注释:选中后Shfit + C
取消注释:选中后Shfit + X
查找替换:Ctrl + R
Build(Ctrl + F9)
Run (Ctrl + F10)
Build + Run (F9)
F5- 断点切换 F8-开始调试 F7单步执行,Shift-F7跳进函数体
1.点Debug / Continue(F8,需提前设置断点)/ Run to cursor(F4) / Step into(Shift + F7)
2.再点Next Line(F7)
3.退出即Stop debugger
4.Debugging windows里可调出窗口看各变量
5.全局变量可在Debugging windows里输入变量名查看
step into(Shift-F7)跳进函数里看,step out直接跳出函数。
单步执行:Next Line/Step into/Step out
运行到光标处:Run to Curson
(1)菜单Setting/Editor/Gennerl settings,如下图所示,把字体选大一点,第二个地方就是自动括号那里,如果你喜欢自己敲括号,就取消对勾。
(2)菜单Setting/Editor/Code-completion and symbols browser,设置自动完成提示,如下图所示,第一个地方改成2,第二个地方往左拖,会更快的出现自动提示。
(3)菜单Setting/Editor/Source formatter,这里如下图所示,可以设置格式化源代码风格,使自己的程序代码更加美观,编辑中点右键选Format this file既可格式化你的源代码。
重启codeblocks后,在Settings->Editor->左侧Syntax highlighting,可以看到配色方案已经添加成功,个人比较喜欢dark gray。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <CodeBlocksConfig version="1"> <!-- application info: svn_revision: 9501 build_date: Dec 10 2013, 22:28:10 gcc_version: 4.7.1 Windows Unicode --> <editor> <colour_sets> <ACTIVE_COLOUR_SET> <str> <![CDATA[dark gray]]> </str> </ACTIVE_COLOUR_SET> <ACTIVE_LANG> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++]]> </str> </ACTIVE_LANG> <bright_yellow> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[bright yellow]]> </str> </NAME> <cc> <style0> <BACK> <colour r="255" g="255" b="208" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style0> <style1> <BACK> <colour r="255" g="255" b="208" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style1> <style5> <FORE> <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style5> <style6> <FORE> <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style6> <style7> <FORE> <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style7> <style8> <FORE> <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style8> <style9> <FORE> <colour r="128" g="128" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style9> <style10> <FORE> <colour r="128" g="128" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style10> <style11> <FORE> <colour r="128" g="128" b="218" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style11> <style12> <FORE> <colour r="128" g="128" b="218" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style12> <style13> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style13> <style14> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style14> <style21> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> 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</str> </NAME> </style27> <style28> <FORE> <colour r="0" g="155" b="45" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style28> <style34> <FORE> <colour r="0" g="128" b="255" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Preprocessor]]> </str> </NAME> </style34> <style39> <BACK> <colour r="0" g="255" b="0" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Active line]]> </str> </NAME> </style39> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++]]> </str> </NAME> <editor> <keywords /> </editor> </cc> </idel> <oblivion> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[oblivion]]> </str> </NAME> <cc> <style0> <FORE> <colour r="238" g="238" b="236" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="46" g="52" b="54" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style0> <style1> <FORE> <colour r="238" g="238" b="236" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="46" g="52" b="54" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style1> <style5> <FORE> <colour r="136" g="138" b="133" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style5> 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r="173" g="127" b="168" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="46" g="52" b="54" /> </BACK> <BOLD bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Number]]> </str> </NAME> </style19> <style21> <FORE> <colour r="233" g="185" b="110" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Keyword]]> </str> </NAME> </style21> <style23> <FORE> <colour r="78" g="154" b="6" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[User keyword]]> </str> </NAME> </style23> <style27> <FORE> <colour r="185" g="49" b="0" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="30" g="3" b="0" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style27> <style28> <FORE> <colour r="185" g="49" b="0" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="30" g="3" b="0" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style28> <style31> <FORE> <colour r="245" g="121" b="0" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Character]]> </str> </NAME> </style31> <style33> <FORE> <colour r="211" g="215" b="207" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[UUID]]> </str> </NAME> </style33> <style34> <FORE> <colour r="78" g="154" b="6" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Preprocessor]]> </str> </NAME> </style34> <style36> <FORE> <colour r="233" g="185" b="110" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Operator]]> </str> </NAME> </style36> <style38> <BACK> <colour r="23" g="32" b="24" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Selection]]> </str> </NAME> </style38> <style39> <BACK> <colour r="24" g="33" b="33" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Active line]]> </str> </NAME> </style39> <style40> <BACK> <colour r="114" g="159" b="207" /> </BACK> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]> </str> </NAME> </style40> <style41> <FORE> <colour