
时间:2021-12-15 16:57:49

In JavaScript, if I have a string in a variable, is there a way to get a reference to the function object which has that matching name? Note that jQuery is available to me so I can use any of its helper methods also.


For example:


myFunction = function(){};

var func_name = "myFunction";
var myFunctionPtr = ???  //how to get the function from the name



9 个解决方案



if you know that its a global function you can use:


var functPtr = window[func_name];

Otherwise replace window with the parent object containing the function.




I just did a quick test in Firebug and I was able to get the function from the name by simply eval()ing the name... I feel dirty using eval(), but it seems to get the job done here quite nicely.


var myFunctionPtr = eval(func_name);



This is never a preferred approach. Instead of keeping the function name in func_name, you could have kept the reference to a function just as successfully in something like func_to_call.


If you absolutely require to keep the function reference as a string, you would typically use a hash table to map an arbitrary name to a variable (JS has first-class functions which makes it possible)


myFunction = function(){};   
var obj = {func_name: myFunction};

obj['func_name']();//executes the function

Fiddled (I don't know why, it's a such a tiny script :)


It was suggested that you use eval(func_name) - however this could quickly get out of control because of JS scoping.

有人建议您使用eval(func_name) - 但是由于JS作用域,这很快就会失控。

You have also declared your myFunction = function(){}; as a global variable. On one hand, it lets you reference it as window[func_name] but on the other hand it pollutes the global scope.

您还声明了myFunction = function(){};作为一个全局变量。一方面,它允许您将其作为窗口[func_name]引用,但另一方面它会污染全局范围。



this[func_name] should give you the function.


var myfunc = this[func_name];



It depends on where and how the function is (or isn't) declared.


If it's a global and not declared via let name = ... or const name = ... syntax (and it's not a class constructor declared with class), you can check by looking for it as a property on the global object. (Those caveats are all ES2015 things; more below.) You can get a reference to the global object via this in loose mode at global scope; browsers also give you a global called window. So assuming a browser:

如果它是一个全局的而未通过let name = ...或const name = ...语法声明(并且它不是用类声明的类构造函数),则可以通过在全局对象上查找它作为属性来进行检查。 (这些警告都是ES2015的内容;更多内容。)您可以在全局范围内通过松散模式获取对全局对象的引用;浏览器还为您提供了一个全局调用窗口。所以假设一个浏览器:

if (typeof window[func_name] === "function") {
    // ....

If it might not be a global, but rather is just in scope because your code closes over it, or if it was created using one of those ES2015 mechanisms I mentioned, there's really no good way to check other than eval:


if (eval("typeof " + func_name) === "function") {
    // ....

Using eval is a last resort, and you must only use it with strictly-controlled input. But when you have to, and you have strictly-controlled input, it's fine.


About the ES2015 caveats:


The new let, const, and class are very interesting beasties: When used at global scope, they create globals, but they don't create properties on the global object. As of ES2015, although all properties of the global object are globals, not all globals are properties of the global object. It's all part of trying to rein in vastly-polluted global namespace and also bring greater security to the JavaScript binding model. (Now that we have true modules.)

新的let,const和class是非常有趣的事物:当在全局范围内使用时,它们会创建全局变量,但它们不会在全局对象上创建属性。从ES2015开始,虽然全局对象的所有属性都是全局对象,但并非所有全局对象都是全局对象的属性。这是试图控制受到严重污染的全局命名空间并为JavaScript绑定模型带来更高安全性的所有部分。 (现在我们有了真正的模块。)

So (note that this will only run in cutting-edge browsers):


// Global scope, in a browser (because I used `window` and `document.body`) that
// implements this aspect of ES2015 (as I write this, Firefox's SpiderMonkey
// doesn't, Chrome's V8 does on the latest Chrome; expect SpiderMonkey and IE
// to catch up pretty quick (didn't test IE Edge, maybe it's already there)

// Strict mode isn't required for this behavior, but for the moment V8 only
// supports the block-scoped constructs in strict mode.
"use strict";
let tbody = setup();

// Old-fashioned var: Creates a property on the global object, so
// we get "function, function"
var f1 = function() { /*...*/ };
result("var declaration", typeof f1, typeof window["f1"]);

// Function declaration: Creates a property on the global object, so
// "function, function"
function f2() {}
result("function declaration", typeof f2, typeof window["f2"]);

// `let` declaration: Doesn't create property on global object, so
// "function, undefined"
let f3 = function() { /*...*/ };
result("let declaration", typeof f3, typeof window["f3"]);

// `const` declaration: Doesn't create property on global object, so
// "function, undefined"
const f4 = function() { /*...*/ };
result("const declaration", typeof f4, typeof window["f4"]);

// `class` declaration: Doesn't create property on global object, so
// "function, undefined"
class C1 {}
result("class declaration", typeof C1, typeof window["C1"]);

function setup() {
    "<table>" +
    "<thead>" +
    "<tr><th>test</th><th>global</th><th>prop</th></tr>" +
    "</thead>" +
    "<tbody></tbody>" +
  return document.body.querySelector("tbody");

function result(label, direct, win) {
    "<tr><td>" + [label, direct, win].join("</td><td>") + "</td></tr>"
body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 4px 8px;

Output on cutting-edge browsers:


|         test         |   global   |   prop    |
| var declaration      |  function  | function  |
| function declaration |  function  | function  |
| let declaration      |  function  | undefined |
| const declaration    |  function  | undefined |
| class declaration    |  function  | undefined |

Note: Some transpilers don't enforce this rigorously, so if you see different results in transpiled code, don't be surprised.




