
时间:2022-08-29 17:30:46

I'm using Ubuntu and I have written my c++ code in Eclipse Neon. My workspace contain 4 projects. The main project is called BaseCppProjectRun (it contains main.cpp file) and I have other projects with these names: Encoders, frmwrk, NetworkLayer - the BaseCppProjectRun using each one of them.

我正在使用Ubuntu,我已经在Eclipse霓虹灯上写了我的c++代码。我的工作区包含4个项目。主要项目叫做BaseCppProjectRun(它包含main)。我还有其他项目有这些名字:编码器,frmwrk, NetworkLayer——BaseCppProjectRun使用它们中的每一个。

If I running my program directly from eclipse everything works. But I want to running my program from terminal - and I can't. Because When I'm trying to run my progrm like this:


root@ubuntu:/builds/BaseCppProject/BaseCppProjectRun# ./Debug/BaseCppProjectRun

I'm getting this error:


./Debug/BaseCppProjectRun: error while loading shared libraries: libfrmwrk.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

As I said before, if I'm running it directly from eclipse everything works.


How can I run my program from terminal?


2 个解决方案



How is Linux supposed to know where to find libfrmwrk.so, if you don't put that either where it normally looks nor tell it where it can be found.


Eclipse seems to set up the paths the runtime linker looks into so, that when your program is loaded, the runtime linker knows where to find your libfrmwrk.so and so on.


You'll either have to


  • install these libraries (.so's) so that they are found in default locations, or
  • 安装这些库(.so's),以便在默认位置找到它们
  • set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain all the folders to look into.
  • 设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH以包含要查看的所有文件夹。

I haven't worked with Eclipse CDT in ages, but you can by now probably export some project formats that allow you to easily install things.

我已经很久没有使用过Eclipse CDT了,但是现在您可能可以导出一些项目格式,使您能够轻松地安装东西。

Another thing: It seems you're running software you're still debugging as root: That is a terrible idea, and if it can be avoided, avoid it.




I finally figure it out!


Refere to Marcus Muller's answer + my steps this is how I have fixed it ( all steps via terminal):


  1. Create new directory in my workspace directory and called it libs.
  2. 在我的工作空间目录中创建新目录,并将其命名为libs。
  3. In each one of your projects do: right click > c/C++ Build > Build Steps (tab) and in Post-build steps paste this:
  4. 在你的每一个项目中:右击> c/ c++构建>构建步骤(tab),然后在构建后的步骤中粘贴如下:

cp ${BuildArtifactFilePrefix}${BuildArtifactFileName} "${WorkspaceDirPath}/libs/"

This code copy the so files directly into your libs directory when you compile your program.


And finally, in your terminal execute this:


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/builds/BaseCppProject/libs/

Now you can run your program via terminal.




How is Linux supposed to know where to find libfrmwrk.so, if you don't put that either where it normally looks nor tell it where it can be found.


Eclipse seems to set up the paths the runtime linker looks into so, that when your program is loaded, the runtime linker knows where to find your libfrmwrk.so and so on.


You'll either have to


  • install these libraries (.so's) so that they are found in default locations, or
  • 安装这些库(.so's),以便在默认位置找到它们
  • set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain all the folders to look into.
  • 设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH以包含要查看的所有文件夹。

I haven't worked with Eclipse CDT in ages, but you can by now probably export some project formats that allow you to easily install things.

我已经很久没有使用过Eclipse CDT了,但是现在您可能可以导出一些项目格式,使您能够轻松地安装东西。

Another thing: It seems you're running software you're still debugging as root: That is a terrible idea, and if it can be avoided, avoid it.




I finally figure it out!


Refere to Marcus Muller's answer + my steps this is how I have fixed it ( all steps via terminal):


  1. Create new directory in my workspace directory and called it libs.
  2. 在我的工作空间目录中创建新目录,并将其命名为libs。
  3. In each one of your projects do: right click > c/C++ Build > Build Steps (tab) and in Post-build steps paste this:
  4. 在你的每一个项目中:右击> c/ c++构建>构建步骤(tab),然后在构建后的步骤中粘贴如下:

cp ${BuildArtifactFilePrefix}${BuildArtifactFileName} "${WorkspaceDirPath}/libs/"

This code copy the so files directly into your libs directory when you compile your program.


And finally, in your terminal execute this:


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/builds/BaseCppProject/libs/

Now you can run your program via terminal.
