
时间:2022-11-04 17:03:39

This question already has an answer here:


I have a struct like this


struct AUTO{
   int weight;
   string name;

and I have a function that return a struct by passing name


AUTO autoByName(String name, AUTO a[], int ll)
   for(int i = 0; i < ll; i++)
      if (name == a[i].name)
         return a[i];

   // AND HERE ?????

but I don't know what return at the end of the function. Is there a null for struct ?


1 个解决方案



You have a lot of options:


  1. Give AUTO a way to represent a "no-value". For example by making weight -1. Or by adding a flag to it. This is pretty ugly; I don't recommend it, even though it's somewhat common in practice.
  2. 给AUTO一种表示“无价值”的方法。举个例子,通过权重-1。或者添加一个标志。这是相当丑陋的;我不推荐它,尽管这在实践中很常见。
  3. Return a (smart) pointer instead of value. This way you can return a nullptr in the case of error / no value. This is also ugly because it forces you to deal with pointers for not a very good reason.
  4. 返回一个(智能)指针,而不是值。这样,您可以在错误/没有值的情况下返回一个nullptr。这也很难看,因为它迫使你去处理指针,这不是一个很好的理由。
  5. Return a separate value to indicate success. For example adding a bool &wasFound argument to the function.
  6. 返回一个单独的值来表示成功。例如,在函数中添加bool和wasfound参数。
  7. Return boost::optional or std::pair<AUTO, bool> to accomplish pretty much the same thing, but all wrapped up in the return value. This is probably the cleanest. This is how std::map::find works, for example.
  8. 返回boost::可选或std::pair 完成几乎相同的事情,但都包在返回值中。这可能是最干净的。这就是std::map::find works,例如。 ,>
  9. Throw an exception. It's possible that this is acceptable if callers don't try to find items that don't exist. In other words, if "not found" is just a return value then don't throw an exception. If "not found" is truly a program error condition, throwing an exception may actually make sense. If you're not sure, don't throw an exception.
  10. 抛出异常。如果调用者不尝试查找不存在的项,这是可以接受的。换句话说,如果“not found”只是一个返回值,那么不要抛出异常。如果“未找到”确实是一个程序错误条件,抛出异常可能是有意义的。如果你不确定,不要抛出异常。

I'd recommend #4, or in rarer cases #5.




You have a lot of options:


  1. Give AUTO a way to represent a "no-value". For example by making weight -1. Or by adding a flag to it. This is pretty ugly; I don't recommend it, even though it's somewhat common in practice.
  2. 给AUTO一种表示“无价值”的方法。举个例子,通过权重-1。或者添加一个标志。这是相当丑陋的;我不推荐它,尽管这在实践中很常见。
  3. Return a (smart) pointer instead of value. This way you can return a nullptr in the case of error / no value. This is also ugly because it forces you to deal with pointers for not a very good reason.
  4. 返回一个(智能)指针,而不是值。这样,您可以在错误/没有值的情况下返回一个nullptr。这也很难看,因为它迫使你去处理指针,这不是一个很好的理由。
  5. Return a separate value to indicate success. For example adding a bool &wasFound argument to the function.
  6. 返回一个单独的值来表示成功。例如,在函数中添加bool和wasfound参数。
  7. Return boost::optional or std::pair<AUTO, bool> to accomplish pretty much the same thing, but all wrapped up in the return value. This is probably the cleanest. This is how std::map::find works, for example.
  8. 返回boost::可选或std::pair 完成几乎相同的事情,但都包在返回值中。这可能是最干净的。这就是std::map::find works,例如。 ,>
  9. Throw an exception. It's possible that this is acceptable if callers don't try to find items that don't exist. In other words, if "not found" is just a return value then don't throw an exception. If "not found" is truly a program error condition, throwing an exception may actually make sense. If you're not sure, don't throw an exception.
  10. 抛出异常。如果调用者不尝试查找不存在的项,这是可以接受的。换句话说,如果“not found”只是一个返回值,那么不要抛出异常。如果“未找到”确实是一个程序错误条件,抛出异常可能是有意义的。如果你不确定,不要抛出异常。

I'd recommend #4, or in rarer cases #5.