r="238" g="238" b="236" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="164" g="0" b="0" /> </BACK> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]> </str> </NAME> </style41> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++]]> </str> </NAME> <editor> <keywords /> </editor> </cc> </oblivion> <son_of_obsidian> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[son of obsidian]]> </str> </NAME> <cc> <style0> <FORE> <colour r="241" g="242" b="243" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="34" g="40" b="42" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style0> <style1> <FORE> <colour r="241" g="242" b="243" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="34" g="40" b="42" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style1> <style5> <FORE> <colour r="102" g="116" b="123" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style5> <style6> <FORE> <colour r="102" g="116" b="123" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style6> <style7> <FORE> <colour r="102" g="116" b="123" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style7> <style8> <FORE> <colour r="102" g="116" b="123" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style8> <style11> <FORE> <colour r="153" g="163" b="138" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style11> <style12> 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</FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style28> <style31> <FORE> <colour r="239" g="194" b="16" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Character]]> </str> </NAME> </style31> <style33> <FORE> <colour r="207" g="215" b="211" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[UUID]]> </str> </NAME> </style33> <style34> <FORE> <colour r="160" g="130" b="189" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Preprocessor]]> </str> </NAME> </style34> <style36> <FORE> <colour r="232" g="226" b="183" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Operator]]> </str> </NAME> </style36> <style38> <FORE> <colour r="255" g="255" b="255" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="48" g="58" b="59" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Selection]]> </str> </NAME> </style38> <style39> <FORE> <colour r="0" g="0" b="0" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="47" g="57" b="60" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Active line]]> </str> </NAME> </style39> <style40> <BACK> <colour r="80" g="80" b="80" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]> </str> </NAME> 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b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style7> <style8> <FORE> <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style8> <style9> <FORE> <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style9> <style10> <FORE> <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style10> <style11> <FORE> <colour r="38" g="139" b="210" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style11> <style12> <FORE> <colour r="38" g="139" b="210" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style12> <style13> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style13> <style14> <BOLD bool="0" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style14> 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</style23> <style27> <FORE> <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style27> <style28> <FORE> <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style28> <style31> <FORE> <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Character]]> </str> </NAME> </style31> <style34> <FORE> <colour r="203" g="75" b="22" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Preprocessor]]> </str> </NAME> </style34> <style36> <FORE> <colour r="181" g="137" b="0" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Operator]]> </str> </NAME> </style36> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++]]> </str> </NAME> <editor> <keywords /> </editor> </cc> </solarized_light> <solarized_dark> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[solarized dark]]> </str> </NAME> <cc> <style0> <FORE> <colour r="147" g="161" b="161" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="0" g="43" b="54" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style0> <style1> <FORE> <colour r="147" g="161" b="161" /> 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</INCLUDE_DIRS> <LIBRARY_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Borland\BCC55\lib;C:\Borland\BCC55\lib\psdk;]]> </str> </LIBRARY_DIRS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Borland\BCC55]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </bcc> <dmc> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Digital Mars Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dm\stlport\stlport;C:\dm\include;]]> </str> </INCLUDE_DIRS> <LIBRARY_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dm\lib;]]> </str> </LIBRARY_DIRS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dm]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </dmc> <ow> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[OpenWatcom (W32) Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\watcom\h;C:\watcom\h\nt;]]> </str> </INCLUDE_DIRS> <RES_INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\watcom\h;C:\watcom\h\nt;]]> </str> </RES_INCLUDE_DIRS> <LIBRARY_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\watcom\lib386;C:\watcom\lib386\nt;]]> </str> </LIBRARY_DIRS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\watcom]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> <EXTRA_PATHS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\watcom\binnt;C:\watcom\binw;]]> </str> </EXTRA_PATHS> </ow> <cygwin> 