如何使用Excel VBA将变量参数传递到Javascript函数中

时间:2022-07-25 18:00:01

I'm not sure if I have the correct terms above, but what I'm trying to do is call a Javascript function passing parameters into it from an Excel File, so the function will run and list the items in the next textbox, allowing me to choose the correct entry in that textbox, which then chooses the final box.


Here is the code that I have, that works, if I don't put variable into it: Call .Document.parentWindow.execScript("FillVendorNames('MyText')", "javascript") If I put in any variable in instead of 'MyText', I get a run time error: Call .Document.parentWindow.execScript("FillVendorNames(cCode)", "javascript") Call .Document.parentWindow.execScript("FillVendorNames(.document.all.ComCode)", "javascript") The variables are declared earlier in the code and I can check to see if the values are correct using the immediates window and they are all correct, but I still get the runtime error.

以下是我所拥有的代码,如果我没有将变量放入其中,则可以使用:调用.Document.parentWindow.execScript(“FillVendorNames('MyText')”,“javascript”)如果我输入任何变量'MyText',我得到一个运行时错误:调用.Document.parentWindow.execScript(“FillVendorNames(cCode)”,“javascript”)调用.Document.parentWindow.execScript(“FillVendorNames(.document.all.ComCode)” ,“javascript”)变量在代码中先前声明,我可以使用immediates窗口检查值是否正确并且它们都是正确的,但我仍然得到运行时错误。

What I'm trying to do is use the existing function which autofills a dropdown list, based on the option chosen in the original dropdown list. If I choose MyText in the first dropdown, then FillVendorNames gives the list of vendors in the next dropdown, allowing me to choose it. I can then enter the next choice in the next function and it picks a third option, but this is all based on the first function creating the second drop down list. The first list is autoloaded on the page, but the second isn't, so I can't choose an option from it. Can anyone help, please? Thanks.


1 个解决方案


Two possible issues:


  • VBA doesn't replace variable names with their values within strings
  • VBA不会将变量名称替换为字符串中的值


Dim x as String
x = "Hello world!"

Msgbox x
// shows "Hello world!"

Msgbox "x"
// shows "x"
  • Call is never required (because you can just omit parentheses instead) and can cause problems
  • 永远不需要调用(因为您可以省略括号)并且可能导致问题


Call Msgbox("x")
// is almost exactly the same as
Msgbox "x"

Just use:

With foo
    // do stuff
    .Document.parentWindow.execScript "FillVendorNames(" & cCode & ")", "javascript"
    // do more stuff
End With


Two possible issues:


  • VBA doesn't replace variable names with their values within strings
  • VBA不会将变量名称替换为字符串中的值


Dim x as String
x = "Hello world!"

Msgbox x
// shows "Hello world!"

Msgbox "x"
// shows "x"
  • Call is never required (because you can just omit parentheses instead) and can cause problems
  • 永远不需要调用(因为您可以省略括号)并且可能导致问题


Call Msgbox("x")
// is almost exactly the same as
Msgbox "x"

Just use:

With foo
    // do stuff
    .Document.parentWindow.execScript "FillVendorNames(" & cCode & ")", "javascript"
    // do more stuff
End With