
时间:2021-01-25 17:29:18
 package org.cloudbus.cloudsim;

 import java.util.ArrayList;//This class provides methods to manipulate the size of the array that is used internally to store the list.
import java.util.List; /**【虚拟机】
* Vm represents a VM: 【it runs inside a Host, sharing hostList
* with other VMs. It processes cloudlets. 】This processing happens according
* to a policy, defined by the CloudletScheduler. Each VM has a owner(每个虚拟机有一个所有者), which can
* submit cloudlets to the VM to be executed
* @author Rodrigo N. Calheiros
* @author Anton Beloglazov
* @since CloudSim Toolkit 1.0
public class Vm { /** The id. ID号*/
private int id; /** The user id. 用户编号*/
private int userId; private String uid; /** The size. 大小 */
private long size; /** The MIPS.处理速度MIPS */
private double mips; /** The PEs number. PE数*/
private int pesNumber; /** The ram. 内存*/
private int ram; /** The bw.带宽 */
private long bw; /** The vmm. 虚拟机管理程序*/
private String vmm; /** The Cloudlet scheduler. 云任务调度程序*/
private CloudletScheduler cloudletScheduler; /** The host.主机 */
private Host host; /** In migration flag. 迁移标志*/
private boolean inMigration; /** The current allocated size.当前分配大小 */
private long currentAllocatedSize; /** The current allocated ram. 当前分配内存*/
private int currentAllocatedRam; /** The current allocated bw. 当前分配带宽*/
private long currentAllocatedBw; /** The current allocated mips. 当前分配mips*/
private List<Double> currentAllocatedMips; /** The recently created. 最近创建*/
private boolean recentlyCreated; /**【虚拟机特征对象】
* Creates a new VMCharacteristics object.
* @param id unique ID of the VM
* @param userId ID of the VM's owner
* @param size amount of storage
* @param ram amount of ram
* @param bw amount of bandwidth
* @param pesNumber amount of CPUs CPU总和
* @param vmm virtual machine monitor 虚拟机监控器
* @param cloudletScheduler cloudletScheduler policy for cloudlets云任务调度协议
* @param priority the priority 优先权
* @param mips the mips
* @pre id >= 0
* @pre userId >= 0
* @pre size > 0
* @pre ram > 0
* @pre bw > 0
* @pre cpus > 0
* @pre priority >= 0
* @pre cloudletScheduler != null
* @post $none
public Vm(int id, int userId, double mips, int pesNumber, int ram, long bw, long size, String vmm, CloudletScheduler cloudletScheduler) {
setUid(getUid(userId, id));
setCloudletScheduler(cloudletScheduler); setInMigration(false);
setRecentlyCreated(true); setCurrentAllocatedBw(0);
} /**【更新运行在虚拟机上云任务】
* Updates the processing of cloudlets running on this VM.
* @param currentTime current simulation time
* @param mipsShare array with MIPS share of each Pe available to the scheduler
* @return time predicted completion time【预测完成时间】 of the earliest finishing cloudlet, or 0
* if there is no next events
* @pre currentTime >= 0
* @post $none
public double updateVmProcessing(double currentTime, List<Double> mipsShare) {
if (mipsShare != null) {
return getCloudletScheduler().updateVmProcessing(currentTime, mipsShare);
return 0.0;
} /**当前请求的MIPS
* Gets the current requested mips.
* @return the current requested mips
public List<Double> getCurrentRequestedMips() {
List<Double> currentRequestedMips = getCloudletScheduler().getCurrentRequestedMips(); if (isRecentlyCreated()) {//新创建虚拟机
boolean mipsIsNull = true;
for (double mips : currentRequestedMips) {
if (mips > 0.0) {
mipsIsNull = false;
} //if (mipsIsNull && isRecentlyCreated()) {
if (mipsIsNull) {
currentRequestedMips = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < getPesNumber(); i++) {
} return currentRequestedMips;
} /**当前请求的MIPS总数
* Gets the current requested total mips.
* @return the current requested total mips
public double getCurrentRequestedTotalMips() {
double totalRequestedMips = 0;
for (double mips : getCurrentRequestedMips()) {
totalRequestedMips += mips;
return totalRequestedMips;
} /**请求的带宽
* Gets the current requested bw.
* @return the current requested bw
public long getCurrentRequestedBw() {
return getBw();
} /**请求的内存
* Gets the current requested ram.
* @return the current requested ram
public int getCurrentRequestedRam() {
return getRam();
} /**CPU利用率
* Get utilization created by all clouddlets running on this VM.
* @param time the time
* @return total utilization
public double getTotalUtilizationOfCpu(double time) {
return getCloudletScheduler().getTotalUtilizationOfCpu(time);
} /**MIPS利用率
* Get utilization created by all cloudlets running on this VM in MIPS.
* @param time the time
* @return total utilization
public double getTotalUtilizationOfCpuMips(double time) {
return getTotalUtilizationOfCpu(time) * getMips();
} public void setUid(String uid) {
this.uid = uid;
} /**虚拟机的唯一标示
* Get unique string identificator of the VM.
* @return string uid
public String getUid() {
return uid;
} /**生成虚拟机标示
* Generate unique string identificator of the VM.
