
时间:2022-08-12 18:05:12

I'm developing a 'TreeDict' class in Python. This is a basically a dict that allows you to retrieve its key-value pairs in sorted order, just like the Treemap collection class in Java.


I've implemented some functionality based on the way unique indexes in relational databases can be used, e.g. functions to let you retrieve values corresponding to a range of keys, keys greater than, less than or equal to a particular value in sorted order, strings or tuples that have a specific prefix in sorted order, etc.


Unfortunately, I can't think of any real life problem that will require a class like this. I suspect that the reason we don't have sorted dicts in Python is that in practice they aren't required often enough to be worth it, but I want to be proved wrong.


Can you think of any specific applications of a 'TreeDict'? Any real life problem that would be best solved by this data structure? I just want to know for sure whether this is worth it.


7 个解决方案


It's useful when you need to go through a Dictionary in order of the keys; which comes up on occasion. I've actually found its infinitely more common in certain programming contests then anything else (think ACM, etc).


The most useful feature of a TreeMap is when you want to quickly find the min or max key; using a sorted dictionary this is often a single method call; and algorithmically can be done in O(log(n)) time, as opposed to iterating over each key looking for a min/max if the collection is unsorted. Basically, a much friendlier interface.


One of the more common times I run into it is when objects are identified by a specific name, and you want to print out the objects ordered according to the name; say a mapping from directory name to number of files in a directory.


One other place I've used it is in an excel spreadsheet wrapper; mapping from row number to row object. This lets you quickly find the last row index, without looping through each row.


Also, it's useful when you can easily define a comparison relation on keys, but not necessarily a hashing function, as needed for HashMaps. The best (though weak) example I can think of is case insensitive string keys.



I've seen several answers pointing to the "walk in ordered sequence" feature, which is indeed important, but none highlighting the other big feature, which is "find first entry with a key >= this". This has many uses even when there's no real need to "walk" from there.

我已经看到几个答案指向“走进有序序列”功能,这确实很重要,但没有突出显示另一个重要功能,即“找到第一个带有键> =这个”。即使没有真正需要从那里“行走”,这也有很多用途。

For example (this came up in a recent SO answer), say you want to generate pseudo-random values with given relative frequencies -- i.e, you're given, say, a dict d:

例如(这在最近的SO答案中出现),假设您想要生成具有给定相对频率的伪随机值 - 即,您给出了一个dict d:

{'wolf': 42, 'sheep': 15, 'dog': 23, 'goat': 15, 'cat': 5}

and need a way to generate 'wolf' with a probability of 42 out of 100 (since 100 is the total of the relative frequencies given), 'sheep' 15 out of 100, and so on; and the number of distinct values can be quite large, as can the relative frequencies.


Then, store the given values (in whatever order) as the values in a tree map, with the corresponding keys being the "total cumulative frequency" up to that point. I.e.:


def preprocess(d):
    tot = 0
    for v in d:
        tot += d[v]
        treemap.insert(key=tot, value=v)
    return tot, treemap

Now, generating a value can be pretty fast (O(log(len(d)))), as follows:


def generate(tot, treemap, r=random):
    n = r.randrange(tot)
    return treemap.firstGTkey(n).value

where firstGTKey is a method that returns the first entry (with .key and .value attributes, in this hypothetical example) with a key > the given argument. I've used this approach with large files stored as B-Trees, for example (using e.g. bsddb.bt_open and the set_location method).



The reason for keeping the elements in sorted order is for faster retrieval. Say I wanted all of the values in the dictionary in a sorted range. This is much faster with a TreeDict then with the regular hashmap. It basically allows you to keep everything in the dictionary in sorted order. I know in the application I'm currently working on uses a class like this to basically query the data structure.



I often use Dict<DateTime, someClassOrValue> when working with industrial process data-- Valve open/close, machinery start/stop, etc.

在处理工业过程数据时,我经常使用Dict - 阀门开/关,机械启动/停止等。 ,someclassorvalue>

Having the keys sorted is especially useful when I need to compare time intervals between start/stop or open/close events in a decent amount of time.


However, since I've been able to use linq in C# I've found that it's often easier to just work with IEnumerables and use the IQueryable extension methods to get the information I need.



Almost all "GROUP BY" reporting requires a sorted dictionary.

