c结构的Python ctypes定义。

时间:2022-09-21 16:59:54

I am trying to call some c code generated by the Matlab coder. Matlab uses a c struct called emxArray to represent matrices (documented here: http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/fixedpoint/ug/c-code-interface-for-unbounded-arrays-and-structure-fields.html).

我试着调用由Matlab程序员生成的c代码。Matlab使用一个叫做emxArray的c结构来表示矩阵(这里有文档:http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/fixedpoint/ug/c-code-interface- and- arrayand - strucfields -fields.html)。

struct emxArray_real_T
    double *data;
    int *size;
    int allocatedSize;
    int numDimensions;
    boolean_T canFreeData;

I have little experience ctypes and am struggling to create an equivalent struct that I can then use to pass vectors back and forth to the functions defined in the c .so


Here is where I have got so far in python...


class EmxArray(ctypes.Structure):
    """ creates a struct to match emxArray_real_T """

    _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
                ('size', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)),
                ('allocatedSize', ctypes.c_int),
                ('numDimensions', ctypes.c_int),
                ('canFreeData', ctypes.c_bool)]    

However if I define this:


data = (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
L = len(data)

x = EmxArray()
x.data = (ctypes.c_double * L)(*data)
x.data = (ctypes.c_int * 1)(L)    

this then works


print len(x.data[:L]) 

for v in x.data[:L]: print v

Edit: I have tidied up and adopted Roland's suggestion and can extract the data using


data_out = x.data[:L]

I need to investigate further to see if I can successfully use this struct to pass and receive data from the c code.




Implementing the ctypes struct as suggested by Roland didn't work - the returned values were garbage, I never worked out why as I pursued a python based implementation of lilbil's answer. I've accepted that answer as it was closest...


I'll document my solution here as it might save someone else wasting as much time as I have.


Firstly I've generated a simple matlab function that multiplies each element of a function by itself & used the coder to compile this to a c .so. This is imported to python using ctypes. The code is as follows...


import ctypes

LIBTEST = '..../dll/emx_test/'
EMX = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(LIBTEST + 'emx_test.so')
init = EMX.emx_test_initialize()

# Create a data structure to hold the pointer generated by emxCreateWrapper...
class Opaque(ctypes.Structure):

# make some random data to pass in
data_in = [1., 2., 4., 8., 16.]
L = len(data_in)
# create an empty array of the same size for the output
data_ou = [0] * L

# put this in a ctypes array
ina = (ctypes.c_double * L)(*data_in)
oua = (ctypes.c_double * L)(*data_ou)
# create a pointer for these arrays & set the rows and columns of the matrix
inp = ctypes.pointer(ina)
oup = ctypes.pointer(oua)

nrows = ctypes.c_int(1)
ncols = ctypes.c_int(L)

# use EMX.emxCreateWrapper_real_T(double *data, int rows, int cols) to generate an emx wrapping the data 
# input arg types are a pointer to the data NOTE its not great to have to resize the ctypes.c_double but cant see another way
EMX.emxCreateWrapper_real_T.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * L), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int]
# a pointer to the emxArray is returned and stored in Opaque
EMX.emxCreateWrapper_real_T.restype = ctypes.POINTER(Opaque)
# use emxCreateWrapper
in_emx = EMX.emxCreateWrapper_real_T(inp, nrows, ncols)
ou_emx = EMX.emxCreateWrapper_real_T(oup, nrows, ncols)

# so now we have to emx's created and have pointers to them we can run the emx_test
# emx test looks like this in matlab
# function res = emx_test ( in )
#     res = in .* in;
# end
# so basically it multiplies each element of the matrix by itself
# therefore [1., 2., 4., 8., 16.] should become [1., 4., 8., 64., 256.]

EMX.emx_test(in_emx, ou_emx)

# and voila...that's what we get
print 'In: ', ina[:L]
print 'Out:', oua[:L]



In: [1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0]
Out:[1.0, 4.0, 16.0, 64.0, 256.0]

Thank you to everyone for your time & suggestions.


2 个解决方案



I'm not well-versed with the Python-C interface, so what I'm suggesting may be less than ideal. My guess is that likely the crash is because x->data is never initialized and the memory to which it is pointing isn't allocated.


