
时间:2022-05-11 16:56:20

I've diligently followed the Apple instructions to import a custom module into a playground, including the instructions here. And yet I get:


Playground execution failed: /var/folders/z3/kd0nj4ln1rgcpm8bdz7067wh0000gs/T/./lldb/1874/playground1.swift:7:8: error: no such module 'Foo' import Foo

操场上执行失败:/var/folders/z3/kd0nj4ln1rgcpm8bdz7067wh0000gs / T /。/ / 1874 / playground1 lldb。错误:没有这样的模块‘Foo’导入Foo

How can I recover to a working Playground import? [Edit: Note, two answers have produced detailed instructions to associate a playground with a framework; I have followed those instructions but no luck. The solution will need to involve reconfiguring something in Xcode; my installation is apparently broken]


Detailed images of the error and attempts: 游乐场导入:没有此类模块“Foo”


Here is another attempt, based on the answer of @EricD, showing the directory structure, no dice. 游乐场导入:没有此类模块“Foo”

这里是另一个尝试,基于@EricD的答案,显示了目录结构,no dice。

6 个解决方案



For some of those that none of the above solutions work (and that Xcode build path setting was already set to Unique), I've found a solution.


The framework must be built with a scheme for an iOS simulator device (any in the list) and NOT a Generic iOS Device, as Playgrounds do not support it. This one worked for me :





Here's how I proceed for OS X with Xcode 7.1:

以下是我如何用Xcode 7.1操作OS X:

  • Create new project: OS X Cocoa Framework, Swift. For this example I named it "TestPlaygroundFMK".

    创建新项目:OS X Cocoa框架,Swift。对于这个示例,我将它命名为“TestPlaygroundFMK”。

  • Create a new Swift file.


  • Add a class to the file. The code has to be public. I made this for our example:


import Foundation

public class Talk {
    public class func sayHello() {
        print("Hello from framework!")
  • Build the project now.


  • In the menu bar, click on File > Save As Workspace.

    在菜单栏中,单击File > Save As Workspace。

  • Create a new Playground and save it inside the project folder next to the Swift files.



The Playground must not have the same name as the project.


  • Build the project again.


  • Import your framework in the Playground and use it:


import TestPlaygroundFMK





  1. Create a workspace as below:


    • Choose File > New > Workspace
    • 选择File >新的>工作区
    • Enter the workspace name, and specify its location in your file system
    • 输入工作区名称,并在文件系统中指定其位置
    • Click Save
    • 点击保存
  2. Now, Create a Cocoa framework with swift file which have your class


    • Choose File > New > Project
    • 选择文件>新的>项目
    • Select Cocoa framework > Next
    • 接下来选择Cocoa framework >
    • Enter Product Name and Language > Next
    • 接下来输入产品名称和语言>
    • Before clicking create, in 'Add to:' and 'Group' list choose 'Your workspace name' as shown 游乐场导入:没有此类模块“Foo”
    • 在单击create之前,在“Add to:”和“Group”列表中选择“您的工作区名称”。
    • Framework is added to your workspace
    • 框架被添加到您的工作区中
  3. Create swift file in your framework
    • In Xcode right click on the folder where you want to add swift file and select new file...
    • 在Xcode中,右键单击要添加swift文件的文件夹并选择new file…
    • Select swift > Next > Name your file > Create
    • 选择swift >下一个>名称创建您的文件>
  4. 在您的框架中创建swift文件,在Xcode中右键单击要添加swift文件的文件夹,并选择新文件…选择swift >下一个>名称创建您的文件>
  5. Select your framework in Xcode -> Build your framework
  6. 在Xcode中选择您的框架——>构建您的框架
  7. Create playground -> Playground should also be part of your workspace, if not drag it to your workspace, it'll be added automatically.
    • Right click in Xcode's files section > New file... > Playground
    • 右键点击Xcode's files section > New file…>操场
    • import
    • 进口
    • Call your method
    • 打电话给你的方法
  8. 创建游乐场->游乐场也应该是你的工作空间的一部分,如果不把它拖到你的工作空间中,它会自动添加。右键点击Xcode's files section > New file…调用你的方法

Note: If you just wanted to add classes instead of framework to your playground check the link How to import my own class into an Xcode 7 playground?

注意:如果你只是想添加类而不是框架到你的操场,检查链接如何将我自己的类导入到Xcode 7的操场上?



I had my playground working fine but found that when I quit Xcode and re-opened it, I would get an error like this:


error: /var/folders/ft/bmk8wh6s5ms4my2pxhn3qbp40000gn/T/playground1-9216e0..swift:3:8: error: no such module 'Playground_Sources' import Playground_Sources

错误:/var/folders/ft/bmk8wh6s5ms4my2pxhn3qbp40000gn / T / playground1 - 9216 e0 . .错误:没有这样的模块“Playground_Sources”导入Playground_Sources

... where "Playground" is the name of my playground file.


The solution to this (in Xcode 9.0) is to:

这个(Xcode 9.0)的解决方案是:

  • click any playground file in your workspace
  • 单击工作区中的任何游乐场文件
  • show the Utilities panel (opt-cmd-0)
  • 显示实用程序面板(opt-cmd-0)
  • under "Playground Settings" change the "Platform" to anything else then set it back.
  • 在“操场设置”下,将“平台”更改为任何其他设置,然后将其设置为后退。

In my case, it's set to macOS. I changed it to iOS then back to macOS (no recompilation necessary) and it started to work fine... that is until I close Xcode and open it again.


This is the only solution I found to work with macOS playgrounds. This bug still exists in Xcode 9.3.

