将Matlab interp2移植到SciPy interp2d的问题。

时间:2021-07-31 18:15:35

I'm rewriting a Matlab's code in Python Language. In Matlab code I have this function: gt= interp2(I(:,:,i)',xi,yi,'cubic')';, where I is a RGB image, xi and yi are 2D matrixes with same shape defining the x and y coordinates. After I set gt(isnan(gt))=0; for the values outside the boundaries. This function runs perfectly on Matlab.

我正在用Python语言重写Matlab的代码。在Matlab代码中,我有这个函数:gt= interp2(I(:, I)',xi,yi,'立方体');在这里我是RGB图像,xi和yi是二维矩阵,具有相同的形状,定义了x和y坐标。当我设置gt(isnan(gt))= 0;对于边界之外的值。这个函数在Matlab中很好地运行。

In Python I wrote the following code: gt=interpolate.interp2d(x,y,img.T,kind='cubic',fill_value=0), where x and y are the same as the xi and yi in Matlab, and img is a gray-scale image. Anyway i get the following exception: "Invalid length for input z for non rectangular grid") ValueError: Invalid length for input z for non rectangular grid". What is wrong? Thank you very much.

在Python中,我编写了以下代码:gt=插值。interp2d(x,y,img. t,kind='cubic',fill_value=0),其中x和y与Matlab中的xi和yi相同,img是灰度图像。无论如何,我得到了如下例外:“非矩形网格输入z的长度无效”)ValueError:输入z的长度为非矩形网格的无效长度。是什么错了吗?非常感谢。

1 个解决方案



Looking at the documentation you should note a few things:


  1. If x and y represent a regular grid, consider using RectBivariateSpline.


  2. x and y should be 1D vectors unlike in Matlab and they match with Matlab's x and y and NOT with xi and yi. Those come later.


  3. SciPy will return a function to use to interpolate later. Matlab retuns the interpolated vector immediately.


You've used it in Matlab but implicitly assuming that


[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:size(I,1), 1:size(I,2))
gt= interp2(X, Y, I(:,:,i)',xi,yi,'cubic')';

So it's actually this X and Y that you need to pass to interpolation.interp2d and NOT xi and yi, they come later.


In SciPy you can actually skip the meshgrid step and just use a normal range but also it outputs a function for later rather than performing the interpolation on the spot (note there might be small errors in my definitions of x and y, I'm not that familiar with arange):


x = arange(1, img.shape[0]+1)
y = arange(1, img.shape[1]+1)
f = interpolation.interp2d(x, y, img.T)

and then when you want to do the interpolation:


gt = f(xi, yi)



Looking at the documentation you should note a few things:


  1. If x and y represent a regular grid, consider using RectBivariateSpline.


  2. x and y should be 1D vectors unlike in Matlab and they match with Matlab's x and y and NOT with xi and yi. Those come later.


  3. SciPy will return a function to use to interpolate later. Matlab retuns the interpolated vector immediately.


You've used it in Matlab but implicitly assuming that


[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:size(I,1), 1:size(I,2))
gt= interp2(X, Y, I(:,:,i)',xi,yi,'cubic')';

So it's actually this X and Y that you need to pass to interpolation.interp2d and NOT xi and yi, they come later.


In SciPy you can actually skip the meshgrid step and just use a normal range but also it outputs a function for later rather than performing the interpolation on the spot (note there might be small errors in my definitions of x and y, I'm not that familiar with arange):


x = arange(1, img.shape[0]+1)
y = arange(1, img.shape[1]+1)
f = interpolation.interp2d(x, y, img.T)

and then when you want to do the interpolation:


gt = f(xi, yi)