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for MSP430]]> </str> </NAME> <INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\HighTec\Msp430\msp430\include;]]> </str> </INCLUDE_DIRS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\HighTec\Msp430]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </msp430_gcc> <ppc_gcc> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[GNU GCC Compiler for PowerPC]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\HighTec\PowerPC]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </ppc_gcc> <tricore_gcc> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[GNU GCC Compiler for TriCore]]> </str> </NAME> <INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\HighTec\TriCore\tricore\include;]]> </str> </INCLUDE_DIRS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\HighTec\TriCore]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </tricore_gcc> <keilc51> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Keil C51 Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Keil\C51]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </keilc51> <keilcx51> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Keil CX51 Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Keil\C51]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </keilcx51> <iar8051> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[IAR 8051 Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <LINKER_OPTIONS> <str> <![CDATA[-f "C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench\8051\config\devices\_generic\lnk51ew_plain.xcl";]]> </str> </LINKER_OPTIONS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench\8051]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </iar8051> <iararm> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[IAR ARM Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <COMPILER_OPTIONS> <str> <![CDATA[--no_wrap_diagnostics;]]> </str> </COMPILER_OPTIONS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench\ARM]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </iararm> <gdc> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[GDC D Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\MinGW]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </gdc> <ldc> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[LLVM D Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\ldc\import;]]> </str> </INCLUDE_DIRS> <LIBRARY_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\ldc\lib;]]> </str> </LIBRARY_DIRS> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\ldc]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </ldc> <dmd> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Digital Mars D Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <INCLUDE_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dmd\src\phobos;]]> </str> </INCLUDE_DIRS> <LIBRARY_DIRS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dmd\lib;]]> </str> </LIBRARY_DIRS> <LIBRARIES> <str> <![CDATA[phobos2.lib;]]> </str> </LIBRARIES> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dmd]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> <EXTRA_PATHS> <str> <![CDATA[C:\dm\bin;]]> </str> </EXTRA_PATHS> </dmd> <gfortran> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[GNU Fortran Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[F:\code blocks\CodeBlocks2\MinGW]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> <MAKE> <str> <![CDATA[make.exe]]> </str> </MAKE> </gfortran> <g95> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[G95 Fortran Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\MinGW]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </g95> <pgifortran> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[PGI Fortran Compiler]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[C:\Program Files (x86)\PGI\win32]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </pgifortran> <null> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[*No Compiler*]]> </str> </NAME> <MASTER_PATH> <str> <![CDATA[-- No Compiler --]]> </str> </MASTER_PATH> </null> </sets> <DEFAULT_COMPILER> <str> <![CDATA[gcc]]> </str> </DEFAULT_COMPILER> </compiler> <gcv> <sets> <default /> </sets> <ACTIVE> <str> <![CDATA[default]]> </str> </ACTIVE> </gcv> <mime_types /> <EditorTweaks> <aligner> <FIRST_NAME_0> <str> <![CDATA[Equality Operator]]> </str> </FIRST_NAME_0> <FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_0> <str> <![CDATA[=]]> </str> </FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_0> <FIRST_NAME_1> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++ line Comment ]]> </str> </FIRST_NAME_1> <FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_1> <str> <![CDATA[//]]> </str> </FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_1> <FIRST_NAME_2> <str> <![CDATA[VHDL Signal Assignment]]> </str> </FIRST_NAME_2> <FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_2> <str> <![CDATA[<=]]> </str> </FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_2> <FIRST_NAME_3> <str> <![CDATA[VHDL named association]]> </str> </FIRST_NAME_3> <FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_3> <str> <![CDATA[=>]]> </str> </FIRST_ARGUMENT_STRING_3> <SAVED_ENTRIES int="4" /> </aligner> <SUPPRESS_INSERT_KEY bool="0" /> 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