#用 bool包括 must should must_not filter来完成 ,格式如下:
# "filter":[],
# "must":[],
# "should":[],
# "must_not"[],
#must 数组内的所有查询都必须满足
#should 数组内只需要满足一个
#must_not 一个都不能满足
POST lagou/testdb/_bulk
#select * from testdb where salary=20
#filter 薪资为20的工作
GET lagou/testdb/_search
"bool": {
"filter": {
"terms": {
"salary": [,]
#select * from testdb where title="python"
GET lagou/testdb/_search
"bool": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"title": "Python"
GET _analyze
"analyzer": "ik_max_word",
# select * from testdb where (salary=20 OR title=Python) AND (salary != 30)
# 查询薪资等于20k或者工作为python的工作,排除价格为30k的
GET lagou/testdb/_search
"bool": {
{"term": {"salary": }},
{"term": {"title": "python"}}
"must_not": [
} x
#select * from testdb where title="python" or ( title="django" AND salary=30)
GET lagou/testdb/_search
"bool": {
{"term": {"title": "python"}},
{"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"title": "django"}},
{"term": {"salary": }}
#select tags from testdb2 where tags is not NULL
GET lagou/testdb2/_bulk
{"other_fields":["some data"]}
#select tags from testdb2 where tags is not NULL
GET lagou/testdb2/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must_not": {
"exists": {
"field": "tags"