<body >
<input type=button name ="click" value ="clicks" onclick="clickme()" >
<script language="javascript" >
function clickme()
alert("sds") ;//没有特别的意思
window.showModelessDialog("tree.htm", "" ,"dialogHeight: 300px; dialogWidth:300px; dialogTop: 150px; dialogLeft: 150px; center: Yes;status: yes;scroll:no;help: No;edge: Raised");
9 个解决方案
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="tree.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="tree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var metadatadoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ;
var metatree = new Array ;
var valuestr ="" ;
var nodeId ,parentNodeId ,nodeName ,nodeUrl ,closeImge ,openImge ;
var cubeopen ="'cubeopen.ico'" ;
var cubeclose ="'cubeclose.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderopen ="'dementionfolderopen.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderclose ="'dementionfolderclose.ico'" ;
var demention ="'demention.ico'" ;
var ready =false ;
nodeId =parentNodeId= nodeName =nodeUrl=closeImage=openImage= 0 ;
var userNodeId = window.dialogArguments; //获得用户选择的id
var oXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var server ="" ;
oXmlHttp.Open("POST",server, false);
oXmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml") ;
oXmlHttp.Send("<?xml version='1.0' ?> ");
// 根据用户点击的节点id,得到该节点的位置,并且向上查找各个父亲节点
// 如果找着最上层的父亲节点,从该节点开始向下查找,并成生树的节点
function findtop(id)
//var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='" + id + "']") ;
var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='" + "qz.cube_qz01.d_year" + "']") ;
for( ;;)
if( usernode.parentNode.tagName !="cubeid")
usernode = usernode.parentNode ;
break ;
return usernode ;
function maketreenode(parentnode)
var imageopen ,imageclose ;
var link ="#" ;
for(var i=0 ; i < parentnode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
nodeId = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("desc") ;
var nodeType =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("datatype") ;
var formatstr =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("formatstr") ;
var wheresect =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("wheresect") ;
parentNodeId = parentnode.getAttribute("id") ;
switch (parentnode.childNodes[i].nodeName)
case "cubeid":
imageopen = cubeopen ;imageclose = cubeclose ;link = "#" ;break;
case "dementionid":
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
link ="javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode(parentnode.childNodes[i]) ;
function makeusertree( )
// metadatadoc = document.all.metadataxmldso ;
// alert(" ") ;
//metadatadoc = parent.parent.frames(2).document.all("metadataDSO") ;
var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='qz.cube_qz01']") ; // dementionid
//var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='qz.cube_qz01.d_province']") ;
valuestr ="" ;
parentNodeId = 0 ;
nodeId = cube .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = cube .getAttribute("desc") ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|#|"+ cubeopen +"|" +cubeclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
var usernode = findtop( userNodeId ) ; // 查找用户id的最上层的id
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
parentNodeId = nodeId ;
nodeId = usernode .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = usernode .getAttribute("desc") ;
var link = " javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode( usernode) ;
//maketreenode(cube ) ;
function drill(msgstr )
var msg = msgstr.split(",") ;
if(confirm("是否要钻取到维度 '" + msg[1] + "' ?" ) )
window.returnValue = msg[0] ;
window.close() ;
<body >
<xml id="metadataxmldso" async="false" src="" />
<div id="tree">
<script type="text/javascript">
makeusertree( ) ;
<input type=button name ="click" value ="clicks" onclick="clickme()" >
<script language="javascript" >
function clickme()
alert("sds") ;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="tree.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="tree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var metadatadoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ;
var metatree = new Array ;
var valuestr ="" ;
var nodeId ,parentNodeId ,nodeName ,nodeUrl ,closeImge ,openImge ;
var cubeopen ="'cubeopen.ico'" ;
var cubeclose ="'cubeclose.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderopen ="'dementionfolderopen.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderclose ="'dementionfolderclose.ico'" ;
var demention ="'demention.ico'" ;
var ready =false ;
nodeId =parentNodeId= nodeName =nodeUrl=closeImage=openImage= 0 ;
var userNodeId = window.dialogArguments; //获得用户选择的id
var oXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var server ="" ;
oXmlHttp.Open("POST",server, false);
oXmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml") ;
oXmlHttp.Send("<?xml version='1.0' ?> ");
// 根据用户点击的节点id,得到该节点的位置,并且向上查找各个父亲节点
// 如果找着最上层的父亲节点,从该节点开始向下查找,并成生树的节点
function findtop(id)
//var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='" + id + "']") ;
var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='" + "qz.cube_qz01.d_year" + "']") ;
for( ;;)
if( usernode.parentNode.tagName !="cubeid")
usernode = usernode.parentNode ;
break ;
return usernode ;
function maketreenode(parentnode)
var imageopen ,imageclose ;
var link ="#" ;
for(var i=0 ; i < parentnode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
nodeId = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("desc") ;
var nodeType =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("datatype") ;