Use eval:


myFunction = function(){};

var func_name = "myFunction";
var myFunctionPtr = eval(func_name);



A safe way to do is to sandbox the alleged function while testing its type:


function isFunction(expr) {
    function sandboxTemplate() {
        var window, document, alert; // etc.

        try {
            return typeof $expr$ == "function";
        } catch (e) {
            return false;

    try {
        var sandbox = new Function(
            sandboxTemplate.toString().replace("$expr$", expr)
            + "return sandboxTemplate()");
        return sandbox();
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

function test(expr) {
    document.write("<div>\"" + expr + "\" <b>is "
        + (isFunction(expr) ? "" : "not ")
        + "</b>a function</div>");

/* Let's do some testing */

function realFunction() {

test("realFunction");       // exists!
test("notHere");            // non-existent
test("alert('Malicious')"); // attempt to execute malicious code!
test("syntax error {");     // attempt to blow us up!

The output:


  • "realFunction" is a function
  • “realFunction”是一个函数
  • "notHere" is not a function
  • “notHere”不是一个功能
  • "alert('Malicious')" is not a function
  • “警报('恶意')”不是一个功能
  • "syntax error {" is not a function
  • “语法错误{”不是一个函数

The sandboxing code could be written in a more concise manner but I like using "template" functions instead of embedding JS code as string literals.


And oh, this does it nicely without using eval -- though one can argue that using a Function constructor is no different than an eval.

哦,这很好地不使用eval - 尽管可以说使用Function构造函数与eval没有区别。



found the function and then call them


autoCallBack : function(_action){
                var modulName = $(this).attr("id");
                if( isFunction(modulName) ){

isFunction : function(_functionName){
        try {
        } catch (error) {
            return false;
    return true;



For NodeJs


Write your functions in a separate file and export them and use with name reference of that to call them, Like


//    functions.js
var funcOne = function(){
                   console.log('function ONE called')
    //  name_exported : internal_name
    funcOne : funcOne

Use function defined in functions.js in index.js :


//    index.js
var methods = require('./functions.js')   // path to functions.js



> node index.js
> function ONE called



if you know that its a global function you can use:


var functPtr = window[func_name];

Otherwise replace window with the parent object containing the function.




I just did a quick test in Firebug and I was able to get the function from the name by simply eval()ing the name... I feel dirty using eval(), but it seems to get the job done here quite nicely.


var myFunctionPtr = eval(func_name);



This is never a preferred approach. Instead of keeping the function name in func_name, you could have kept the reference to a function just as successfully in something like func_to_call.


If you absolutely require to keep the function reference as a string, you would typically use a hash table to map an arbitrary name to a variable (JS has first-class functions which makes it possible)


myFunction = function(){};   
var obj = {func_name: myFunction};

obj['func_name']();//executes the function

Fiddled (I don't know why, it's a such a tiny script :)


It was suggested that you use eval(func_name) - however this could quickly get out of control because of JS scoping.

有人建议您使用eval(func_name) - 但是由于JS作用域,这很快就会失控。

You have also declared your myFunction = function(){}; as a global variable. On one hand, it lets you reference it as window[func_name] but on the other hand it pollutes the global scope.

您还声明了myFunction = function(){};作为一个全局变量。一方面,它允许您将其作为窗口[func_name]引用,但另一方面它会污染全局范围。



this[func_name] should give you the function.


var myfunc = this[func_name];



It depends on where and how the function is (or isn't) declared.


If it's a global and not declared via let name = ... or const name = ... syntax (and it's not a class constructor declared with class), you can check by looking for it as a property on the global object. (Those caveats are all ES2015 things; more below.) You can get a reference to the global object via this in loose mode at global scope; browsers also give you a global called window. So assuming a browser:

如果它是一个全局的而未通过let name = ...或const name = ...语法声明(并且它不是用类声明的类构造函数),则可以通过在全局对象上查找它作为属性来进行检查。 (这些警告都是ES2015的内容;更多内容。)您可以在全局范围内通过松散模式获取对全局对象的引用;浏览器还为您提供了一个全局调用窗口。所以假设一个浏览器:

if (typeof window[func_name] === "function") {
    // ....

If it might not be a global, but rather is just in scope because your code closes over it, or if it was created using one of those ES2015 mechanisms I mentioned, there's really no good way to check other than eval:


if (eval("typeof " + func_name) === "function") {
    // ....

