我可以在Hibernate管理的表中添加“ON DELETE CASCADE”吗?

时间:2022-12-31 18:06:08

I have some tables managed by Hibernate with various foreign key constraints. Cascade on delete is currently managed by Hibernate alone. For playing around with test data I often create and remove some rows by hand. It would help me a lot if I could add ON DELETE CASCADE to the foreign key constraints but I don't know if Hibernate trips over this because the database removes stuff before Hibernate does.


A lot of people seem to concentrate on DDL. My intention is not to instruct Hibernate to create DDL with SQL DELETE CASCADES. I just want to know if it does any harm if I specify an ON DELETE CASCADE in the database in addition to having JPA's cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE on the reference annotation, e.g., @ManyToOne.

很多人似乎都专注于DDL。我的目的不是指示Hibernate用SQL删除级联创建DDL。我只是想知道,如果我在数据库中指定了一个删除级联,除了具有JPA的CASCADE = CascadeType之外,它是否还有什么害处。删除引用注释,例如,@ManyToOne。

6 个解决方案



You can use CascadeType.DELETE, however this annotation only applies to the objects in the EntityManager, not the database. You want to be sure that ON DELETE CASCADE is added to the database constraint. To verify, you can configure JPA to generate a ddl file. Take a look at the ddl file, you'll notice that ON DELETE CASCADE is not part of the constraint. Add ON DELETE CASCADE to actual SQL in the ddl file, then update your database schema from the ddl. This will fix your problem .


This link shows how to use ON DELETE CASCADE on for CONSTRAINT in MySQL. You do this on the constraint. You can also do it in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. It's likely that JPA creates the constraint in an ALTER TABLE statement. Simply add ON DELETE CASCADE to that statement.

这个链接展示了如何在MySQL中对约束使用DELETE CASCADE。你在约束条件下做这个。您还可以在CREATE TABLE或ALTER TABLE语句中执行。JPA很可能在ALTER TABLE语句中创建约束。只需将删除级联添加到该语句中。

Note that some JPA implementors do provide a means for this functionality.


Hibernate does supply this functionality using the @OnDelete annotation, thus it is preferred to use this or simply update the ddl file if you would like to stick with standard JPA functionality.




I see two potential issues:


  1. If an entity that represents the table to which you cascade operations directly in the database is versioned, then it would not work because when Hibernate tries to delete records on its own, the version check would fail (Hibernate would assume concurrent thread already updated or deleted the corresponding records).
  2. 如果表示直接在数据库中执行级联操作的表的实体被版本化,那么它将无法工作,因为当Hibernate尝试自行删除记录时,版本检查将失败(Hibernate将假设已更新或删除相应记录的并发线程)。
  3. If there are use cases in which your business logic re-persists such entity instances after removal has been cascaded to them from the parent (for example, you are deleting old parent and migrating associated children to a new one, although for better clarity I would not cascade removal at all if such a use case exists for an association, but it's up to you as it is allowed by the JPA spec), then Hibernate would just un-schedule the deletion of children and delete only the parent, so you would still end up with deleted children if you cascade deletion in the database.
  4. 如果有这样的用例中,您的业务逻辑re-persists实体实例级联删除后对他们的父母(例如,你删除旧父母和孩子有关迁移到一个新的,虽然为了更好的清楚我不会级联删除如果这样一个用例存在关联,但这完全取决于你,因为它是允许通过JPA规范),然后Hibernate只un-schedule儿童的删除和删除只有父母,因此,如果在数据库中进行级联删除,最终仍然会得到被删除的子节点。

Probably there are some other situations that could be problematic in some scenarios, so I would recommend not to do it.




You can use the native database functionality to delete the child records upon deletion of parent record.


Be aware of bi-directional relationships and to be sure, ensure you just specify insert and update in cascade (to be on safer side).




You mention for testing purposes. I'm guessing, execute some test, delete data, replay test...


When using second-level caching or query cache, the cache will and up being stale if you directly remove the data from the database. This might result in unexpected test results.


So yes, this will conflict with Hibernate if you use second-level / query caching as the entity's will not get evicted from cache. Make sure all caches get cleared after you directly deleted any data. See this question on how to clear cache.


The official Hibernate docs also mention this:


Be aware that caches are not aware of changes made to the persistent store by other applications. They can, however, be configured to regularly expire cached data.




Use orphanRemoval = true clause in your @OneToMany relation. Then when the main entity (ParameterGroup) gets deleted, every related record (Parameter) will get deleted first. Just delete ParameterGroup entity via entityManager. Also remember to set cascade clause as CascadeType.ALL (support all cascade operations) or CascadeType.REMOVE (support only cascade deletion).

在@OneToMany关系中使用孤儿院= true子句。然后当删除主实体(ParameterGroup)时,首先删除所有相关记录(参数)。只需通过entityManager删除参数组实体。还要记住将cascade子句设置为CascadeType。所有(支持所有级联操作)或CascadeType。删除(只支持级联删除)。

@Table(name = "PARAMETER_GROUP")
public class ParameterGroup {

    private Long id;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parameterGroup", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private List<Parameter> parameters = new LinkedList<>();


@Table(name = "PARAMETER")
public class Parameter {

    private Long id;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH)
    @JoinColumn(name = "PARAMETER_GROUP_ID")
    private ParameterGroup parameterGroup;


From documentation:


public abstract boolean orphanRemoval (Optional)


Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.