var formatstr =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("formatstr") ;
var wheresect =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("wheresect") ;
parentNodeId = parentnode.getAttribute("id") ;
switch (parentnode.childNodes[i].nodeName)
case "cubeid":
imageopen = cubeopen ;imageclose = cubeclose ;link = "#" ;break;
case "dementionid":
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
link ="javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode(parentnode.childNodes[i]) ;
function makeusertree( )
// metadatadoc = document.all.metadataxmldso ;
// alert(" ") ;
//metadatadoc = parent.parent.frames(2).document.all("metadataDSO") ;
var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='qz.cube_qz01']") ; // dementionid
//var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='qz.cube_qz01.d_province']") ;
valuestr ="" ;
parentNodeId = 0 ;
nodeId = cube .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = cube .getAttribute("desc") ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|#|"+ cubeopen +"|" +cubeclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
var usernode = findtop( userNodeId ) ; // 查找用户id的最上层的id
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
parentNodeId = nodeId ;
nodeId = usernode .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = usernode .getAttribute("desc") ;
var link = " javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode( usernode) ;
//maketreenode(cube ) ;
function drill(msgstr )
var msg = msgstr.split(",") ;
if(confirm("是否要钻取到维度 '" + msg[1] + "' ?" ) )
window.returnValue = msg[0] ;
window.close() ;
<body >
<xml id="metadataxmldso" async="false" src="" />
<div id="tree">
<script type="text/javascript">
makeusertree( ) ;
<input type=button name ="click" value ="clicks" onclick="clickme()" >
<script language="javascript" >
function clickme()
alert("sds") ;
/ Arrays for nodes and icons
var nodes = new Array();;
var openNodes = new Array();
var icons = new Array(6);
// Loads all icons that are used in the tree
function preloadIcons() {
icons[0] = new Image();
icons[0].src = "img/plus.gif";
icons[1] = new Image();
icons[1].src = "img/plusbottom.gif";
icons[2] = new Image();
icons[2].src = "img/minus.gif";
icons[3] = new Image();
icons[3].src = "img/minusbottom.gif";
icons[4] = new Image();
icons[4].src = "img/folder.gif";
icons[5] = new Image();
icons[5].src = "img/folderopen.gif";
// Create the tree
function createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode) {
nodes = arrName;
if (nodes.length > 0) {
if (startNode == null) startNode = 0;
if (openNode != 0 || openNode != null) setOpenNodes(openNode);
if (startNode !=0) {
var nodeValues = nodes[getArrayId(startNode)].split("|");
// document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/folderopen.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
} else document.write("<img src=\"img/base.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />元数据<br />");
var recursedNodes = new Array();
addNode(startNode, recursedNodes);
// Returns the position of a node in the array
function getArrayId(node) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==node) return i;
// Puts in array nodes that will be open
function setOpenNodes(openNode) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==openNode) {
openNodes.push(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
setOpenNodes(nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
// Checks if a node is open
function isNodeOpen(node) {
for (i=0; i<openNodes.length; i++)
if (openNodes[i]==node) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node has any children
function hasChildNode(parentNode) {
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node is the last sibling
function lastSibling (node, parentNode) {
var lastChild = 0;
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode)
lastChild = nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1);
if (lastChild==node) return true;
return false;
// Adds a new node to the tree
function addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) {
var ls = lastSibling(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
var hcn = hasChildNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
// Write out line & empty icons
for (g=0; g<recursedNodes.length; g++) {
if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("<img src=\"img/line.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/empty.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// put in array line & empty icons
if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0);
else recursedNodes.push(1);
// Write out join icons
if (hcn) {
if (ls) {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 1,"+ nodeValues[4] +" , "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write("bottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 0,"+ nodeValues[4] + ", "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
if (ls) document.write("<img src=\"img/join.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/joinbottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// Start link
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\">");
// Write out folder & page icons
if (hcn) {
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
if (ino) document.write("open");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/page.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
// if (ino) document.write("open");
//document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
if(ino) document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" )
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" ) ;
