
时间:2021-07-19 18:06:26

I ran one of my xml files through a schema generator and everything generated was what was expected, with the exception of one node:


<xs:element name="office" type="xs:NCName"/>

What exactly is xs:NCName? And why would one use it, rather xs:string?


4 个解决方案



NCName is non-colonized name e.g. "name". Compared to QName which is qualified name e.g. "ns:name". If your names are not supposed to be qualified by different namespaces, then they are NCNames.


xs:string puts no restrictions on your names at all, but xs:NCName basically disallows ":" to appear in the string.




@skyl practically provoked me to write this answer so please mind the redundancy.


NCName stands for "non-colonized name". NCName can be defined as an XML Schema regular expression [\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*


...and what does that regex mean?

\i and \c are multi-character escapes defined in XML Schema definition.
\i is the escape for the set of initial XML name characters and \c is the set of XML name characters. [\i-[:]] means a set that consist of the set \i excluding a set that consist of the colon character :. So in plain English it would mean "any initial character, but not :". The whole regular expression reads as "One initial XML name character, but not a colon, followed by zero or more XML name characters, but not a colon."

\i和\c是XML模式定义中定义的多字符转义。我是一组初始XML名字符的转义,而\c是XML名字符的集合。[\i-[:]]指由set \i组成的集合,不包括由冒号字符构成的集合:。因此,在简单的英语中,它意味着“任何初始字符,但不是:”。整个正则表达式读取为“一个初始的XML名称字符,但不是冒号,后面是零或多个XML名称字符,但不是冒号。”

Practical restrictions of an NCName

The practical restrictions of NCName are that it cannot contain several symbol characters like :, @, $, %, &, /, +, ,, ;, whitespace characters or different parenthesis. Furthermore an NCName cannot begin with a number, dot or minus character although they can appear later in an NCName.


Where are NCNames needed

In namespace conformant XML documents all names must be either qualified names or NCNames. The following values must be NCNames (not qualified names):


  • namespace prefixes
  • 名称空间前缀
  • values representing an ID
  • 值代表一个ID
  • values representing an IDREF
  • 代表一个IDREF值
  • values representing a NOTATION
  • 值代表一个符号
  • processing instruction targets
  • 处理指令的目标
  • entity names
  • 实体名称



Practically speaking...


Allowed characters: -, ., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, _, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


Also, - and . cannot be used as the first character of the value.


Disallowed characters: , !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], ^, `, {, |, }, ~

无效字符:!”,# $,%,&,”(,),*,+,,,和,,,,,< =,>,?,@,[,\],^,",{ |,},~




http://books.xmlschemata.org/relaxng/ch19 - 77215. - html

No spaces or colons. Allows "_" and "-".


You would use this instead of string so that you can validate that the value is limited to what is allowed. It maps well to certain conventions for name/identifier like django's concept of "slug", for instance.


I upvote the person who [\i-[:]][\c-[:]]* translates into English for us.

我投票给[\ I -]][\c-[:]]*为我们翻译成英语的人。



NCName is non-colonized name e.g. "name". Compared to QName which is qualified name e.g. "ns:name". If your names are not supposed to be qualified by different namespaces, then they are NCNames.


xs:string puts no restrictions on your names at all, but xs:NCName basically disallows ":" to appear in the string.




@skyl practically provoked me to write this answer so please mind the redundancy.


NCName stands for "non-colonized name". NCName can be defined as an XML Schema regular expression [\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*


...and what does that regex mean?

\i and \c are multi-character escapes defined in XML Schema definition.
\i is the escape for the set of initial XML name characters and \c is the set of XML name characters. [\i-[:]] means a set that consist of the set \i excluding a set that consist of the colon character :. So in plain English it would mean "any initial character, but not :". The whole regular expression reads as "One initial XML name character, but not a colon, followed by zero or more XML name characters, but not a colon."

\i和\c是XML模式定义中定义的多字符转义。我是一组初始XML名字符的转义,而\c是XML名字符的集合。[\i-[:]]指由set \i组成的集合,不包括由冒号字符构成的集合:。因此,在简单的英语中,它意味着“任何初始字符,但不是:”。整个正则表达式读取为“一个初始的XML名称字符,但不是冒号,后面是零或多个XML名称字符,但不是冒号。”

Practical restrictions of an NCName

The practical restrictions of NCName are that it cannot contain several symbol characters like :, @, $, %, &, /, +, ,, ;, whitespace characters or different parenthesis. Furthermore an NCName cannot begin with a number, dot or minus character although they can appear later in an NCName.


Where are NCNames needed

In namespace conformant XML documents all names must be either qualified names or NCNames. The following values must be NCNames (not qualified names):


  • namespace prefixes
  • 名称空间前缀
  • values representing an ID
  • 值代表一个ID
  • values representing an IDREF
  • 代表一个IDREF值
  • values representing a NOTATION
  • 值代表一个符号
  • processing instruction targets
  • 处理指令的目标
  • entity names
  • 实体名称



Practically speaking...


Allowed characters: -, ., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, _, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


Also, - and . cannot be used as the first character of the value.


Disallowed characters: , !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], ^, `, {, |, }, ~

无效字符:!”,# $,%,&,”(,),*,+,,,和,,,,,< =,>,?,@,[,\],^,",{ |,},~




http://books.xmlschemata.org/relaxng/ch19 - 77215. - html

No spaces or colons. Allows "_" and "-".


You would use this instead of string so that you can validate that the value is limited to what is allowed. It maps well to certain conventions for name/identifier like django's concept of "slug", for instance.


I upvote the person who [\i-[:]][\c-[:]]* translates into English for us.

我投票给[\ I -]][\c-[:]]*为我们翻译成英语的人。