Don't use cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE Documentation here

不要使用cascade = CascadeType。删除文档在这里

Because of your db may be destroyed. You can use formal order. Delete sub stable and then remove master table




You can use CascadeType.DELETE, however this annotation only applies to the objects in the EntityManager, not the database. You want to be sure that ON DELETE CASCADE is added to the database constraint. To verify, you can configure JPA to generate a ddl file. Take a look at the ddl file, you'll notice that ON DELETE CASCADE is not part of the constraint. Add ON DELETE CASCADE to actual SQL in the ddl file, then update your database schema from the ddl. This will fix your problem .


This link shows how to use ON DELETE CASCADE on for CONSTRAINT in MySQL. You do this on the constraint. You can also do it in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. It's likely that JPA creates the constraint in an ALTER TABLE statement. Simply add ON DELETE CASCADE to that statement.

这个链接展示了如何在MySQL中对约束使用DELETE CASCADE。你在约束条件下做这个。您还可以在CREATE TABLE或ALTER TABLE语句中执行。JPA很可能在ALTER TABLE语句中创建约束。只需将删除级联添加到该语句中。

Note that some JPA implementors do provide a means for this functionality.


Hibernate does supply this functionality using the @OnDelete annotation, thus it is preferred to use this or simply update the ddl file if you would like to stick with standard JPA functionality.




I see two potential issues:


  1. If an entity that represents the table to which you cascade operations directly in the database is versioned, then it would not work because when Hibernate tries to delete records on its own, the version check would fail (Hibernate would assume concurrent thread already updated or deleted the corresponding records).
  2. 如果表示直接在数据库中执行级联操作的表的实体被版本化,那么它将无法工作,因为当Hibernate尝试自行删除记录时,版本检查将失败(Hibernate将假设已更新或删除相应记录的并发线程)。
  3. If there are use cases in which your business logic re-persists such entity instances after removal has been cascaded to them from the parent (for example, you are deleting old parent and migrating associated children to a new one, although for better clarity I would not cascade removal at all if such a use case exists for an association, but it's up to you as it is allowed by the JPA spec), then Hibernate would just un-schedule the deletion of children and delete only the parent, so you would still end up with deleted children if you cascade deletion in the database.
  4. 如果有这样的用例中,您的业务逻辑re-persists实体实例级联删除后对他们的父母(例如,你删除旧父母和孩子有关迁移到一个新的,虽然为了更好的清楚我不会级联删除如果这样一个用例存在关联,但这完全取决于你,因为它是允许通过JPA规范),然后Hibernate只un-schedule儿童的删除和删除只有父母,因此,如果在数据库中进行级联删除,最终仍然会得到被删除的子节点。

Probably there are some other situations that could be problematic in some scenarios, so I would recommend not to do it.




You can use the native database functionality to delete the child records upon deletion of parent record.


Be aware of bi-directional relationships and to be sure, ensure you just specify insert and update in cascade (to be on safer side).




You mention for testing purposes. I'm guessing, execute some test, delete data, replay test...


When using second-level caching or query cache, the cache will and up being stale if you directly remove the data from the database. This might result in unexpected test results.


So yes, this will conflict with Hibernate if you use second-level / query caching as the entity's will not get evicted from cache. Make sure all caches get cleared after you directly deleted any data. See this question on how to clear cache.


The official Hibernate docs also mention this:


Be aware that caches are not aware of changes made to the persistent store by other applications. They can, however, be configured to regularly expire cached data.




Use orphanRemoval = true clause in your @OneToMany relation. Then when the main entity (ParameterGroup) gets deleted, every related record (Parameter) will get deleted first. Just delete ParameterGroup entity via entityManager. Also remember to set cascade clause as CascadeType.ALL (support all cascade operations) or CascadeType.REMOVE (support only cascade deletion).

在@OneToMany关系中使用孤儿院= true子句。然后当删除主实体(ParameterGroup)时,首先删除所有相关记录(参数)。只需通过entityManager删除参数组实体。还要记住将cascade子句设置为CascadeType。所有(支持所有级联操作)或CascadeType。删除(只支持级联删除)。

@Table(name = "PARAMETER_GROUP")
public class ParameterGroup {

    private Long id;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parameterGroup", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private List<Parameter> parameters = new LinkedList<>();


@Table(name = "PARAMETER")
public class Parameter {

    private Long id;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH)
    @JoinColumn(name = "PARAMETER_GROUP_ID")
    private ParameterGroup parameterGroup;


From documentation:


public abstract boolean orphanRemoval (Optional)


Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.




Don't use cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE Documentation here

不要使用cascade = CascadeType。删除文档在这里

Because of your db may be destroyed. You can use formal order. Delete sub stable and then remove master table