document.write(" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
// Write out node name
// End link
document.write("</a><br />");
// If node has children write out divs and go deeper
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0] + "\"");
document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\"");
if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\"");
addNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), recursedNodes);
// remove last line or empty icon
// Opens or closes a node
/ Arrays for nodes and icons
var nodes = new Array();;
var openNodes = new Array();
var icons = new Array(6);
// Loads all icons that are used in the tree
function preloadIcons() {
icons[0] = new Image();
icons[0].src = "img/plus.gif";
icons[1] = new Image();
icons[1].src = "img/plusbottom.gif";
icons[2] = new Image();
icons[2].src = "img/minus.gif";
icons[3] = new Image();
icons[3].src = "img/minusbottom.gif";
icons[4] = new Image();
icons[4].src = "img/folder.gif";
icons[5] = new Image();
icons[5].src = "img/folderopen.gif";
// Create the tree
function createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode) {
nodes = arrName;
if (nodes.length > 0) {
if (startNode == null) startNode = 0;
if (openNode != 0 || openNode != null) setOpenNodes(openNode);
if (startNode !=0) {
var nodeValues = nodes[getArrayId(startNode)].split("|");
// document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/folderopen.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
} else document.write("<img src=\"img/base.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />元数据<br />");
var recursedNodes = new Array();
addNode(startNode, recursedNodes);
// Returns the position of a node in the array
function getArrayId(node) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==node) return i;
// Puts in array nodes that will be open
function setOpenNodes(openNode) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==openNode) {
openNodes.push(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
setOpenNodes(nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
// Checks if a node is open
function isNodeOpen(node) {
for (i=0; i<openNodes.length; i++)
if (openNodes[i]==node) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node has any children
function hasChildNode(parentNode) {
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node is the last sibling
function lastSibling (node, parentNode) {
var lastChild = 0;
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode)
lastChild = nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1);
if (lastChild==node) return true;
return false;
// Adds a new node to the tree
function addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) {
var ls = lastSibling(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
var hcn = hasChildNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
// Write out line & empty icons
for (g=0; g<recursedNodes.length; g++) {
if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("<img src=\"img/line.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/empty.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// put in array line & empty icons
if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0);
else recursedNodes.push(1);
// Write out join icons
if (hcn) {
if (ls) {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 1,"+ nodeValues[4] +" , "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write("bottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 0,"+ nodeValues[4] + ", "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
if (ls) document.write("<img src=\"img/join.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/joinbottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// Start link
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\">");
// Write out folder & page icons
if (hcn) {
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
if (ino) document.write("open");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/page.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
// if (ino) document.write("open");
//document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
if(ino) document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" )
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" ) ;
document.write(" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
// Write out node name
// End link
document.write("</a><br />");
// If node has children write out divs and go deeper
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0] + "\"");
document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\"");
if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\"");
addNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), recursedNodes);
// remove last line or empty icon
// Opens or closes a node
function oc(node, bottom ,closeimage,openimage) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node );
var theJoin = document.getElementById("join" + node);
var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node);
if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[2].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[5].src;
theIcon.src ="img/" + closeimage ;
theDiv.style.display = '';
} else {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[0].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[4].src;
theIcon.src = "img/" +openimage ;
theDiv.style.display = 'none';
// Push and pop not implemented in IE(crap! don磘 know about NS though)
if(!Array.prototype.push) {
function array_push() {
