
时间:2021-11-26 18:04:05

Here is my db schema:


CREATE TABLE technologies (
    technologyName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY

    videoId             INT          NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
    title               VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
    url                 VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
    description         VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
    channelName         VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE technology_video_map (
    videoId        INT,
    technologyName VARCHAR(50),

    PRIMARY KEY (videoId, technologyName),
    FOREIGN KEY (videoId) REFERENCES videos(videoId),
    FOREIGN KEY (technologyName) REFERENCES technologies(technologyName)

I want the user to submit a video:


var input = {
  title: 'Grunt makes your web development better!',
  url: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMKj0BxzVgw',
  description: 'If you\'re not using a task runner/build system like Grunt or Gulp...',
  channelName: 'LearnCode.academy',
  technologies: ['Grunt', 'JavaScript']

And I want to insert it into the db. Inserting only the video is easy enough for me:


var technologies = input.technologies; // save for later
delete input.technologies;
connection.query('INSERT INTO videos SET ?', input, function (err, result) {
    var videoId = result.insertId;

(connection comes from the brilliant node-mysql)


What I am having trouble with, is inserting the technologies into the db. I have identified that the first step is:


  1. Insert elements in input.technologies into the technologies table if they do not already exist.
  2. 在输入中插入元素。如果技术表中还不存在技术,则将其放入技术表中。

I can only imagine doing this using a for loop or something which is yucky.


The second step, I think, is:


  1. Insert a new record into the junction table, technology_video_map from the connection.query callback, as we need the videoId.
  2. 在连接表中插入一个新记录,从连接中插入techy_video_map。查询回调,因为我们需要这个视频。

Again, I cannot imagine an idiomatic way to do this using SQL. Can someone please guide me?


2 个解决方案



You can use INSERT IGNORE and join your input.technologies array. This will insert records that do not exist and will ignore records that already exist

可以使用INSERT IGNORE和join输入。阵列技术。这将插入不存在的记录,并将忽略已经存在的记录

var query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO technologies (technologyName) VALUES ('" + input.technologies.join("'),('") + "')";



You have to check for its existence


if not exists(select technologyName from technoligies 
              where technologyName='$technologies')
insert (..)

If you are not using a stored procedure, then fire a query to fetch it. If it fails, then insert it.




You can use INSERT IGNORE and join your input.technologies array. This will insert records that do not exist and will ignore records that already exist

可以使用INSERT IGNORE和join输入。阵列技术。这将插入不存在的记录,并将忽略已经存在的记录

var query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO technologies (technologyName) VALUES ('" + input.technologies.join("'),('") + "')";



You have to check for its existence


if not exists(select technologyName from technoligies 
              where technologyName='$technologies')
insert (..)

If you are not using a stored procedure, then fire a query to fetch it. If it fails, then insert it.
