
时间:2022-02-01 16:54:41

Here's what I am trying to determine...


I have a utility class to append lines to a text file. This must be used by a number of other classes, like a common logging file.


In my first implementation, I had all the classes that wanted to use it make a reference-less instance, e.g.


new Logger(logline,logname);

The constructor creates a PrintWriter, appends the line and closes the file.


This seemed wasteful, since a new instance gets made for every line appended.


The alternative was to use a static method, called "writeln" in this common class, since I had understood that static methods and data re-use the same memory over & over...but


this static method creates an instance of PrintWriter to do its job, so doesn't that mean that a new instance of PrintWriter is created for every line, like #1?


Anyway, (I am relatively new to Java ) is there a well-known, approved way of doing this, or do we just create away, and let the garbage-collector clean up after us?



3 个解决方案


The sensible answer is that you should use a "serious" logging package, such as Commons Logging.

明智的答案是你应该使用“严重”的日志包,例如Commons Logging。

However, to answer your question, in this case you should use a static method (unless you're wanting to maintain logging class instances in your code, in which case you should follow the other answers in this thread). Additionally, you should have a static field that's initialised to, say, a Map<String, PrintWriter>. (You don't have to use String as the key: if you want a finite number of logging target types, use an enum.)

但是,要回答您的问题,在这种情况下,您应该使用静态方法(除非您希望在代码中维护日志记录类实例,在这种情况下,您应该遵循此线程中的其他答案)。此外,您应该有一个静态字段,例如,Map 。 (您不必使用String作为键:如果您需要有限数量的日志记录目标类型,请使用枚举。) ,printwriter>

Then, when your method sees a key that's not existent in the map yet, it'd create the PrintWriter on the spot, and sticks it in the map. You probably want to use a ConcurrentHashMap as the backing map type, so it's thread-safe.


You also need to provide a way to close a logging target (which will also clear the associated entry from the map).


Good luck!


You shouldn't be doing any work in your contructor.


Constructors are for object setup.


You should create a Log() method to do the actual logging.


Logger l = new Logger();

or you can setup the logger as a Singleton.


Logger.getInstance().Log(logline, logname);

Singleton Pattern in Java: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2003/jw-0425-designpatterns.html



There are several kinds of state that this object might want to hold onto, particularly the PrintWriter. If your Logger class were to store these as instance data, then the method for doing the logging needs to be an instance method, not a static method. Hence you need to separate out the logging from the construction:


// Pass only the PrintWriter into the constructor, not the line to be logged.
Logger myLogger = new Logger(filename);


// Log a message
myLogger.log("This is a message to be logged.");

// Log another message, just for kicks.
myLogger.log("this shows that myLogger can be used repeatedly.");

I haven't shown any of the implementation details, but I hope this is enough to get you going.



The sensible answer is that you should use a "serious" logging package, such as Commons Logging.

明智的答案是你应该使用“严重”的日志包,例如Commons Logging。

However, to answer your question, in this case you should use a static method (unless you're wanting to maintain logging class instances in your code, in which case you should follow the other answers in this thread). Additionally, you should have a static field that's initialised to, say, a Map<String, PrintWriter>. (You don't have to use String as the key: if you want a finite number of logging target types, use an enum.)

但是,要回答您的问题,在这种情况下,您应该使用静态方法(除非您希望在代码中维护日志记录类实例,在这种情况下,您应该遵循此线程中的其他答案)。此外,您应该有一个静态字段,例如,Map 。 (您不必使用String作为键:如果您需要有限数量的日志记录目标类型,请使用枚举。) ,printwriter>

Then, when your method sees a key that's not existent in the map yet, it'd create the PrintWriter on the spot, and sticks it in the map. You probably want to use a ConcurrentHashMap as the backing map type, so it's thread-safe.


You also need to provide a way to close a logging target (which will also clear the associated entry from the map).


Good luck!


You shouldn't be doing any work in your contructor.


Constructors are for object setup.


You should create a Log() method to do the actual logging.


Logger l = new Logger();

or you can setup the logger as a Singleton.


Logger.getInstance().Log(logline, logname);

Singleton Pattern in Java: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2003/jw-0425-designpatterns.html



There are several kinds of state that this object might want to hold onto, particularly the PrintWriter. If your Logger class were to store these as instance data, then the method for doing the logging needs to be an instance method, not a static method. Hence you need to separate out the logging from the construction:


// Pass only the PrintWriter into the constructor, not the line to be logged.
Logger myLogger = new Logger(filename);


// Log a message
myLogger.log("This is a message to be logged.");

// Log another message, just for kicks.
myLogger.log("this shows that myLogger can be used repeatedly.");

I haven't shown any of the implementation details, but I hope this is enough to get you going.