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)
return this.length;
Array.prototype.push = array_push;
if(!Array.prototype.pop) {
function array_pop(){
lastElement = this[this.length-1];
this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);
return lastElement;
Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;
subject desc="主题" id="subject" name="subject">
- <subjectid desc="求职人员" name="qz" id="qz">
- <cubeid desc="求职立方体" facttabname="ty_b_qz01" name="cube_qz01" id="qz.cube_qz01">
- <dementionid desc="省" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_province" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true">
<dementionid desc="市" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_city" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province.d_city" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true" />
function oc(node, bottom ,closeimage,openimage) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node );
var theJoin = document.getElementById("join" + node);
var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node);
if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[2].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[5].src;
theIcon.src ="img/" + closeimage ;
theDiv.style.display = '';
} else {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[0].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[4].src;
theIcon.src = "img/" +openimage ;
theDiv.style.display = 'none';
// Push and pop not implemented in IE(crap! don磘 know about NS though)
if(!Array.prototype.push) {
function array_push() {
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)
return this.length;
Array.prototype.push = array_push;
if(!Array.prototype.pop) {
function array_pop(){
lastElement = this[this.length-1];
this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);
return lastElement;
Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;
subject desc="主题" id="subject" name="subject">
- <subjectid desc="求职人员" name="qz" id="qz">
- <cubeid desc="求职立方体" facttabname="ty_b_qz01" name="cube_qz01" id="qz.cube_qz01">
- <dementionid desc="省" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_province" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true">
<dementionid desc="市" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_city" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province.d_city" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true" />
to HueVan:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="tree.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="tree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var metadatadoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ;
var metatree = new Array ;
var valuestr ="" ;
var nodeId ,parentNodeId ,nodeName ,nodeUrl ,closeImge ,openImge ;
var cubeopen ="'cubeopen.ico'" ;
var cubeclose ="'cubeclose.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderopen ="'dementionfolderopen.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderclose ="'dementionfolderclose.ico'" ;
var demention ="'demention.ico'" ;
var ready =false ;
nodeId =parentNodeId= nodeName =nodeUrl=closeImage=openImage= 0 ;
var userNodeId = window.dialogArguments; //获得用户选择的id
var oXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var server ="" ;
oXmlHttp.Open("POST",server, false);
oXmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml") ;
oXmlHttp.Send("<?xml version='1.0' ?> ");
// 根据用户点击的节点id,得到该节点的位置,并且向上查找各个父亲节点
// 如果找着最上层的父亲节点,从该节点开始向下查找,并成生树的节点
function findtop(id)
//var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='" + id + "']") ;
var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='" + "qz.cube_qz01.d_year" + "']") ;
for( ;;)
if( usernode.parentNode.tagName !="cubeid")
usernode = usernode.parentNode ;
break ;
return usernode ;
function maketreenode(parentnode)
var imageopen ,imageclose ;
var link ="#" ;
for(var i=0 ; i < parentnode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
nodeId = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("desc") ;
var nodeType =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("datatype") ;
var formatstr =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("formatstr") ;
var wheresect =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("wheresect") ;
parentNodeId = parentnode.getAttribute("id") ;
switch (parentnode.childNodes[i].nodeName)
case "cubeid":
imageopen = cubeopen ;imageclose = cubeclose ;link = "#" ;break;
case "dementionid":
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
link ="javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode(parentnode.childNodes[i]) ;
function makeusertree( )
// metadatadoc = document.all.metadataxmldso ;
// alert(" ") ;
//metadatadoc = parent.parent.frames(2).document.all("metadataDSO") ;
var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='qz.cube_qz01']") ; // dementionid
//var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='qz.cube_qz01.d_province']") ;
valuestr ="" ;
parentNodeId = 0 ;
nodeId = cube .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = cube .getAttribute("desc") ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|#|"+ cubeopen +"|" +cubeclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
var usernode = findtop( userNodeId ) ; // 查找用户id的最上层的id
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
parentNodeId = nodeId ;
nodeId = usernode .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = usernode .getAttribute("desc") ;
var link = " javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode( usernode) ;
//maketreenode(cube ) ;
function drill(msgstr )