几乎所有“GROUP BY”报告都需要一个排序字典。

summary = sortedDefaultDict()
for row in somePileOfData:
    summary[row.group_by] += row.balance
for k in sorted(summary.keys()):
    print k, summary[k]

This is done so often in data warehousing applications, that it's difficult to express how central this is.


If the sorted function call does no work, it saves a ton of time in the long run.



Have you seen that: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576998/ ?




They can make various algorithms easier to implement.



It's useful when you need to go through a Dictionary in order of the keys; which comes up on occasion. I've actually found its infinitely more common in certain programming contests then anything else (think ACM, etc).


The most useful feature of a TreeMap is when you want to quickly find the min or max key; using a sorted dictionary this is often a single method call; and algorithmically can be done in O(log(n)) time, as opposed to iterating over each key looking for a min/max if the collection is unsorted. Basically, a much friendlier interface.


One of the more common times I run into it is when objects are identified by a specific name, and you want to print out the objects ordered according to the name; say a mapping from directory name to number of files in a directory.


One other place I've used it is in an excel spreadsheet wrapper; mapping from row number to row object. This lets you quickly find the last row index, without looping through each row.


Also, it's useful when you can easily define a comparison relation on keys, but not necessarily a hashing function, as needed for HashMaps. The best (though weak) example I can think of is case insensitive string keys.



I've seen several answers pointing to the "walk in ordered sequence" feature, which is indeed important, but none highlighting the other big feature, which is "find first entry with a key >= this". This has many uses even when there's no real need to "walk" from there.

我已经看到几个答案指向“走进有序序列”功能,这确实很重要,但没有突出显示另一个重要功能,即“找到第一个带有键> =这个”。即使没有真正需要从那里“行走”,这也有很多用途。

For example (this came up in a recent SO answer), say you want to generate pseudo-random values with given relative frequencies -- i.e, you're given, say, a dict d:

例如(这在最近的SO答案中出现),假设您想要生成具有给定相对频率的伪随机值 - 即,您给出了一个dict d:

{'wolf': 42, 'sheep': 15, 'dog': 23, 'goat': 15, 'cat': 5}

and need a way to generate 'wolf' with a probability of 42 out of 100 (since 100 is the total of the relative frequencies given), 'sheep' 15 out of 100, and so on; and the number of distinct values can be quite large, as can the relative frequencies.


Then, store the given values (in whatever order) as the values in a tree map, with the corresponding keys being the "total cumulative frequency" up to that point. I.e.:


def preprocess(d):
    tot = 0
    for v in d:
        tot += d[v]
        treemap.insert(key=tot, value=v)
    return tot, treemap

Now, generating a value can be pretty fast (O(log(len(d)))), as follows:


def generate(tot, treemap, r=random):
    n = r.randrange(tot)
    return treemap.firstGTkey(n).value

where firstGTKey is a method that returns the first entry (with .key and .value attributes, in this hypothetical example) with a key > the given argument. I've used this approach with large files stored as B-Trees, for example (using e.g. bsddb.bt_open and the set_location method).



The reason for keeping the elements in sorted order is for faster retrieval. Say I wanted all of the values in the dictionary in a sorted range. This is much faster with a TreeDict then with the regular hashmap. It basically allows you to keep everything in the dictionary in sorted order. I know in the application I'm currently working on uses a class like this to basically query the data structure.



I often use Dict<DateTime, someClassOrValue> when working with industrial process data-- Valve open/close, machinery start/stop, etc.

在处理工业过程数据时,我经常使用Dict - 阀门开/关,机械启动/停止等。 ,someclassorvalue>

Having the keys sorted is especially useful when I need to compare time intervals between start/stop or open/close events in a decent amount of time.


However, since I've been able to use linq in C# I've found that it's often easier to just work with IEnumerables and use the IQueryable extension methods to get the information I need.



Almost all "GROUP BY" reporting requires a sorted dictionary.

几乎所有“GROUP BY”报告都需要一个排序字典。

summary = sortedDefaultDict()
for row in somePileOfData:
    summary[row.group_by] += row.balance
for k in sorted(summary.keys()):
    print k, summary[k]

This is done so often in data warehousing applications, that it's difficult to express how central this is.


If the sorted function call does no work, it saves a ton of time in the long run.



Have you seen that: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576998/ ?




They can make various algorithms easier to implement.
