C#将SQL Server消息输出到文本文件

时间:2021-04-12 18:01:39

I am new to C#, so please bear with me as I have inherited a script that I'm attempting to tweak.


I want to get the output of SQL PRINT/RAISERROR statements to show up in a log file that has been declared in another part of the script.

我想得到SQL PRINT / RAISERROR语句的输出显示在已在脚本的另一部分中声明的日志文件中。

This is my method I'm calling:


public void ProcessData(string StoredProcedure, int StartDate, int EndDate, string Directory, string LogFileNameAndPath)
        SqlConnection sqlConnection = null;
        SqlCommand sqlCommand = null;
        SqlParameter sqlParameter = null;
       // String outputText = null;

            sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString);

            sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
            sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            sqlCommand.CommandText = StoredProcedure;
            sqlCommand.Connection = sqlConnection;
            sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 0;

            sqlParameter = new SqlParameter("@StartDt", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParameter.Value = StartDate;

            sqlParameter = new SqlParameter("@EndDt", SqlDbType.Int);
            sqlParameter.Value = EndDate;

            sqlParameter = new SqlParameter("@stringDirs", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            sqlParameter.Value = Directory;

            sqlConnection.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(OnInfoMessage);

        catch (SqlException sqlEx)
            throw sqlEx;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(ex.ToString());
            if (sqlConnection != null)
                if (sqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

This is the info handler method:


    public void OnInfoMessage(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs args)//, String LogFileNameAndPath)
        foreach (SqlError err in args.Errors)

            //File.AppendAllText(LogFileNameAndPath, err.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", err.Message);
            //return err.Message;
          //"The {0} has received a severity {1}, state {2} error number {3}\n" +
         // "on line {4} of procedure {5} on server {6}:\n{7}",
         //  err.Source, err.Class, err.State, err.Number, err.LineNumber,
         //  err.Procedure, err.Server, err.Message);

Instead of outputting to the Console, I want to write it to the LogFileNameAndPath variable via the "File.AppendAllText(LogFileNameAndPath, err.Message)"; however, I have looked at many posts over the web and NOBODY provides a solution. Is there a way to do this? Please be kind. Thanks!



[ADDED 2015-07-27 1606 EDT] If I change this line from:

[ADDED 2015-07-27 1606 EDT]如果我更改此行:

sqlConnection.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(OnInfoMessage);

... to ...

... 至 ...

sqlConnection.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(OnInfoMessage(LogFileNameAndPath));

... it fails to compile. How does this get passed to the method?


Here's the new method:


    public void OnInfoMessage(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs args, String LogFileNameAndPath)
        foreach (SqlError err in args.Errors)

            File.AppendAllText(@LogFileNameAndPath, err.Message);
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}", err.Message);

3 个解决方案



Rather than try to pass the log file name into the event handler, you should have the log file name be defined elsewhere, and visible inside the event handler. For example:


public class SqlHandler
    private readonly string m_LogFileNameAndPath = @"C:\log.txt";
    // or get it from AppConfig, as noted by FirebladeDan

    public void ProcessData() { /*...*/ }

    public void OnInfoMessage(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs args)
        foreach(var err in args.Errors)
            File.AppendAllText(m_LogFileNameAndPath, err.Message);

It's also worth noting that you can still use a logging library (Log4Net, NLog, etc.) with a custom file, by telling the library which file to log to.




While writing straight to a file may work for you (see @FirebladeDan's answer for that), I would highly recommend using an existing logging library for performance reasons.

虽然直接写入文件可能对您有用(请参阅@ FirebladeDan的答案),但强烈建议您出于性能原因使用现有的日志记录库。

Log4Net is a common suggestion, and this link should be a good start for you. Log4Net has some nice features that help you such as the ability via the App.Config/Web.Config files to configure logging at run-time, so that you can change the logging level (how detailed) based upon the configuration without a recompile.

Log4Net是一个常见的建议,这个链接应该是一个很好的开始。 Log4Net有一些很好的功能可以帮助您,例如通过App.Config / Web.Config文件在运行时配置日志记录的功能,这样您就可以根据配置更改日志记录级别(详细程度)而无需重新编译。

Hopefully this gets you on the right path, and good luck to you!



Based upon your updated statements, this option may be what you need.


// use a variable to store the path.
private string logFileNameAndPath;

public void ProcessData(string StoredProcedure, int StartDate, int EndDate, string Directory, string LogFileNameAndPath)
   // Store the parameter that was passed in as the variable.
   this.logFileNameAndPath = LogFileNameAndPath;
   /* Do query setup work here*/
   sqlConnection.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(OnInfoMessage);

public void OnInfoMessage(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs args)
    foreach (SqlError err in args.Errors)
        // Use the variable to indicate where to log to.
        File.AppendAllText(this.logFileNameAndPath, err.Message);

Hopefully this helps get you across the finish line.




File.AppendAllText(@"pathgoeshere", err.Message);

Added: Below is how to get the value using a key from your AppConfig


String LogFileNameandPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["keynamegoeshere"]);

Pass LogFileNameandPath into your method **Don't forget to add your references




Rather than try to pass the log file name into the event handler, you should have the log file name be defined elsewhere, and visible inside the event handler. For example:


public class SqlHandler
    private readonly string m_LogFileNameAndPath = @"C:\log.txt";
    // or get it from AppConfig, as noted by FirebladeDan

    public void ProcessData() { /*...*/ }

    public void OnInfoMessage(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs args)
        foreach(var err in args.Errors)
            File.AppendAllText(m_LogFileNameAndPath, err.Message);

It's also worth noting that you can still use a logging library (Log4Net, NLog, etc.) with a custom file, by telling the library which file to log to.




While writing straight to a file may work for you (see @FirebladeDan's answer for that), I would highly recommend using an existing logging library for performance reasons.

虽然直接写入文件可能对您有用(请参阅@ FirebladeDan的答案),但强烈建议您出于性能原因使用现有的日志记录库。

Log4Net is a common suggestion, and this link should be a good start for you. Log4Net has some nice features that help you such as the ability via the App.Config/Web.Config files to configure logging at run-time, so that you can change the logging level (how detailed) based upon the configuration without a recompile.

Log4Net是一个常见的建议,这个链接应该是一个很好的开始。 Log4Net有一些很好的功能可以帮助您,例如通过App.Config / Web.Config文件在运行时配置日志记录的功能,这样您就可以根据配置更改日志记录级别(详细程度)而无需重新编译。

Hopefully this gets you on the right path, and good luck to you!



Based upon your updated statements, this option may be what you need.


// use a variable to store the path.
private string logFileNameAndPath;

public void ProcessData(string StoredProcedure, int StartDate, int EndDate, string Directory, string LogFileNameAndPath)
   // Store the parameter that was passed in as the variable.
   this.logFileNameAndPath = LogFileNameAndPath;
   /* Do query setup work here*/
   sqlConnection.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(OnInfoMessage);

public void OnInfoMessage(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs args)
    foreach (SqlError err in args.Errors)
        // Use the variable to indicate where to log to.
        File.AppendAllText(this.logFileNameAndPath, err.Message);

Hopefully this helps get you across the finish line.




File.AppendAllText(@"pathgoeshere", err.Message);

Added: Below is how to get the value using a key from your AppConfig


String LogFileNameandPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["keynamegoeshere"]);

Pass LogFileNameandPath into your method **Don't forget to add your references