var msg = msgstr.split(",") ;
if(confirm("是否要钻取到维度 '" + msg[1] + "' ?" ) )
window.returnValue = msg[0] ;
window.close() ;
<body >
<xml id="metadataxmldso" async="false" src="" />
<div id="tree">
<script type="text/javascript">
makeusertree( ) ;
<input type=button name ="click" value ="clicks" onclick="clickme()" >
<script language="javascript" >
function clickme()
alert("sds") ;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="tree.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="tree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var metadatadoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ;
var metatree = new Array ;
var valuestr ="" ;
var nodeId ,parentNodeId ,nodeName ,nodeUrl ,closeImge ,openImge ;
var cubeopen ="'cubeopen.ico'" ;
var cubeclose ="'cubeclose.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderopen ="'dementionfolderopen.ico'" ;
var dementionfolderclose ="'dementionfolderclose.ico'" ;
var demention ="'demention.ico'" ;
var ready =false ;
nodeId =parentNodeId= nodeName =nodeUrl=closeImage=openImage= 0 ;
var userNodeId = window.dialogArguments; //获得用户选择的id
var oXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var server ="" ;
oXmlHttp.Open("POST",server, false);
oXmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/xml") ;
oXmlHttp.Send("<?xml version='1.0' ?> ");
// 根据用户点击的节点id,得到该节点的位置,并且向上查找各个父亲节点
// 如果找着最上层的父亲节点,从该节点开始向下查找,并成生树的节点
function findtop(id)
//var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='" + id + "']") ;
var usernode = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='" + "qz.cube_qz01.d_year" + "']") ;
for( ;;)
if( usernode.parentNode.tagName !="cubeid")
usernode = usernode.parentNode ;
break ;
return usernode ;
function maketreenode(parentnode)
var imageopen ,imageclose ;
var link ="#" ;
for(var i=0 ; i < parentnode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
nodeId = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("desc") ;
var nodeType =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("datatype") ;
var formatstr =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("formatstr") ;
var wheresect =parentnode.childNodes[i].getAttribute("wheresect") ;
parentNodeId = parentnode.getAttribute("id") ;
switch (parentnode.childNodes[i].nodeName)
case "cubeid":
imageopen = cubeopen ;imageclose = cubeclose ;link = "#" ;break;
case "dementionid":
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
link ="javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode(parentnode.childNodes[i]) ;
function makeusertree( )
// metadatadoc = document.all.metadataxmldso ;
// alert(" ") ;
//metadatadoc = parent.parent.frames(2).document.all("metadataDSO") ;
var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//cubeid[@id='qz.cube_qz01']") ; // dementionid
//var cube = metadatadoc.selectSingleNode("//dementionid[@id='qz.cube_qz01.d_province']") ;
valuestr ="" ;
parentNodeId = 0 ;
nodeId = cube .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = cube .getAttribute("desc") ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|#|"+ cubeopen +"|" +cubeclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
var usernode = findtop( userNodeId ) ; // 查找用户id的最上层的id
imageopen = demention; imageclose = demention ;
parentNodeId = nodeId ;
nodeId = usernode .getAttribute("id") ;
nodeName = usernode .getAttribute("desc") ;
var link = " javascript:drill('" + nodeId +','+nodeName +"' )" ;
valuestr = "'" + nodeId +"'|'" + parentNodeId + "'|"+ nodeName+"|"+ link +"|"+ imageopen +"|" +imageclose ;
metatree.push(valuestr) ;
maketreenode( usernode) ;
//maketreenode(cube ) ;
function drill(msgstr )
var msg = msgstr.split(",") ;
if(confirm("是否要钻取到维度 '" + msg[1] + "' ?" ) )
window.returnValue = msg[0] ;
window.close() ;
<body >
<xml id="metadataxmldso" async="false" src="" />
<div id="tree">
<script type="text/javascript">
makeusertree( ) ;
<input type=button name ="click" value ="clicks" onclick="clickme()" >
<script language="javascript" >
function clickme()
alert("sds") ;
/ Arrays for nodes and icons
var nodes = new Array();;
var openNodes = new Array();
var icons = new Array(6);
// Loads all icons that are used in the tree
function preloadIcons() {
icons[0] = new Image();
icons[0].src = "img/plus.gif";
icons[1] = new Image();
icons[1].src = "img/plusbottom.gif";
icons[2] = new Image();
icons[2].src = "img/minus.gif";
icons[3] = new Image();
icons[3].src = "img/minusbottom.gif";
icons[4] = new Image();
icons[4].src = "img/folder.gif";
icons[5] = new Image();
icons[5].src = "img/folderopen.gif";
// Create the tree
function createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode) {
nodes = arrName;
if (nodes.length > 0) {
if (startNode == null) startNode = 0;
if (openNode != 0 || openNode != null) setOpenNodes(openNode);
if (startNode !=0) {
var nodeValues = nodes[getArrayId(startNode)].split("|");
// document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/folderopen.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
} else document.write("<img src=\"img/base.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />元数据<br />");
var recursedNodes = new Array();
addNode(startNode, recursedNodes);
// Returns the position of a node in the array
function getArrayId(node) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==node) return i;
// Puts in array nodes that will be open
function setOpenNodes(openNode) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==openNode) {
openNodes.push(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
setOpenNodes(nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
