修复SyntasticCheck引导程序错误。 Vim Syntastic插件

时间:2022-11-08 17:26:06

I am using Syntastic VIM plug in

我正在使用Syntastic VIM插件

All my bootstrap stuff is set up and works it's just I keep getting this error in app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss

我的所有bootstrap东西都已设置并运行它只是我在app / assets / stylesheets / application.css.scss中不断收到此错误

|| File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sprockets. Load path: ... on line 17

Line 17 is @import "bootstrap-sprockets";


My Gemfile has


gem 'rails', '4.2.0'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3.3'

my app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss just has

我的app / assets / stylesheets / application.css.scss就是这样

 * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files
 * listed below.
 * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets,
 * or any plugin's vendor/assets/stylesheets directory can be referenced here using a relative path.
 * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the bottom of the
 * compiled file so the styles you add here take precedence over styles defined in any styles
 * defined in the other CSS/SCSS files in this directory. It is generally better to create a new
 * file per style scope.
 *= require_tree .
 *= require_self

@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";

Why does Syntastic still give me this error?


4 个解决方案



Why does Syntastic still give me this error?


Syntastic gives you this error, because it doesn't know about about additional import paths set up by sprockets. But fortunately you can configure this with the variable g:syntastic_<filetype>_<checker>_args. So in your case you probably should set something like

Syntastic给出了这个错误,因为它不知道sprockets设置的其他导入路径。但幸运的是,您可以使用变量g:syntastic_ _ _args配置它。所以在你的情况下你可能会设置类似的东西

let g:syntastic_scss_sass_args="--load-path path/to/bootstrap-gem/vendor/assets"

or something simular.


Extra sugar: you can use https://github.com/embear/vim-localvimrc to automagically set this variable for this project only




Another option is to just to ask Syntastic to ignore this error message. In ~/.vimrc:

另一个选择是让Syntastic忽略此错误消息。在〜/ .vimrc中:

let g:syntastic_scss_sass_quiet_messages = {
    \ "regex": 'File to import not found or unreadable', }

See :help syntastic-checker-options for more details.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅:help syntastic-checker-options。



If you are using RVM you can fix this problem by doing these steps


rvm gemdir

This will give you the directory of the current ruby version your application is using.


Than after that you need to find your bootstrap gem version

之后你需要找到你的bootstrap gem版本

The brackets { } are not needed.


cd {copy and paste rvm gemdir here}/gems/

Go to your Gemfile or Gemfile.lock file and see what version of bootstrap you are using.


cd {copy and paste rvm gemdir here}/gems/{bootstrap version}

Now depending on the version you will have a vendor/assets or a /assets directory

现在,根据版本,您将拥有供应商/资产或/ assets目录

In my case I only had the /assets


So in my situation I used this in my .vimrc


  let g:syntastic_scss_sass_args="--load-path ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/bootstrap-sass-3.3.6/assets"

This removed the error. Don't forget to reload your .vimrc




@jan answer is the most correct answer and is the right way to go!


However, it might be a little cumbersome to actually create a local .vimrc for the current project, and then go digging in the gem's file hierarchy and find its assets.


Personally, I think that this is too much effort just to solve a simple loading confusion by Syntastic's scss checker, and which - by the way - has no effect whatsoever on the actual loading of Bootstrap.


I think most of us would agree that scss has simple rules and structure, and is very easy to debug and maintain, thus I just find it easier to disable Syntastics's scss checker altogether.


let g:syntastic_scss_checkers=['']



Why does Syntastic still give me this error?


Syntastic gives you this error, because it doesn't know about about additional import paths set up by sprockets. But fortunately you can configure this with the variable g:syntastic_<filetype>_<checker>_args. So in your case you probably should set something like

Syntastic给出了这个错误,因为它不知道sprockets设置的其他导入路径。但幸运的是,您可以使用变量g:syntastic_ _ _args配置它。所以在你的情况下你可能会设置类似的东西

let g:syntastic_scss_sass_args="--load-path path/to/bootstrap-gem/vendor/assets"

or something simular.


Extra sugar: you can use https://github.com/embear/vim-localvimrc to automagically set this variable for this project only




Another option is to just to ask Syntastic to ignore this error message. In ~/.vimrc:

另一个选择是让Syntastic忽略此错误消息。在〜/ .vimrc中:

let g:syntastic_scss_sass_quiet_messages = {
    \ "regex": 'File to import not found or unreadable', }

See :help syntastic-checker-options for more details.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅:help syntastic-checker-options。



If you are using RVM you can fix this problem by doing these steps


rvm gemdir

This will give you the directory of the current ruby version your application is using.


Than after that you need to find your bootstrap gem version

之后你需要找到你的bootstrap gem版本

The brackets { } are not needed.


cd {copy and paste rvm gemdir here}/gems/

Go to your Gemfile or Gemfile.lock file and see what version of bootstrap you are using.


cd {copy and paste rvm gemdir here}/gems/{bootstrap version}

Now depending on the version you will have a vendor/assets or a /assets directory

现在,根据版本,您将拥有供应商/资产或/ assets目录

In my case I only had the /assets


So in my situation I used this in my .vimrc


  let g:syntastic_scss_sass_args="--load-path ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/bootstrap-sass-3.3.6/assets"

This removed the error. Don't forget to reload your .vimrc




@jan answer is the most correct answer and is the right way to go!


However, it might be a little cumbersome to actually create a local .vimrc for the current project, and then go digging in the gem's file hierarchy and find its assets.


Personally, I think that this is too much effort just to solve a simple loading confusion by Syntastic's scss checker, and which - by the way - has no effect whatsoever on the actual loading of Bootstrap.


I think most of us would agree that scss has simple rules and structure, and is very easy to debug and maintain, thus I just find it easier to disable Syntastics's scss checker altogether.


let g:syntastic_scss_checkers=['']