
时间:2021-05-10 17:21:42



public interface CourseMapper {
* 获取所有课程
* @return
* @throws Exception
public List<Course> getAll() throws Exception;


<mapper namespace="com.demo2.mapper.CourseMapper">

	<select id="getAll" resultType="Course">
select t1.c_id id, t1.c_name name, t1.c_credit credit
from t_course t1
</select> </mapper>


public class Course {

	private Integer id;
private String name;
private Double credit;
private List<Student> students;


public interface StudentMapper {
* 查询所有学生的选课情况
* @return
* @throws Exception
public List<Student> getStuCou() throws Exception; /**
* 删除指定id用户的某门课(根据课程id)的选课情况
* @param StudentCourseLink
* @throws Exception
* 入参为多个参数时,可以使用Map,model,或者@param
public void delStuCouById(@Param("s_id") String s_id, @Param("c_id") String c_id) throws Exception; /**
* 添加选课
* @param sc
* @throws Exception
public void addCou(Stu_Cou sc) throws Exception; /**
* 根据ID获取指定的学生以及选课情况
* @param id
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Student getStuById(String id) throws Exception; }


<mapper namespace="com.demo2.mapper.StudentMapper">
<!-- 多对多,多表查询 -->
<!-- 查询有两种方式, -->
<!--方式一嵌套结果: 就是把所有的字段都映射,一条SQL连表查询, <collection>标签映射-->
<resultMap id="stuCouMap" type="Student">
<id column="s_id" property="id"/>
<result column="s_name" property="name"/>
<result column="s_sex" property="sex"/>
<result column="s_age" property="age"/>
<!-- 多对多关联 -->
<collection property="courses" ofType="Course">
<id column="c_id" property="id"/>
<result column="c_name" property="name"/>
<result column="c_credit" property="credit"/>
<!-- 查询所有学生及他们的选择课程的信息,因为返回的结果集所有字段使用result标签映射实体属性,所以直接使用*查询所有 -->
<select id="getStuCou" resultMap="stuCouMap">
select t1.*, t2.*
from t_student t1,
t_course t2,
t_stu_cou t3
where t1.s_id = t3.sc_s_id
and t2.c_id = t3.sc_c_id
</select> <!--方式二嵌套查询: 就是把所有的字段都映射,两条SQL,单独查询, <collection>标签映射-->
<resultMap id="stuCouMap2" type="Student">
<id column="s_id" property="id"/>
<result column="s_name" property="name"/>
<result column="s_sex" property="sex"/>
<result column="s_age" property="age"/>
<!-- 多对多关联,该column属性值为id为getStuByIdSelect标签查询的结果中的id -->
<collection column="s_id" property="courses" javaType="ArrayList" ofType="Course" select="getCourse">
<!-- 注意此处查询的课程的字段返回的字段没有使用result标签映射实体属性,所以要使用别名来映射 -->
<select id="getCourse" parameterType="int" resultType="Course">
select t1.c_id id, t1.c_name name, t1.c_credit credit
from t_course t1
left join t_stu_cou t2
on t1.c_id = t2.sc_c_id
where t2.sc_s_id = #{id}
</select> <!-- 根据学生ID获取学生信息以及选课信息,此处返回的结果集使用了result标签映射实体属性,所以可以直接使用*查询所有字段 -->
<select id="getStuById" parameterType="String" resultMap="stuCouMap2">
select *
from t_student
where s_id = #{id}
</select> <!-- 根据学生ID删除学生的选课信息,入参为多个参数时,可以使用Map,model,或者@param -->
<delete id="delStuCouById">
delete from t_stu_cou
where sc_s_id = #{s_id}
and sc_c_id = #{c_id}
</delete> <insert id="addCou" parameterType="Stu_Cou">
insert into t_stu_cou(sc_s_id, sc_c_id, createtime) value(#{stu.id}, #{cou.id}, #{createtime})


public class Student {

	private Integer id;
private String name;
private String sex;
private Integer age;
private List<Course> courses;



public class Stu_Cou {

	private Student stu;
private Course cou;
private Date createtime;