
时间:2021-07-15 17:27:28

I'm using PyDev under Eclipse to write some Jython code. I've got numerous instances where I need to do something like this:


import com.work.project.component.client.Interface.ISubInterface as ISubInterface

The problem is that PyDev will always flag this as an error and say "Unresolved import: ISubInterface". The code works just fine, it's just that I'd rather not have these little white/red X-marks next to my code and have my Problems tab littered with these errors.

问题是PyDev总是将此标记为错误并说“Unresolved import:ISubInterface”。代码工作正常,只是我宁愿在我的代码旁边没有这些小的白色/红色X标记,并且我的“问题”选项卡中出现了这些错误。

Is there a way I can add a magic comment or something like that to the end of the line to make PyDev ignore the false error, similar to how you can sprinkle comments like "# pylint: disable-msg=E1101" to make PyLint ignore errors?

有没有办法我可以添加一个魔术评论或类似的东西到行的末尾,使PyDev忽略错误的错误,类似于你可以像“#pylint:disable-msg = E1101”这样的评论来使PyLint忽略错误?

Also, there's a possibility I'm just doing it wrong when it comes to using Java interfaces in Jython. In which case a little bit of guidance would be very much appreciated.


4 个解决方案



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So your import becomes:


import com.work.project.component.client.Interface.ISubInterface as ISubInterface #@UnresolvedImport

That should remove the error/warning. There are other comments you can add as well.




Add the hash character # at the end of the line then with the cursor on the flagged error, press Ctrl-1. One of the options in the menu will be something like @UndefinedVariable. Adding this comment will cause PyDev to ignore the error.




You can make the ignore like the other posts suggest, but the real problem is that Pydev cannot find that class... If you add a .jar that contains that class to your PYTHONPATH it should be able to resolve it (or if you have a Java project that has that class, you should be able to mark that project as a Pydev project and add its bin folder to the project PYTHONPATH -- in which case that class should be found too).

您可以像其他帖子建议的那样进行忽略,但真正的问题是Pydev无法找到该类...如果您将包含该类的.jar添加到您的PYTHONPATH中,它应该能够解析它(或者如果您有如果是具有该类的Java项目,您应该能够将该项目标记为Pydev项目,并将其bin文件夹添加到项目PYTHONPATH中 - 在这种情况下也应该找到该类。



It is not a PYTHONPATH issue. It is related to importing/using static class-internal members of a Java class. I am getting the same sort of thing all over the place e.g. when trying to use constants in java.awt.Color:


import java.awt.Color as Color
borderColor = Color.BLACK # get "Undefined variable from import: BLACK" error

There is no way I've found to import Color.BLACK in this case. Thanks to iceman for at least pointing out the #@UndefinedVariable flag. That helps a lot. Note also that this is NOT a jython problem, the code runs just fine. It's just an issue with PyDev.

在这种情况下,我无法找到导入Color.BLACK的方法。感谢iceman至少指出了#@ UndefinedVariable标志。这有很大帮助。另请注意,这不是一个jython问题,代码运行得很好。这只是PyDev的一个问题。



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So your import becomes:


import com.work.project.component.client.Interface.ISubInterface as ISubInterface #@UnresolvedImport

That should remove the error/warning. There are other comments you can add as well.




Add the hash character # at the end of the line then with the cursor on the flagged error, press Ctrl-1. One of the options in the menu will be something like @UndefinedVariable. Adding this comment will cause PyDev to ignore the error.




You can make the ignore like the other posts suggest, but the real problem is that Pydev cannot find that class... If you add a .jar that contains that class to your PYTHONPATH it should be able to resolve it (or if you have a Java project that has that class, you should be able to mark that project as a Pydev project and add its bin folder to the project PYTHONPATH -- in which case that class should be found too).

您可以像其他帖子建议的那样进行忽略,但真正的问题是Pydev无法找到该类...如果您将包含该类的.jar添加到您的PYTHONPATH中,它应该能够解析它(或者如果您有如果是具有该类的Java项目,您应该能够将该项目标记为Pydev项目,并将其bin文件夹添加到项目PYTHONPATH中 - 在这种情况下也应该找到该类。



It is not a PYTHONPATH issue. It is related to importing/using static class-internal members of a Java class. I am getting the same sort of thing all over the place e.g. when trying to use constants in java.awt.Color:


import java.awt.Color as Color
borderColor = Color.BLACK # get "Undefined variable from import: BLACK" error

There is no way I've found to import Color.BLACK in this case. Thanks to iceman for at least pointing out the #@UndefinedVariable flag. That helps a lot. Note also that this is NOT a jython problem, the code runs just fine. It's just an issue with PyDev.

在这种情况下,我无法找到导入Color.BLACK的方法。感谢iceman至少指出了#@ UndefinedVariable标志。这有很大帮助。另请注意,这不是一个jython问题,代码运行得很好。这只是PyDev的一个问题。