表值函数在EF 5?

时间:2021-05-06 18:02:09

Apologies if this isnt phrased very well, but after upgrading to VS2012/.NET 4.5, I know Table Valued Functions are possible in Entity Framework 5.

如果这句话表达得不太好,我很抱歉,但是在升级到VS2012/之后。NET 4.5,我知道表值函数在实体框架5中是可能的。

We use a custom datalayer / orm, and I cant find any code examples that dont use the EDMX model generator as this is of no use.

我们使用自定义的datalayer / orm,我找不到任何不使用EDMX模型生成器的代码示例,因为这是没有用的。

As a very wild guess I would say some code that defines the table value function will need adding in OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) .

作为一种非常疯狂的猜测,我认为需要在onmodelcreation (DbModelBuilder modelBuilder modelBuilder)中添加一些定义表值函数的代码。

Any help appreciated.


3 个解决方案



Table valued function are not supported for Code-First strategy, only for Database-First with EDMX: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh859577. Quote:

表值函数不支持代码优先策略,只支持Database-First与EDMX: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh859577。引用:

TVFs are currently only supported in the Database First workflow.




I was able to easily execute a Table Valued Function using EF 5 as follows:

我可以轻松地使用EF 5执行表值函数,如下所示:

int orderID = 100;
var query = context.Database.SqlQuery<Product>("Select * from [dbo].[tfn_GetOrderProducts](@p0)", orderID);
var results = query.ToList();

where Product can be any POCO class whose member names match up with the results of the table valued function.


This isn't a perfect solution -- it's not returning an IQueryable, so you can't use this as part of a larger LINQ query; however, in this case, it was all I needed.




the following suggestion was removed from this link http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2011/06/30/walkthrough-table-valued-functions-june-ctp.aspx. I've found this information that may be usefull to you.


Code First Approach


Entity Framework June 2011 CTP does not include Code First support for TVFs. However, you can use DbContext against your TVFs. You can do this by adding the DbContext template to your model. The steps to add the template are the following:


  • Open NorthwindModel.edmx and right click on the canvas
  • NorthwindModel开放。edmx右击画布
  • Click on Add Code Generation Item…
  • 单击Add Code Generation项…
  • Select ADO.NET DbContext Generator V4.2, enter a name for your template, and click Add
  • 选择ADO。NET DbContext生成器V4.2,为模板输入一个名称,然后单击Add



Table valued function are not supported for Code-First strategy, only for Database-First with EDMX: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh859577. Quote:

表值函数不支持代码优先策略,只支持Database-First与EDMX: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh859577。引用:

TVFs are currently only supported in the Database First workflow.




I was able to easily execute a Table Valued Function using EF 5 as follows:

我可以轻松地使用EF 5执行表值函数,如下所示:

int orderID = 100;
var query = context.Database.SqlQuery<Product>("Select * from [dbo].[tfn_GetOrderProducts](@p0)", orderID);
var results = query.ToList();

where Product can be any POCO class whose member names match up with the results of the table valued function.


This isn't a perfect solution -- it's not returning an IQueryable, so you can't use this as part of a larger LINQ query; however, in this case, it was all I needed.




the following suggestion was removed from this link http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2011/06/30/walkthrough-table-valued-functions-june-ctp.aspx. I've found this information that may be usefull to you.


Code First Approach


Entity Framework June 2011 CTP does not include Code First support for TVFs. However, you can use DbContext against your TVFs. You can do this by adding the DbContext template to your model. The steps to add the template are the following:


  • Open NorthwindModel.edmx and right click on the canvas
  • NorthwindModel开放。edmx右击画布
  • Click on Add Code Generation Item…
  • 单击Add Code Generation项…
  • Select ADO.NET DbContext Generator V4.2, enter a name for your template, and click Add
  • 选择ADO。NET DbContext生成器V4.2,为模板输入一个名称,然后单击Add