An approach I have taken when interfacing to MATLAB Coder generated code from other languages in the presence of emxArray arguments is to hand-write a C interface function that provides a simpler API. This relieves the burden of needing to construct an emxArray in the other environment (Android Java in my particular case). If the generated function foo takes and returns a 2-D double array, then something like the following could work:

在emxArray参数的存在下,我所采用的与MATLAB编码器生成的其他语言代码相结合的方法是手工编写一个提供更简单API的C接口函数。这减轻了在其他环境中构建emxArray的负担(在我的特殊情况下是Android Java)。如果生成的函数foo获取并返回一个2d的双数组,那么如下所示:

void foo(double *x, int *szx, double **y, int *szy);

This function would take a pointer to the input data and its size and provide a pointer to the output data and its size. The implementation would look something like:


void foo(double *x, int *szx, double **y, int *szy) 
  emxArray_real_T *pEmx;
  emxArray_real_T *pEmy;

  /* Create input emxArray assuming 2-dimensional input */
  pEmx = emxCreateWrapper_real_T(x, szx[0], szx[1]);

  /* Create output emxArray (assumes that the output is not */
  /* written before allocation occurs) assuming 2-D output  */
  pEmy = emxCreateWrapper_real_T(NULL, 0, 0);

  /* Call generated code (call foobar_initialize/terminate elsewhere) */
  foobar(pEmx, pEmy);

  /* Unpack result - You may want to MALLOC storage in *y and */
  /* MEMCPY there alternatively                               */
  *y = pEmy->data;
  szy[0] = pEmy->size[0];
  szy[1] = pEmy->size[1];

  /* Clean up any memory allocated in the emxArrays (e.g. the size vectors) */

You should be able to call this function from Python more simply and pass in the desired data as needed.


My other answer has more details on the emxArray_* functions found in the file foobar_emxAPI.h.




Just create a pointer, assign the data afterwards;


import ctypes

class EmxArray(ctypes.Structure):
    """ creates a struct to match emxArray_real_T """

    _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
                ('size', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)),
                ('allocatedSize', ctypes.c_int),
                ('numDimensions', ctypes.c_int),
                ('canFreeData', ctypes.c_bool)]

data = (1.3, 3.5, 2.7, 4.1)
L = len(data)

e = EmxArray()
e.data = (ctypes.c_double * L)(*data)
e.size = (ctypes.c_int * 1)(L)
# et cetera



I'm not well-versed with the Python-C interface, so what I'm suggesting may be less than ideal. My guess is that likely the crash is because x->data is never initialized and the memory to which it is pointing isn't allocated.


An approach I have taken when interfacing to MATLAB Coder generated code from other languages in the presence of emxArray arguments is to hand-write a C interface function that provides a simpler API. This relieves the burden of needing to construct an emxArray in the other environment (Android Java in my particular case). If the generated function foo takes and returns a 2-D double array, then something like the following could work:

在emxArray参数的存在下,我所采用的与MATLAB编码器生成的其他语言代码相结合的方法是手工编写一个提供更简单API的C接口函数。这减轻了在其他环境中构建emxArray的负担(在我的特殊情况下是Android Java)。如果生成的函数foo获取并返回一个2d的双数组,那么如下所示:

void foo(double *x, int *szx, double **y, int *szy);

This function would take a pointer to the input data and its size and provide a pointer to the output data and its size. The implementation would look something like:


void foo(double *x, int *szx, double **y, int *szy) 
  emxArray_real_T *pEmx;
  emxArray_real_T *pEmy;

  /* Create input emxArray assuming 2-dimensional input */
  pEmx = emxCreateWrapper_real_T(x, szx[0], szx[1]);

  /* Create output emxArray (assumes that the output is not */
  /* written before allocation occurs) assuming 2-D output  */
  pEmy = emxCreateWrapper_real_T(NULL, 0, 0);

  /* Call generated code (call foobar_initialize/terminate elsewhere) */
  foobar(pEmx, pEmy);

  /* Unpack result - You may want to MALLOC storage in *y and */
  /* MEMCPY there alternatively                               */
  *y = pEmy->data;
  szy[0] = pEmy->size[0];
  szy[1] = pEmy->size[1];

  /* Clean up any memory allocated in the emxArrays (e.g. the size vectors) */

You should be able to call this function from Python more simply and pass in the desired data as needed.


My other answer has more details on the emxArray_* functions found in the file foobar_emxAPI.h.




Just create a pointer, assign the data afterwards;


import ctypes

class EmxArray(ctypes.Structure):
    """ creates a struct to match emxArray_real_T """

    _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
                ('size', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)),
                ('allocatedSize', ctypes.c_int),
                ('numDimensions', ctypes.c_int),
                ('canFreeData', ctypes.c_bool)]

data = (1.3, 3.5, 2.7, 4.1)
L = len(data)

e = EmxArray()
e.data = (ctypes.c_double * L)(*data)
e.size = (ctypes.c_int * 1)(L)
# et cetera