// Checks if a node is open
function isNodeOpen(node) {
for (i=0; i<openNodes.length; i++)
if (openNodes[i]==node) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node has any children
function hasChildNode(parentNode) {
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node is the last sibling
function lastSibling (node, parentNode) {
var lastChild = 0;
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode)
lastChild = nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1);
if (lastChild==node) return true;
return false;
// Adds a new node to the tree
function addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) {
var ls = lastSibling(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
var hcn = hasChildNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
// Write out line & empty icons
for (g=0; g<recursedNodes.length; g++) {
if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("<img src=\"img/line.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/empty.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// put in array line & empty icons
if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0);
else recursedNodes.push(1);
// Write out join icons
if (hcn) {
if (ls) {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 1,"+ nodeValues[4] +" , "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write("bottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 0,"+ nodeValues[4] + ", "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
if (ls) document.write("<img src=\"img/join.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/joinbottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// Start link
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\">");
// Write out folder & page icons
if (hcn) {
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
if (ino) document.write("open");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/page.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
// if (ino) document.write("open");
//document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
if(ino) document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" )
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" ) ;
document.write(" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
// Write out node name
// End link
document.write("</a><br />");
// If node has children write out divs and go deeper
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0] + "\"");
document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\"");
if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\"");
addNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), recursedNodes);
// remove last line or empty icon
// Opens or closes a node
/ Arrays for nodes and icons
var nodes = new Array();;
var openNodes = new Array();
var icons = new Array(6);
// Loads all icons that are used in the tree
function preloadIcons() {
icons[0] = new Image();
icons[0].src = "img/plus.gif";
icons[1] = new Image();
icons[1].src = "img/plusbottom.gif";
icons[2] = new Image();
icons[2].src = "img/minus.gif";
icons[3] = new Image();
icons[3].src = "img/minusbottom.gif";
icons[4] = new Image();
icons[4].src = "img/folder.gif";
icons[5] = new Image();
icons[5].src = "img/folderopen.gif";
// Create the tree
function createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode) {
nodes = arrName;
if (nodes.length > 0) {
if (startNode == null) startNode = 0;
if (openNode != 0 || openNode != null) setOpenNodes(openNode);
if (startNode !=0) {
var nodeValues = nodes[getArrayId(startNode)].split("|");
// document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/folderopen.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\"><img src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />" + nodeValues[2] + "</a><br />");
} else document.write("<img src=\"img/base.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />元数据<br />");
var recursedNodes = new Array();
addNode(startNode, recursedNodes);
// Returns the position of a node in the array
function getArrayId(node) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==node) return i;
// Puts in array nodes that will be open
function setOpenNodes(openNode) {
for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1)==openNode) {
openNodes.push(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
setOpenNodes(nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
// Checks if a node is open
function isNodeOpen(node) {
for (i=0; i<openNodes.length; i++)
if (openNodes[i]==node) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node has any children
function hasChildNode(parentNode) {
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node is the last sibling
function lastSibling (node, parentNode) {
var lastChild = 0;
for (i=0; i< nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode)
lastChild = nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1);
if (lastChild==node) return true;
return false;
// Adds a new node to the tree
function addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1) == parentNode) {
var ls = lastSibling(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), nodeValues[1].substring(1,nodeValues[1].length -1));
var hcn = hasChildNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1));
// Write out line & empty icons
for (g=0; g<recursedNodes.length; g++) {
if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("<img src=\"img/line.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/empty.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// put in array line & empty icons
