
时间:2022-11-18 16:58:05

I would like to search through a list of all available ViewComponents in a asp.net core MVC (mvc6?) project, something like this.

我想搜索一个asp.net核心MVC (mvc6?)项目中所有可用视图组件的列表,类似这样的东西。

Default.cshtml for ViewComponent

违约。为ViewComponent cshtml

 foreach (var section in Model.sections)
    var sectionId = section.Id;
    if (_siteSettings.AvailableComponents.Any(c => c == sectionId))
        @await Component.InvokeAsync(sectionId);
        <p>Could not find component: @sectionId </p>            

Now, I have managed to do this by manually registering each component in a list that is available at runtime. But what I would like to accomplish is to register each view component simply in each component class file, like this:


public class NewsList : ViewComponent

    private ISiteSettings _siteSettings;
    private string ComponentName = "NewsList";

    public NewsList(ISiteSettings siteSettings)
        _siteSettings = siteSettings;


    public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
        return View();

The problem is that the constructor of each viewcomponent will not be executed until the viewcomponent is rendered, I need all components to be registered "automatically" somehow. Is that possible?


1 个解决方案



To do this, you need to use reflection. Using Assembly, you can get all the Types in your project, and then filter where the BaseType is typeof(ViewComponent).


var listOfViewComponents = Assembly
                            .Where(x => x.GetTypeInfo().BaseType == typeof(ViewComponent));

Hope this helps.




To do this, you need to use reflection. Using Assembly, you can get all the Types in your project, and then filter where the BaseType is typeof(ViewComponent).


var listOfViewComponents = Assembly
                            .Where(x => x.GetTypeInfo().BaseType == typeof(ViewComponent));

Hope this helps.