Using eval is a last resort, and you must only use it with strictly-controlled input. But when you have to, and you have strictly-controlled input, it's fine.


About the ES2015 caveats:


The new let, const, and class are very interesting beasties: When used at global scope, they create globals, but they don't create properties on the global object. As of ES2015, although all properties of the global object are globals, not all globals are properties of the global object. It's all part of trying to rein in vastly-polluted global namespace and also bring greater security to the JavaScript binding model. (Now that we have true modules.)

新的let,const和class是非常有趣的事物:当在全局范围内使用时,它们会创建全局变量,但它们不会在全局对象上创建属性。从ES2015开始,虽然全局对象的所有属性都是全局对象,但并非所有全局对象都是全局对象的属性。这是试图控制受到严重污染的全局命名空间并为JavaScript绑定模型带来更高安全性的所有部分。 (现在我们有了真正的模块。)

So (note that this will only run in cutting-edge browsers):


// Global scope, in a browser (because I used `window` and `document.body`) that
// implements this aspect of ES2015 (as I write this, Firefox's SpiderMonkey
// doesn't, Chrome's V8 does on the latest Chrome; expect SpiderMonkey and IE
// to catch up pretty quick (didn't test IE Edge, maybe it's already there)

// Strict mode isn't required for this behavior, but for the moment V8 only
// supports the block-scoped constructs in strict mode.
"use strict";
let tbody = setup();

// Old-fashioned var: Creates a property on the global object, so
// we get "function, function"
var f1 = function() { /*...*/ };
result("var declaration", typeof f1, typeof window["f1"]);

// Function declaration: Creates a property on the global object, so
// "function, function"
function f2() {}
result("function declaration", typeof f2, typeof window["f2"]);

// `let` declaration: Doesn't create property on global object, so
// "function, undefined"
let f3 = function() { /*...*/ };
result("let declaration", typeof f3, typeof window["f3"]);

// `const` declaration: Doesn't create property on global object, so
// "function, undefined"
const f4 = function() { /*...*/ };
result("const declaration", typeof f4, typeof window["f4"]);

// `class` declaration: Doesn't create property on global object, so
// "function, undefined"
class C1 {}
result("class declaration", typeof C1, typeof window["C1"]);

function setup() {
    "<table>" +
    "<thead>" +
    "<tr><th>test</th><th>global</th><th>prop</th></tr>" +
    "</thead>" +
    "<tbody></tbody>" +
  return document.body.querySelector("tbody");

function result(label, direct, win) {
    "<tr><td>" + [label, direct, win].join("</td><td>") + "</td></tr>"
body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 4px 8px;

Output on cutting-edge browsers:


|         test         |   global   |   prop    |
| var declaration      |  function  | function  |
| function declaration |  function  | function  |
| let declaration      |  function  | undefined |
| const declaration    |  function  | undefined |
| class declaration    |  function  | undefined |

Note: Some transpilers don't enforce this rigorously, so if you see different results in transpiled code, don't be surprised.




Use eval:


myFunction = function(){};

var func_name = "myFunction";
var myFunctionPtr = eval(func_name);



A safe way to do is to sandbox the alleged function while testing its type:


function isFunction(expr) {
    function sandboxTemplate() {
        var window, document, alert; // etc.

        try {
            return typeof $expr$ == "function";
        } catch (e) {
            return false;

    try {
        var sandbox = new Function(
            sandboxTemplate.toString().replace("$expr$", expr)
            + "return sandboxTemplate()");
        return sandbox();
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

function test(expr) {
    document.write("<div>\"" + expr + "\" <b>is "
        + (isFunction(expr) ? "" : "not ")
        + "</b>a function</div>");

/* Let's do some testing */

function realFunction() {

test("realFunction");       // exists!
test("notHere");            // non-existent
test("alert('Malicious')"); // attempt to execute malicious code!
test("syntax error {");     // attempt to blow us up!

The output:


  • "realFunction" is a function
  • “realFunction”是一个函数
  • "notHere" is not a function
  • “notHere”不是一个功能
  • "alert('Malicious')" is not a function
  • “警报('恶意')”不是一个功能
  • "syntax error {" is not a function
  • “语法错误{”不是一个函数

The sandboxing code could be written in a more concise manner but I like using "template" functions instead of embedding JS code as string literals.


And oh, this does it nicely without using eval -- though one can argue that using a Function constructor is no different than an eval.

哦,这很好地不使用eval - 尽管可以说使用Function构造函数与eval没有区别。



found the function and then call them


autoCallBack : function(_action){
                var modulName = $(this).attr("id");
                if( isFunction(modulName) ){

isFunction : function(_functionName){
        try {
        } catch (error) {
            return false;
    return true;



For NodeJs


Write your functions in a separate file and export them and use with name reference of that to call them, Like


//    functions.js
var funcOne = function(){
                   console.log('function ONE called')
    //  name_exported : internal_name
    funcOne : funcOne

Use function defined in functions.js in index.js :


//    index.js
var methods = require('./functions.js')   // path to functions.js



> node index.js
> function ONE called