
时间:2022-12-07 17:54:00






1,应用程序类   实现Application接口。并且要包含内部迭代类,枚举从当前位置开始所有可能的下一步位置

2,Position类  定义“位置”在该应用程序中的意思



import java.util.*;

public interface Application
      * 判定pos是活结点还是死结点.
      * @param pos - the given position.
      * @return true if pos is a legal position and not a dead end.
     boolean isOK (Position pos);

      * 标志pos位置是在通往目的地的路径上.
      * @param pos the position that has been marked as possibly being on a
      *                path to a goal.
     void markAsPossible (Position pos);

      * 表明pos是否为目的位置.
      * @param pos the position that may or may not be a goal position.
      * @return true if pos is a goal position; false otherwise.
     boolean isGoal (Position pos);

      * 表明pos不在任何通往目的地的路径上.
      * @param pos the position that has been marked as not being on any path to
      *                a goal position.
     void markAsDeadEnd (Position pos);

      * Converts this Application object into a String object.
      * @return the String representation of this Application object.
     String toString();

      * 从给定位置pos开始的迭代器,枚举从当前位置开始所有可能的下一步位置      *
      * @param pos the position the Iterator object starts at.
      * @return an Iterator object that accesses the positions directly
      *               available from pos.            
     Iterator<Position> iterator (Position pos);

} // interface Application


import java.util.*;

public class BackTrack
protected Application app;

* Initializes this BackTrack object from an application.
* @param app the application
public BackTrack (Application app)
this.app = app;
} // constructor

* Attempts to reach a goal through a given position.
* @param pos the given position.
* @return true if the attempt succeeds; otherwise, false.
public boolean tryToReachGoal (Position pos)
Iterator<Position> itr = app.iterator (pos);

while (itr.hasNext())
pos = itr.next();
if (app.isOK (pos))
app.markAsPossible (pos);
if (app.isGoal (pos) || tryToReachGoal (pos))
return true;
app.markAsDeadEnd (pos);
} // pos may be on a path to a goal
} // while
return false;
} // method tryToReachGoal

} // class BackTrack




2,其中一个选择是有效位置,但不是目的位置。调用tryToReachGoal (pos)方法,从这个有效位置开始寻找路径


tryToReachGoal (pos)返回false后,接下来调用的app.markAsDeadEnd (pos)将这个pos标记为死点



