388115  47.879653  1
11  0.960172  49.680258  0
12  0.015216  50.067968  0
13  0.495024  50.286287  1
14  0.565954  49.909771  1
15  0.992279  49.009696  1
16  0.179934  49.554256  0
17  0.521243  47.854791  0
18  0.551241  51.076262  1
19  0.713271  49.418503  0
20  0.801716  50.660304  1

With docs:


In [475]: com.convert_robj?
Type:       function
String Form:<function convert_robj at 0x13e85848>
File:       /mnt/epd/7.3-2_pandas0.12/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/rpy/common.py
Definition: com.convert_robj(obj, use_pandas=True)
Convert rpy2 object to a pandas-friendly form

obj : rpy2 object

Non-rpy data structure, mix of NumPy and pandas objects



Converting data frames back and forth between rpy2 and pandas will be in the rpy2 release 2.4.0, and should be largely automated (no need to convert explicitly, it will be done on the fly)


from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri

If wishing to convert explicitly for any reason, the functions are pandas2ri.py2ri() and pandas2ri.ri2py() (they were pandas2ri.pandas2ri() and pandas2ri.ri2pandas()).




As suggested by lgautier, it can be done with pandas2ri.


Here is sample code for convert rpy dataframe (rdf) to pandas dataframe (pd_df):

以下是将rpy数据帧(rdf)转换为pandas dataframe(pd_df)的示例代码:

from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri

pd_df = pandas2ri.ri2py_dataframe(rdf)



Given your import, it appears it is:



For example,


In [480]: dfrm
           A          B  C
0   0.454459  49.916767  1
1   0.943284  50.878174  1
2   0.974856  50.335679  2
3   0.776600  50.782104  1
4   0.553895  50.084505  1
5   0.514018  50.719019  2
6   0.915413  50.513962  0
7   0.771571  49.859855  2
8   0.068619  49.409657  0
9   0.728141  50.945174  2
10  0.388115  47.879653  1
11  0.960172  49.680258  0
12  0.015216  50.067968  0
13  0.495024  50.286287  1
14  0.565954  49.909771  1
15  0.992279  49.009696  1
16  0.179934  49.554256  0
17  0.521243  47.854791  0
18  0.551241  51.076262  1
19  0.713271  49.418503  0
20  0.801716  50.660304  1

In [481]: rdfrm = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(dfrm)

In [482]: rdfrm
<DataFrame - Python:0x14905cf8 / R:0x1600ee98>
[FloatVector, FloatVector, IntVector]
  A: <class 'rpy2.robjects.vectors.FloatVector'>
  <FloatVector - Python:0xf9d0b00 / R:0x140e2620>
[0.454459, 0.943284, 0.974856, ..., 0.551241, 0.713271, 0.801716]
  B: <class 'rpy2.robjects.vectors.FloatVector'>
  <FloatVector - Python:0xf9d0878 / R:0x125aa240>
[49.916767, 50.878174, 50.335679, ..., 51.076262, 49.418503, 50.660304]
  C: <class 'rpy2.robjects.vectors.IntVector'>
  <IntVector - Python:0x11fceef0 / R:0x13f0d918>
[       1,        1,        2, ...,        1,        0,        1]

In [483]: com.convert_robj(rdfrm)
           A          B  C
0   0.454459  49.916767  1
1   0.943284  50.878174  1
2   0.974856  50.335679  2
3   0.776600  50.782104  1
4   0.553895  50.084505  1
5   0.514018  50.719019  2
6   0.915413  50.513962  0
7   0.771571  49.859855  2
8   0.068619  49.409657  0
9   0.728141  50.945174  2
10  0.388115  47.879653  1
11  0.960172  49.680258  0
12  0.015216  50.067968  0
13  0.495024  50.286287  1
14  0.565954  49.909771  1
15  0.992279  49.009696  1
16  0.179934  49.554256  0
17  0.521243  47.854791  0
18  0.551241  51.076262  1
19  0.713271  49.418503  0
20  0.801716  50.660304  1

With docs:


In [475]: com.convert_robj?
Type:       function
String Form:<function convert_robj at 0x13e85848>
File:       /mnt/epd/7.3-2_pandas0.12/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/rpy/common.py
Definition: com.convert_robj(obj, use_pandas=True)
Convert rpy2 object to a pandas-friendly form

obj : rpy2 object

Non-rpy data structure, mix of NumPy and pandas objects