这是我在macOS操场上找到的唯一解决方案。这个错误仍然存在于Xcode 9.3中。



The solution, from Apple Support, was to adjust my Xcode Preferences. On Locations :: Advanced my configuration was 'Legacy'. By changing to 'Unique', and undoing any paths I'd attempted to insert, Playgrounds can now import frameworks.




I don't think it's a stretch to say that Xcode is somewhat of a blackbox. I make no claim that this will work for anyone else, but for me, after having the same issue after creating a new playground and a new framework target, and all the other proposed solutions, what finally worked was deleting the workspace file and (in my case) regenerating it with cocoapods.


I have no idea why this worked.




For some of those that none of the above solutions work (and that Xcode build path setting was already set to Unique), I've found a solution.


The framework must be built with a scheme for an iOS simulator device (any in the list) and NOT a Generic iOS Device, as Playgrounds do not support it. This one worked for me :





Here's how I proceed for OS X with Xcode 7.1:

以下是我如何用Xcode 7.1操作OS X:

  • Create new project: OS X Cocoa Framework, Swift. For this example I named it "TestPlaygroundFMK".

    创建新项目:OS X Cocoa框架,Swift。对于这个示例,我将它命名为“TestPlaygroundFMK”。

  • Create a new Swift file.


  • Add a class to the file. The code has to be public. I made this for our example:


import Foundation

public class Talk {
    public class func sayHello() {
        print("Hello from framework!")
  • Build the project now.


  • In the menu bar, click on File > Save As Workspace.

    在菜单栏中,单击File > Save As Workspace。

  • Create a new Playground and save it inside the project folder next to the Swift files.



The Playground must not have the same name as the project.


  • Build the project again.


  • Import your framework in the Playground and use it:


import TestPlaygroundFMK





  1. Create a workspace as below:


    • Choose File > New > Workspace
    • 选择File >新的>工作区
    • Enter the workspace name, and specify its location in your file system
    • 输入工作区名称,并在文件系统中指定其位置
    • Click Save
    • 点击保存
  2. Now, Create a Cocoa framework with swift file which have your class


    • Choose File > New > Project
    • 选择文件>新的>项目
    • Select Cocoa framework > Next
    • 接下来选择Cocoa framework >
    • Enter Product Name and Language > Next
    • 接下来输入产品名称和语言>
    • Before clicking create, in 'Add to:' and 'Group' list choose 'Your workspace name' as shown 游乐场导入:没有此类模块“Foo”
    • 在单击create之前,在“Add to:”和“Group”列表中选择“您的工作区名称”。
    • Framework is added to your workspace
    • 框架被添加到您的工作区中
  3. Create swift file in your framework
    • In Xcode right click on the folder where you want to add swift file and select new file...
    • 在Xcode中,右键单击要添加swift文件的文件夹并选择new file…
    • Select swift > Next > Name your file > Create
    • 选择swift >下一个>名称创建您的文件>
  4. 在您的框架中创建swift文件,在Xcode中右键单击要添加swift文件的文件夹,并选择新文件…选择swift >下一个>名称创建您的文件>
  5. Select your framework in Xcode -> Build your framework
  6. 在Xcode中选择您的框架——>构建您的框架
  7. Create playground -> Playground should also be part of your workspace, if not drag it to your workspace, it'll be added automatically.
    • Right click in Xcode's files section > New file... > Playground
    • 右键点击Xcode's files section > New file…>操场
    • import
    • 进口
    • Call your method
    • 打电话给你的方法
  8. 创建游乐场->游乐场也应该是你的工作空间的一部分,如果不把它拖到你的工作空间中,它会自动添加。右键点击Xcode's files section > New file…调用你的方法

Note: If you just wanted to add classes instead of framework to your playground check the link How to import my own class into an Xcode 7 playground?

注意:如果你只是想添加类而不是框架到你的操场,检查链接如何将我自己的类导入到Xcode 7的操场上?



I had my playground working fine but found that when I quit Xcode and re-opened it, I would get an error like this:


error: /var/folders/ft/bmk8wh6s5ms4my2pxhn3qbp40000gn/T/playground1-9216e0..swift:3:8: error: no such module 'Playground_Sources' import Playground_Sources

错误:/var/folders/ft/bmk8wh6s5ms4my2pxhn3qbp40000gn / T / playground1 - 9216 e0 . .错误:没有这样的模块“Playground_Sources”导入Playground_Sources

... where "Playground" is the name of my playground file.


The solution to this (in Xcode 9.0) is to:

这个(Xcode 9.0)的解决方案是:

  • click any playground file in your workspace
  • 单击工作区中的任何游乐场文件
  • show the Utilities panel (opt-cmd-0)
  • 显示实用程序面板(opt-cmd-0)
  • under "Playground Settings" change the "Platform" to anything else then set it back.
  • 在“操场设置”下,将“平台”更改为任何其他设置,然后将其设置为后退。

In my case, it's set to macOS. I changed it to iOS then back to macOS (no recompilation necessary) and it started to work fine... that is until I close Xcode and open it again.


This is the only solution I found to work with macOS playgrounds. This bug still exists in Xcode 9.3.

这是我在macOS操场上找到的唯一解决方案。这个错误仍然存在于Xcode 9.3中。



The solution, from Apple Support, was to adjust my Xcode Preferences. On Locations :: Advanced my configuration was 'Legacy'. By changing to 'Unique', and undoing any paths I'd attempted to insert, Playgrounds can now import frameworks.




I don't think it's a stretch to say that Xcode is somewhat of a blackbox. I make no claim that this will work for anyone else, but for me, after having the same issue after creating a new playground and a new framework target, and all the other proposed solutions, what finally worked was deleting the workspace file and (in my case) regenerating it with cocoapods.


I have no idea why this worked.