if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0);
else recursedNodes.push(1);
// Write out join icons
if (hcn) {
if (ls) {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 1,"+ nodeValues[4] +" , "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write("bottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
document.write("<a href=\"javascript: oc(" + nodeValues[0] + ", 0,"+ nodeValues[4] + ", "+ nodeValues[5] +");\"><img id=\"join" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/");
if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" /></a>");
} else {
if (ls) document.write("<img src=\"img/join.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
else document.write("<img src=\"img/joinbottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"\" />");
// Start link
document.write("<a href=\"" + nodeValues[3] + "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" + nodeValues[2] + "';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=' ';return true;\">");
// Write out folder & page icons
if (hcn) {
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
if (ino) document.write("open");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/page.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0] + "\" src=\"img/folder")
// if (ino) document.write("open");
//document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
if(ino) document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" )
document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/" + nodeValues[5].substring(1,nodeValues[5].length -1) +"\"" ) ;
document.write(" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("<img id=\"icon" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\" src=\"img/"+nodeValues[4].substring(1,nodeValues[4].length -1) +"\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Page\" />");
// Write out node name
// End link
document.write("</a><br />");
// If node has children write out divs and go deeper
if (hcn) {
//document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0] + "\"");
document.write("<div id=\"div" + nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1) + "\"");
if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\"");
addNode(nodeValues[0].substring(1,nodeValues[0].length -1), recursedNodes);
// remove last line or empty icon
// Opens or closes a node
function oc(node, bottom ,closeimage,openimage) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node );
var theJoin = document.getElementById("join" + node);
var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node);
if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[2].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[5].src;
theIcon.src ="img/" + closeimage ;
theDiv.style.display = '';
} else {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[0].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[4].src;
theIcon.src = "img/" +openimage ;
theDiv.style.display = 'none';
// Push and pop not implemented in IE(crap! don磘 know about NS though)
if(!Array.prototype.push) {
function array_push() {
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)
return this.length;
Array.prototype.push = array_push;
if(!Array.prototype.pop) {
function array_pop(){
lastElement = this[this.length-1];
this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);
return lastElement;
Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;
subject desc="主题" id="subject" name="subject">
- <subjectid desc="求职人员" name="qz" id="qz">
- <cubeid desc="求职立方体" facttabname="ty_b_qz01" name="cube_qz01" id="qz.cube_qz01">
- <dementionid desc="省" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_province" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true">
<dementionid desc="市" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_city" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province.d_city" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true" />
function oc(node, bottom ,closeimage,openimage) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node );
var theJoin = document.getElementById("join" + node);
var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node);
if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[2].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[5].src;
theIcon.src ="img/" + closeimage ;
theDiv.style.display = '';
} else {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[0].src;
//theIcon.src = icons[4].src;
theIcon.src = "img/" +openimage ;
theDiv.style.display = 'none';
// Push and pop not implemented in IE(crap! don磘 know about NS though)
if(!Array.prototype.push) {
function array_push() {
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)
return this.length;
Array.prototype.push = array_push;
if(!Array.prototype.pop) {
function array_pop(){
lastElement = this[this.length-1];
this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);
return lastElement;
Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;
subject desc="主题" id="subject" name="subject">
- <subjectid desc="求职人员" name="qz" id="qz">
- <cubeid desc="求职立方体" facttabname="ty_b_qz01" name="cube_qz01" id="qz.cube_qz01">
- <dementionid desc="省" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_province" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true">
<dementionid desc="市" showcol="tc_b_dq.dqmc" codecol="tc_b_dq.dqbm" showcode="0" fromsect="tc_b_dq,ty_b_qz01" wheresect="tc_b_dq.dqbm=ty_b_qz01.ldbmbh" condition="" name="d_city" id="qz.cube_qz01.d_province.d_city" datatype="varchar2(20)" formatstr="text" width="30" usercondition="" valid="true" />
to HueVan: