
时间:2022-02-05 18:18:06

I have an ASP.Net WebAPI service that accepts OData queries. One of my controller methods accepts an ODataQueryOptions instance and applies it to an IQueryable instance. So far so good. Everything is working as planned.


Now, I have a specific need to obtain one of the key/value pairs from the OData query. For example, if I have two filters specified (someproperty eq 123 and otherproperty eq 456), how can I obtain one of the key/value pairs from the raw filter? I've looked at some of the ODataUriParser documentation, but it is really complicated and seems overkill. Isn't there an easier way to obtain simple key/value pairs, like I would from a normal QueryString?

现在,我需要从OData查询中获得一个键/值对。例如,如果我指定了两个过滤器(someproperty eq 123和otherproperty eq 456),如何从原始过滤器获得一个键/值对?我已经看过一些ODataUriParser文档,但是它真的很复杂,而且看起来有些过头了。难道没有一种更简单的方法来获取简单的键/值对吗?

EDIT: I've since put in some manual string parsing to accomplish what I needed, but that's obviously not ideal. Therefore, I'm putting up a bounty on this question. Hopefully someone has a simple solution to this!


1 个解决方案



There is an easy approach using regex where you convert your Odata query filter into key Value pair , regex found from this answer Here


string strRegex = @"(?<Filter>" + 
"\n" + @"     (?<Resource>.+?)\s+" + 
"\n" + @"     (?<Operator>eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le|add|sub|mul|div|mod)\s+" + 
"\n" + @"     '?(?<Value>.+?)'?" + 
"\n" + @")" + 
"\n" + @"(?:" + 
"\n" + @"    \s*$" + 
"\n" + @"   |\s+(?:or|and|not)\s+" + 
"\n" + @")" + 

your replacement string is something like,


string strReplace = @"${Resource}:${Value}," 

Which gives you output like,



Then convert that string into dictionary of your KeyValue parameter or however you want to consume it


public Dictionary<String, String> getKeyValue(String input)

           return input.Split(',').ToDictionary(kv => kv.Split(':').First(), kv => kv.Split(':').Last());




There is an easy approach using regex where you convert your Odata query filter into key Value pair , regex found from this answer Here


string strRegex = @"(?<Filter>" + 
"\n" + @"     (?<Resource>.+?)\s+" + 
"\n" + @"     (?<Operator>eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le|add|sub|mul|div|mod)\s+" + 
"\n" + @"     '?(?<Value>.+?)'?" + 
"\n" + @")" + 
"\n" + @"(?:" + 
"\n" + @"    \s*$" + 
"\n" + @"   |\s+(?:or|and|not)\s+" + 
"\n" + @")" + 

your replacement string is something like,


string strReplace = @"${Resource}:${Value}," 

Which gives you output like,



Then convert that string into dictionary of your KeyValue parameter or however you want to consume it


public Dictionary<String, String> getKeyValue(String input)

           return input.Split(',').ToDictionary(kv => kv.Split(':').First(), kv => kv.Split(':').Last());
