
时间:2021-10-11 17:28:53

I simply wrote a shell script to make me compile my code easily. My directory tree looks like:


+--- DIR[1]
+--- DIR[n]
+--- DIR[n+1]
      +--- makefile

I used to use following command to compile my code:


$cd DIR[n+1]

because I want to go back to TOPDIR after compile the code, therefore, I type:


$cd -

I want to make it in one shell script file, so I write:


#! /bin/sh
cd -

It works well, after this, I got new code from our vendor and it changed something in make process. The directory tree looks almost same as previous but it uses a shell script to start the make process:


+--- DIR[1]
+--- DIR[2]
+--- DIR[N]
      +--- DIR[n]
      |     |
      |     +---build_1.sh

In build_1.sh, it just contain:


#! /bin/sh
source ../build_2.sh

therefore, I first use:


$cd DIR[n]

after compile, I use:


$cd -

but I write my command in script:


#! /bin/sh
cd DIR[n]
cd -

it shows me:


./build_1.sh: 2: ./build_1.sh: source: not found

I use same script on openSUSE; it has no problem. But on ubuntu-13.04, its pop up above error. I tested the source function in ubuntu-13.04, no problem for use.


Any comment on this issue?


1 个解决方案



In Ubuntu, the default shell /bin/sh is a symbolic link to /bin/dash - bash and dash have enough functionality in common that most people never realize the difference, but they are not identical (dash is meant to be lighter).

在Ubuntu中,默认的shell / bin / sh是/ bin / dash的符号链接 - bash和dash具有足够的共同功能,大多数人从未意识到差异,但它们并不完全相同(破折号意味着更轻)。

The Debian Almquist shell (dash) is a Unix shell, much smaller than Bash, but it is still aiming at POSIX-compliance. It requires less disk space, but it is also less feature-rich. - Wikipedia

Debian Almquist shell(破折号)是一个Unix shell,比Bash小得多,但它仍然瞄准POSIX兼容性。它需要的磁盘空间更少,但功能也更少。 - *

You should be safe while sticking to POSIX syntax, but if your script is using features that are only available in bash, be sure to change the shebang from /bin/sh to /bin/bash to avoid trouble with systems where /bin/sh is not bash.

在坚持使用POSIX语法时应该是安全的,但是如果你的脚本使用的是仅在bash中可用的功能,请务必将/ bin / sh中的shebang更改为/ bin / bash以避免系统出现问题/ bin / sh不是bash。

So my advice is: never assume bash is the default shell, stick to syntax from the POSIX standard if you can or explicitly point to /bin/bash at the shebang.

所以我的建议是:永远不要假设bash是默认的shell,如果你可以或者明确指向shebang的/ bin / bash,那么坚持使用POSIX标准的语法。



In Ubuntu, the default shell /bin/sh is a symbolic link to /bin/dash - bash and dash have enough functionality in common that most people never realize the difference, but they are not identical (dash is meant to be lighter).

在Ubuntu中,默认的shell / bin / sh是/ bin / dash的符号链接 - bash和dash具有足够的共同功能,大多数人从未意识到差异,但它们并不完全相同(破折号意味着更轻)。

The Debian Almquist shell (dash) is a Unix shell, much smaller than Bash, but it is still aiming at POSIX-compliance. It requires less disk space, but it is also less feature-rich. - Wikipedia

Debian Almquist shell(破折号)是一个Unix shell,比Bash小得多,但它仍然瞄准POSIX兼容性。它需要的磁盘空间更少,但功能也更少。 - *

You should be safe while sticking to POSIX syntax, but if your script is using features that are only available in bash, be sure to change the shebang from /bin/sh to /bin/bash to avoid trouble with systems where /bin/sh is not bash.

在坚持使用POSIX语法时应该是安全的,但是如果你的脚本使用的是仅在bash中可用的功能,请务必将/ bin / sh中的shebang更改为/ bin / bash以避免系统出现问题/ bin / sh不是bash。

So my advice is: never assume bash is the default shell, stick to syntax from the POSIX standard if you can or explicitly point to /bin/bash at the shebang.

所以我的建议是:永远不要假设bash是默认的shell,如果你可以或者明确指向shebang的/ bin / bash,那么坚持使用POSIX标准的语法。