
时间:2022-10-02 16:58:34

I'm trying to add custom keyboard short-cut to my Brackets. Now my keymap contains the following overrides:


"overrides": {

I want to add a short-cut for command described here. As far as I found form Developer tools, CommandManager runs this command with ID "insya-tools-string_uppercase". But when I tried to add line


"Ctrl-Shift-U": "insya-tools-string_uppercase"

I've got an error "You assigning shortcuts to nonexisting command". I've tried "insya-tools.string_uppercase" and all other combinations. But result is the same. So I think, that maybe there is no registered hmm.. another-type-of-id for this command. But since I sometimes want to add also other command short-cuts, I'm wondering if there is a way to get list of all available commands or something.


1 个解决方案


There's an extension called Display Shortcuts in the extension registry. Install it to then click Help > Show Shortcuts.

扩展注册表中有一个名为Display Shortcuts的扩展名。将其安装到然后单击“帮助”>“显示快捷方式”。

It'll then show you a list like this: 如何在Brackets中获取可用命令列表?



There's an extension called Display Shortcuts in the extension registry. Install it to then click Help > Show Shortcuts.

扩展注册表中有一个名为Display Shortcuts的扩展名。将其安装到然后单击“帮助”>“显示快捷方式”。

It'll then show you a list like this: 如何在Brackets中获取可用命令列表?