* @param userId the user id
* @param vmId the vm id
* @return string uid
public static String getUid(int userId, int vmId) {
return userId + "-" + vmId;
} /**取ID
* Gets the id.
* @return the id
public int getId() {
return id;
} /**设置ID
* Sets the id.
* @param id the new id
protected void setId(int id) { = id;
} /**设置用户ID
* Sets the user id.
* @param userId the new user id
protected void setUserId(int userId) {
this.userId = userId;
} /**虚拟机所有者ID
* Gets the ID of the owner of the VM.
* @return VM's owner ID
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getUserId() {
return userId;
} /**取MIPS
* Gets the mips.
* @return the mips
public double getMips() {
return mips;
} /**设置MIPS
* Sets the mips.
* @param mips the new mips
protected void setMips(double mips) {
this.mips = mips;
} /**取pe数
* Gets the pes number.
* @return the pes number
public int getPesNumber() {
return pesNumber;
} /**设置
* Sets the pes number.
* @param pesNumber the new pes number
protected void setPesNumber(int pesNumber) {
this.pesNumber = pesNumber;
} /**总内存
* Gets the amount of ram.
* @return amount of ram
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public int getRam() {
return ram;
} /**设置内存
* Sets the amount of ram.
* @param ram new amount of ram
* @pre ram > 0
* @post $none
public void setRam(int ram) {
this.ram = ram;
} /**总带宽
* Gets the amount of bandwidth.
* @return amount of bandwidth
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public long getBw() {
return bw;
} /**设置带宽
* Sets the amount of bandwidth.
* @param bw new amount of bandwidth
* @pre bw > 0
* @post $none
public void setBw(long bw) { = bw;
} /**取存储
* Gets the amount of storage.
* @return amount of storage
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public long getSize() {
return size;
} /**设置存储
* Sets the amount of storage.
* @param size new amount of storage
* @pre size > 0
* @post $none
public void setSize(long size) {
this.size = size;
} /**取VMM
* Gets the VMM.
* @return VMM
* @pre $none
* @post $none
public String getVmm(){
return vmm;
} /**设置VMM
* Sets the VMM.
* @param vmm the new VMM
protected void setVmm(String vmm) {
this.vmm = vmm;
} /**设置主机
* Sets the host that runs this VM.
* @param host Host running the VM
* @pre host != $null
* @post $none
public void setHost(Host host){ = host;
} /**获取主机
* Gets the host.
* @return the host
public Host getHost() {
return host;
} /**虚拟机调度程序
* Gets the vm scheduler.
* @return the vm scheduler
public CloudletScheduler getCloudletScheduler() {
return cloudletScheduler;
} /**设置虚拟机调度程序
* Sets the vm scheduler.
* @param cloudletScheduler the new vm scheduler
protected void setCloudletScheduler(CloudletScheduler cloudletScheduler) {
this.cloudletScheduler = cloudletScheduler;
} /**是否迁移
* Checks if is in migration.
* @return true, if is in migration
public boolean isInMigration() {
return inMigration;
} /**
* Sets the in migration.
* @param inMigration the new in migration
public void setInMigration(boolean inMigration) {
this.inMigration = inMigration;
} /**当前分配大小
* Gets the current allocated size.
* @return the current allocated size
public long getCurrentAllocatedSize() {
return currentAllocatedSize;
} /**
* Sets the current allocated size.
* @param currentAllocatedSize the new current allocated size
protected void setCurrentAllocatedSize(long currentAllocatedSize) {
this.currentAllocatedSize = currentAllocatedSize;
} /**取当前分配的内存
* Gets the current allocated ram.
* @return the current allocated ram
public int getCurrentAllocatedRam() {
return currentAllocatedRam;
} /**设置当前分配的内存
* Sets the current allocated ram.
* @param currentAllocatedRam the new current allocated ram
public void setCurrentAllocatedRam(int currentAllocatedRam) {
this.currentAllocatedRam = currentAllocatedRam;
} /**取当前分配的带宽
* Gets the current allocated bw.
* @return the current allocated bw
public long getCurrentAllocatedBw() {
return currentAllocatedBw;
} /**设置当前分配的带宽
* Sets the current allocated bw.
* @param currentAllocatedBw the new current allocated bw
public void setCurrentAllocatedBw(long currentAllocatedBw) {
this.currentAllocatedBw = currentAllocatedBw;
} /**取当前分配的MIPS
* Gets the current allocated mips.
* @return the current allocated mips
public List<Double> getCurrentAllocatedMips() {
return currentAllocatedMips;
} /**设置当前分配的MIPS
* Sets the current allocated mips.
* @param currentAllocatedMips the new current allocated mips
public void setCurrentAllocatedMips(List<Double> currentAllocatedMips) {
this.currentAllocatedMips = currentAllocatedMips;
} /**是否最近创建
* Checks if is recently created.
* @return true, if is recently created
public boolean isRecentlyCreated() {
return recentlyCreated;
} /**
* Sets the recently created.
* @param recentlyCreated the new recently created
public void setRecentlyCreated(boolean recentlyCreated) {
this.recentlyCreated = recentlyCreated;
} }